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I believe Pluto is a planet!
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There is always someone who believes that a narcistic pr**k would be “different” with them.
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Oh no, Jesse, now they came for your friends? Who would have thought.
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He said this in 2022. He doesn’t even hide it. But many people in US have been in denial. Maybe it’s time to take him literally, not seriously.
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Zároveň je to mstivý sebestředný narcis, pokud jde o situace, kdy mu někdo (podle jeho názoru) dostatečně nepodkuřoval, pak má paměť jako slon.
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I love Marie Antoinette more and more with every viewing. It’s a very girlie movie so I’m glad men appreciate it too. This tune from Aphex Twin has been on my playlist for years and it’s matched to the scene so perfectly.
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That answers a lot of my questions. Thank you.
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He had the first time around that’s for sure. Let’s not for get KGB was piling up a dossier on him since he married Ivana. Kids of a NYC magnate visiting a little town in communist Czechoslovakia? Too good to be true.
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I said it when the war was looming, if Putin attacks Ukraine, he has another Afghanistan war at hand (meaning USSR in Afghanistan). The insurgents war went on for 10 years and contributed to the downfall of the empire. Bled themselves dry.
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We need to start pushing European countries to release frozen Russian assets to Ukraine.
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Taking notes from Turkmenistan I see.
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It will be another leash for Putin to lead them on. Trump is such an amazing negotiator.
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Most of those rare minerals are in the territories they want to hand to Putin on a silver plate, so good luck with that.
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Stop trying to put lipstick on this pig.
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Ty jo, tak to fakt úlet. Že bude Kimbra a Billy Idol zpívat Michala Davida, to jsem na své bingo kartě neměla.
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Připomenulo mi to Davida Camerona z roku 2015: s konzervativci volíte stabilitu, s Millibandem chaos.
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You are so funny
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Subscribed. Amazing work from all of you guys!
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Díky za tenhle text i za proklik na poslední text Jana Patočky, strašně silná věc.
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Cože? Vždyť je chce jak Stalin naložit na náklaďáky a deportovat jinam.
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Trump is a mere distraction for Musk. Waging of the dog. They let him blabber.
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Even broken clock is right twice a day.
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Both at once. They like to grab and they like distortion.
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“But we are against anyone, whether it's the United States or any country, using their economic and military power to try and bully a smaller country, we are against that...?” Ministr britské vlády Kyle: "Look..." "We are not?" Kyle: "Let's see where diplomacy takes us."
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Unfortunately, you do, girl. Trust me, you do.
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Další otřesný příběh, pokud jde o vyšetřování sexuálního násilí v téhle zemi.
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Invading before they have time to invade?
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Enough with the rhethorical questions.
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Tady jde přece hlavně o prachy, ne o ideologii.
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To je jasný. Ale pořád je dobrý si připomínat, že šéfem největšího obranného rozpočtu světa je odteď člověk, jehož kvalifikací je pohovka v Dobrém ránu. Hlavně tady v Evropě bychom na to měli myslet.
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Frank Zappa predicted this 40 years ago.
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Evidentně jo.
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Údajně nedostatečným manažerským schopnostem? Ten člověk byl moderátorem “Dobrého rána” na Fox TV, kam Trump tak rád volá.
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He them turns around to face people behind him and repeats it
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Gin for us ladies of certain age, trust me.
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To je krásný.
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First Christmas in ten years without our Serge. So missed.
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Somehow I’ve got a feeling that KGB (FSB) realized it a long time ago. At least when he was trying to get the Trump Tower in Moscow. But probably when his family used to stay with granny in the communist Czechoslovakia.
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On je po matce Skot, tak asi mu to imponuje.
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Amen to that.
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Já si původně myslela, že je s tím štábem domluvený. I chování reportérky mi přišlo divný.
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To video mi přišlo od začátku nevěrohodný. Chlápek v evidentně dobré kondici nalezený v zapomenuté části vězení … nebyl ani vyděšený, když viděl neznámé lidi s kamerou.