7 posts
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New therapist: So, what are your hobbies, things you like to do?
Me: Depends. Are we talking about in the last hour? Last week? Last month? Cause if you're looking for long term stuff, I ain't got none of that.
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Me: As hard as I try, I just can't get started on (whatever task is causing me to freeze at any given moment). It's like my brain refuses to engage.
Well-meaning but clueless relative: Why don't you just do it? Just start it and do it.
Me: ...
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Oh. Wow. 🤣
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Sometimes I'll read a post in an autistic support group where the OP describes some truly mean or wilfully antisocial behaviour and ends with "Is this autistic?" And I have to refrain from answering No, that is you being an asshole.
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Mais tsé, la crise du logement c'est la faute des immigrants 😒 /s