Moderate heavily involved in the whitest, most conservative sport there is: baseball. Politics is my hobby
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Yeah I definitely haven’t met 2 former Ukrainian ambassadors, the NSC’s Russia expert, the State Department’s North Korea expert and the South Korean economic mission in the last year…oh and a 4-star General/former head of the CIA. Didnt learn me anything. But you keep on keyboard warrioring!
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You are delightful. Can’t believe we lost in November with people chiming in. I bet you’re a 1 issue voter…
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Have you noticed that a large percentage of Americans — larger than any of us would like — follow and believe what these MAGA guys say? At some point, in order for this country to move forward, MAGA has to be proven to be decisively wrong. And that’s not gonna happen when you make them right!
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But now they have it. Makes them ultimately right. They THINK they’re right about all these conspiracies but this jumps it even further to KNOWING
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Just confirms for MAGA that they had done something dastardly that needed pardoning.
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Mr. President, I can only hope to leave a rounding error of as much impact as you writing about Uecker. Simply beautiful.
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Habitat for Jimmy or Rosalynn
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MLB should shorten its season to play games on regularly scheduled days/times like the NFL. 7-inning Doubleheaders on one weekend day
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I freaking hate agreeing with that walking skin tag.
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But are you an OG and take that Double Stacker or whatever they call it and ditch the nacho cheese for refried beans so you have the original Double Decker taco?
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Hey Siri what do coked out douchebags look like?
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Careful there as there’s some overlap. Gary Richrath is ours! 😂😂😂
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Yeah but you guys got better musicians like Allison Krauss and Ludacris!
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Yessir, along with another comedy great taken too soon, Sam Kinison!
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Right here in the cradle of the crossover, Peoria, IL! Love it when visiting comedians make the pilgrimage to the statue, which is, sadly,not terribly near either venue that hosts comedy! Especially the club that Richard would have loved, The Jukebox!
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After work outs, usually salt. Or after a meal. But any other time is love!
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I go out to LF and there Cal sits. He’s autographing memorabilia for the sponsors…I think. I sit down across from him and he pushes a dozen balls and programs and an autographed bat across the table to me and says “That make up for Comiskey?” We had a good laugh and I am forever a fan!
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I met Billy and Call back in the early 2000s. Told Billy a story about when I was a kid, Cal big leagued me outside Comiskey, Billy got excited and said “Oh my god, I can’t wait to tell him this.”
Next morning, Billy tells me Cal wants to see me in the tent in left field. Yikes.
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He’s a handsome man! More importantly, “IF” was thoroughly enjoyable. I defy anyone to watch that big dance number and not have a smile on your face!