Developer, leader when no other option presents itself, security dude, architect, biker, and foodie.
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I am really sure you elected him president. That means he represents you. That train has left the station, and you are on it.
If you don't like that you need to figure out how to get off, or how to stop the train.
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Vitamin A is not water soluble, so no. That is not what happens.
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Sounds like a fallen madonna with big boobies.
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Kind of. Glad to see there are still some US companies with a bit of backbone left.
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Noo, I can’t agree with that. Having the religious extremists move out of Europe was a spiffing idea, otherwise Europe might be the ones breeding the american style of facts-dont-matter my-side-is-always-right conservatives.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
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Glad to hear it.
The point is still valid, even if it doesn’t apply to you in particular. All to many it people don’t really enjoy talking to people. Talking to people is more efficient than introducing systems to enforce behavior every time. Intune and jamf, I am looking at you.
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You might enjoy cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/...
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Good author, but I think a lot of user issues are caused by a certain amount of arrogance. Instead of explaining the reasoning behind e.g. using a second factor we go “just do it, you peon” and laugh at the discomfort. Then passwords and 2Fs get stored together, causing complaints of stupidity.
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I am sorry. English is not my first language. When someone gains access to my credentials through whatever means that would be expressed as a loss of (control of) a password in my native language.
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You are aware that one of the major security incidents last year was a broken password vault service?
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That is true.
Enforced password changes does not stop abuse of a compromised password, though. If I mess up and lose my password today you really, really don’t want to wait months until I change my password to lob the bad people out of the system again.
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True, for the most part.
Luckily there are glimmers of hope, too, e.g. hawbucks.nl/en/ .
I was lucky enough to have the sports model of French bulldog. Absolutely rubbish in shows, but he spent 11 years running around having a good life. He coped better with heat than I do. Still miss him.
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That sounds like Argus when he took his back out, right before we had to let him go. Being able to walk without dragging paws was actually one of the first neurological tests he got.
Still miss the little tyke. He got to 11 years.
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No, it isn't.
More to the point, 40km/h is the design criteria for "bike highways" around here - roads meant for high-speed bike transport, where bikes are totally segregated from both pedestrians and cars for safety reasons.
I would like some more of those for chri... Oh, too late. :-(
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I agree. The needs are different.
Personally I would like the max design speed for my local bike throughfares to be 40 km/h instead of 26km/h. That would make for a safer commute because cars would not be allowed to cross the bike lane coming out of parking lots. Ymmv.
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I can. Hereabouts the people building cycle lanes explicitly say they are for transport below 30km/h. If you are exercising at higher speeds then you should be in the road, potentially switching to the cycle lane on uphill sections.
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When you say success - what does that mean to you?
I have been on two-pizza teams that could outperform about fifty developers on other efforts I have been in. The two pizza team was by far the best one to be on.
I think getting on that two pizza team requires a measure of bloodymindedness.
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I see your three seasons and raise you two feet of snow and -20C. Climate change sucks. You get more of the weather you don’t want.