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Random thoughts, snark, geekery, word games, mind games and fuzzy logic.
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#include3words #IncludeSellCurbClumsy I wasn't really used to curb bits, I'm a tad clumsy trying to get bits connected to the rest of the headpiece at the best of times, but post-sale the online seller was helpful and it works much better than the stuffed-sock-and-ducttape method at bedtime.

#Include3Words #IncludeStealCrowdFluffy I have a recurring dream of being be chased from my home, in only a fluffy bathrobe and bunny slippers, pursued by a crowd of pitchfork-weilding locals howling for my blood, and having to steal myself away into the night. Still, beats having nightmares.

#Include3Words #IncludeYieldListSavvy Had to lay a bit low for a while as my Classified Ads listings were yielding the wrong type of attention. However, I'm a savvy and shrewd marketing type and technically any room is an ensuite wet room with tarp and a powerful enough hose.

#Include3Words #IncludeHealCenterSweet Sweet gig, I thought as I just happened to have a chainsaw and most of a horse laying around. Now they're screaming and that aint gonna help the healing. These zen types really need to enunciate words when they want help to 'center' their selves.

#Include3Words #IncludeTackleQueenJolly It's just not the same without Queen's Xmas speech on TV. I mean, we never tuned in, but a jolly fun idea that we might have. Instead, as was tradition, that timeslot was where we strip to waist, oil up and try to shoulder-tackle uncle Bertie for a fig.

They say you can never go home, namely because you’ve changed so much as a person that the dynamic between you and the physical space no longer exists as it once was…but for me, it’s due to one highly specific town ordinance.

#Include3Words #IncludeDragInsectSecure Nothing makes me more insecure than bin night. Having to go out at night, dragging the bag and dumping it down at the corner for pick-up. It's not like there's leakage or insects, but I do worry seagulls will open it and, y'know, things might spill out.

Public service reminder if you're watching The Muppet Christmas Carol on Disney+: Go to Extras and select the "Full Length Version" to include the cut song "When Love is Gone" back into the film.

Seeing some of the old US toy catalogues really hits home the delay in how long it took for some toys and cartoons to make it over from the US to the UK in the 70s through to 90s, sometimes 2-3 years for certain ranges. Probably didn't help rebranding everything!

KITCHENWARE COMPANY BOSS: So, did you come up with a name for that revolving food tray, Susan? SUSAN: No, couldn't be arsed.

#Include3Words #IncludeFlipVoiceOrdinary It's a marvel how many mundane and ordinary tasks are improved by automating with voice-activated commands, especially if you think intuitively. Like being able to double-bolt doors and flip on sprinklers just by screaming "Alexa, it's happening again!"

How to turn off MS Word scraping your writing to train its AI

Lol, IG giving me the option to use AI to reply to messages. One, no, and two, unless that AI is going to reply to people eight months later with some BS about how my car was on fire, everyone would see through it.

Skeets is gross can we call them "sharts"? Like "sharing art"?

Elon: We cut so much government waste. There was one ridiculous $300 billion program called “Mole People Annual Tribute” (the ground beneath Washington DC starts rumbling)

It's started! Everywhere has the annual abundance of brie and homemade chutneys! Toasties time! If you don't have a panini maker, just nab a trouser press from a nearby hotel and start experimenting!

The trick to garlic bread is to make at least 5 times too much of it then eat it all hunched over in the corner of the basement like a rat

#DumpsterFireTags #TrumpAppointmentSuggestions Members of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology - 20 'people who have done their own research', 6 meth cooks and that guy from PC store who was totally non-judgy about the whole virus thing (who'll also be doing all the work).

I'm not much for the homely, rustic vibe at home, I prefer more contemporary materials that wipe clean and handle strong chemicals well, but every so often I'll leaf through a furniture catalogue and ponder resting in a pine rocker by a fireplace or window. #IncludeRestLeafRustic #Include3Words

As a kid, I had to spend a summer with relatives due to parents health, ended up scrapbooking every Turtles product ad I could find (papers, catalogues, etc) & newspaper comic strips. It was a hefty tome, and a summer of work, that quickly ended up lining a budgie cage after I was returned home.

My MP has written her monthly column in the about how looking forward she is to working with Donald Trump. You can subscribe at