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"Washington has become the court of Nero, an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers, and a jester high on ketamine in charge of purging the civil service. This is a tragedy for the free world, but it is first and foremost a tragedy for the United States."

So much winning

❗️When America has your back: The Economist on the background of recent events

This was the plan all along

De tog dit honom för att förnedra honom offentligt. För att han inte kysste maffiabossens ring på det påbjudna MAGA-sättet.

Det är inte lite genant, och tondövt, att Ulf Kristersson och Magdalena Andersson fortfarande kommunicerar till omvärlden via Elon Musks propagandamaskin X. De begriper tydligen inte bättre.

I will never forget the photo of Zelenskyy’s face after he saw Russia’s war crimes in Bucha in 2022. He seemed to age years in an afternoon. Watching him constantly cross the world asking for aid that should have been thrown at him is one of the deepest shames of our age.

Jävla galenskap i USA.

"We’re witnessing the self-sabotage of the United States" from

three years of bipartisan us and coordinated nato support for ukraine decisively rejected by the us president today. best day for putin since the war started. and worst for the nato alliance.

What's that? Yet another robber barron with yet another appearance on Rogan's show to spread yet another series of insane, unchecked lies? It is unbelievable to me the podcast whose brand identity is subversion of the mainstream is the de facto official mouthpiece of oligarchs vandalizing democracy

This is a bigger scandal than people realize. It really makes it look as though this entire meeting was a setup by Trump that was planned in advance. If you watch the video it is clear that they are deliberately and almost derangedly blindsiding Zelenskyy. Now we know who the audience was. Putin.

I despise this orange scumbag with the intensity of a thousand suns.

Complete batshit lunacy on the president's Truth Social account. Yes, he really posted this.

Extortion, pure and simple.

This is an excellent and timely factsheet on Ukraine, U.S. v. European security assistance, and other misunderstood or lied about aspects of the war, by our friends at I'll summarize a few main points below, with additional sources of my own:

russia is a kleptocratic dictatorship, an economy and political system in decline under a government that stopped investing in human capital decades ago. the united states alliance with europe is far more valuable and should be treated as such by american leaders.

Where did Trump get the 4% number from? That’s what Putin told him in their recent phone call. The American president takes lies about our allies directly from Putin and asserts they are true to the American people without telling them he got those lies from Putin.

This is a new level of madness. I don't know how it can be stopped

Ännu en påminnelse om vad Ryssland håller på med.

french prime minister françois bayrou today: "never since 1945 has the risk of war in europe been so high.”

this week’s economist, on point

Mitt i desinformationens klimax kan det vara värt att minnas att Sveriges näst största parti har trollfabriker. Och att deras samarbetspartier låter det fortgå.

whether or not you’re a fan of zelensky, the usa trying to force an election in a foreign democracy during wartime–when it can’t be held safely and securely–against most ukrainians’ wishes (including much of zelensky’s opposition) and in violation of the ukrainian constitution is unacceptable.

Igår berättade vår ukrainska kompis Yulia att hennes gamla lågstadieskola just bombats till grus, ihop med det lilla bageriet intill, där hon och andra barn ibland fick bullar efter skolan. Om nån undrar vad Ryssland håller på med.

Den utlandsägda skolkoncernen Academedia är väldigt snabb på att kräva extra skolpeng när kommunens skolor går över budget så jag förutsätter att de kommer betala tillbaks skolpeng till Örnsköldsviks kommun när de nu fuskat med sina utbildningar.

the russians started the war in ukraine. in 2014. the americans and europeans are complicit in not taking that seriously. for nearly a decade they continued business with russia as usual, acting as if the territorial integrity of a european nation didn’t need to be defended.

Trump openly lies and claims that Ukraine is responsible for Russia's invasion. Is there no line Trump could cross that would finally make those on Europe's political right who support him withdraw their support? Or, is this just blind devotion?

Skolpersonal och mobbare överens om att utse team för att avsluta mobbning


The Department of Government Efficiency isn't interested in efficiency. Or transparency, or cutting costs. It's real goal is to destroy the federal civil service. In other words, regime change.

JD Vance complains about state of Sweden's freedom/democracy. * Sweden 3rd in Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom ranking. US 55th. * Sweden tied 2nd in Freedom House ranking on political rights and civil liberties. US tied 17th. * Sweden 4th in The Economist Democracy Index. US 29th.

Jag antar att man får välja mellan att lyssna på Anne Applebaum och, tja, Göteborgspostens ledarsida

”Vi kräver att de ansvariga politikerna slutar gömma sig bakom ord som ”effektivisering” och erkänner vad det egentligen handlar om: besparingar på barnens bekostnad.”

There is nothing "conservative" or "right-wing" about Patel, Gabbard or RFK Jr. They rather represent a new form of obscurantist radicalism: anti-evidence, anti-science, and opposed to the rule of law

BREAKING: In a new executive order sent out by the White House, Donald Trump has revoked the federal contractor nondiscrimination executive order, EO 11246, that was signed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965 and has protected employees of businesses seeking federal contracts from discrimination ever since.

Legacy media outlets ignoring the Trump and Melania crypto scams, which at any other time with any other incoming Admin would be one of the biggest scandals in political history, shows how lost and unprepared they are for what is about to happen. They’re covering this like a reality show.

K-box squats med tre svänghjul och 3s isometrisk stopp i botten x 3. 🥵

This Haaretz piece of IDF soldiers’ confessions of human rights violations absolutely wrecked me

Vem ska vi lita på, Ebba Busch eller Björn Kjellström, professor emeritus i energivetenskap vid Institutionen för teknikvetenskap och matematik, Luleå tekniska universitet? Jag vet vem jag väljer.

Det finns ingen korruption i Sverige men lärarfackets fd kanslichef satt i utbildningsutskottets sammanträdesrum och föreslog avskaffad offentlighetsprincip i kommunala skolor, i sin nya roll som chef för Almega. Hans styrelseordförande är SKR:s förra utbildningsansvarige.

Academedia kräver ökad skolpeng

Bland det otäckaste i Rysslands invasionskrig är alla tusentals barn som förts till 🇷🇺 och getts en rysk identitet. Läs om Yaleforskarna som hittat hundratals ukrainska barn i ryska adoptionsregister, och militärflygen de rövades bort i. Putin personligen hålls ansvarig.

Vet ni vad mer som "inte består av folkvalda representanter"? Varenda jävla myndighet. Jävla clownförening.