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Lorena feels entirely too much pressure to craft a good bio on the spot. Ceramics, Yarn, Cats, Dogs, Knitting, Tattoos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mysteries, Horror, Tortoises, Staunch Ally, Trying to Do Better, Grief and Widowhood, Wood Witch. She/her
105 posts 83 followers 43 following
Prolific Poster

Going into my (very rural) hardware store just never gets old. In addition to the welcome crew here in back of me, it used to be THE place to get Yankee Candles... But don't worry, you can still rent your prom tux here.

"Lately I feel that I'm living in a badly written, badly directed foreign movie that's running on late-night TV in black-and-white with lots of static and inadequate subtitles." - Sheri S. Tepper

Not gonna lie… this week was high on the frustrating scale and low on the getting things done scale. But! My blackberries have new growth, and I haven't even planted them in the ground yet - they're still in the planters until mid-March when I'll plant them and all the seedlings.

Funny story… it took me so long to get everything cut out, everything beveled, everything cleaned up… that even with covering everything, even with spritzing it with water… it was all drying way too fast and wound up cracking as I was trying to fold up the bottoms. So I scrapped all of these. Sigh.

I was going through some photos the other day, looking for something, and I came across this gorgeous picture of my cat, Brindle. She passed away about six years ago now, after a good 16 year long life.

"History will remember this day— when an American President and Vice President abandoned all we stand for."


Seedlings in progress, in my new greenhouse. Tomatoes! Corn! Cucumbers! More tomatoes! Cantaloupe! Watermelon! Even more corn! Even more tomatoes! And also lots of flowers - some for pest deterrent, some for deer deterrent, and a whole lot for bees and butterflies.

Scene: [conversation that has turned to spam phone calls] Friend: I got four of them, just today! I told them to stop calling me. Other friend: Only four? I got six! I can always tell because there's silence for a moment, before the bot starts talking. Me: You people answer your phone????

Peppa Potato photobombing my lunch the other day. She thinks it's a federal crime that I won't share my cheese!

And now… my low-rent greenhouse shelving. Wire closet racks on top of sawhorses. Sturdy enough for my seedling trays but also easy to move for when Jeff has time to cover the dirt floor with gravel. Also much cheaper — uh, I mean, more inexpensive than traditional wooden shelving.

Peppa Potato and Honey Butter, two Very Good Doggos waiting for two Very Delicious Pup Cups.

My blackberries are still looking good; they've even got new growth! I've had them on the front stoop since I got them, but I'm going to move them into the greenhouse until I'm ready to plant them. Have I mentioned how much I love blackberries?

Breaking news! Stop everything! Doop-de-doop-dooo-doop! This just in: My shop cat Goblin is snuggling with my three-legged dog, Peppa Potato. They are heckin cute. That is all. Thank you for your attention. You may now go back to doomscrolling.


Inequality has been slowly creeping into America for 45 years, but 2025 will show an explosion of intentional and wide-out-in-the-open greed. Unless enough Americans wake up and band together to stop it.

One of the reasons I wanted this greenhouse is because it has a gutter system. Every corner has one of these nozzles, with the gutter between them. I need to get four hoses that will fit the nozzles, and then I'll get two rain barrels, one for each side of the greenhouse, to run the hoses into.

Scenes from a work day; cutting out future five-ounce cups in a pinecone texture.

Listen. I like a good food bargain just as much as the next poor starving artist... but absolutely no way am I buying steaks and seafood out of the back of your truck, Mr. I'm So Close To Winning My Sales Competition.

Faith and Justice, my two little blind red-footed tortoises, having a good soak together.

A friend came over and helped me put my raised beds together. Like the greenhouse, I was worried when we were done that they're too small. Because I need more growing space and I have a lot of space in my fenced-in area, I went ahead and bought four more. I am ridiculously excited about my garden!

"I care more about the people in books than the people I see every day." - Jo Walton

An older photo of Tulip for Caturday… this was the day she walked up to me and told me she lives here now. When I first saw her, I thought she was a raccoon! Then she got closer and I thought she was pregnant. Nope, just fat-shaming my new cat. She's sweetheart, but she's not fond of the dogs.

I might have overdone it on the seeds. OK, not really - I wanted to account for germination issues. This is a taste (ha!) of what I'll have. I've got others on order; I ordered them three weeks ago and just now got shipping info. I hope that's going to give me enough time to get them started!

Breakfast. I don't know about you, but my body is so upset about having to get out of bed, it's like… don't make me eat, too! Some days my breakfast is more of a brunch, and it's more whatever I can throw together. What about you? Are you a hardcore breakfast person? Or just whatever, whenever?

Two weeks ago I went to a local garden supply store. I was on the hunt for blackberry bushes, even though I knew it was early in the season. WELL. They didn't have any for this season yet, but they had a lot left over from LAST year. Heck yeah! They're established! So I bought five of them!

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - John F. Kennedy

Ah, yes; the morning clean-up crew for the ground around one of the birdfeeders. Hard worker, pretty, occasionally leaves me feathers. There are two different flocks of turkeys that live on my property; she's part of the larger group of about twenty. The other group only has about ten, max.

If you stand for nothing, Burr, what will you fall for? ... An open letter to my Representatives.

Oh, come ON, dogs. I've seen you eat out of the cat box so you can NOT tell me that you are too delicate a flower to go outside in the rain!

Today was only partially the day. The day I hoped to become a functional adult and get to everything on my list. Went from 1507 unread emails to 1355. Two loads of laundry got done. We shall not talk about the cat boxes. But! I did get the dishes put away! And made a birthday cake for a friend! So..

Is today the day? Is today the day I will become a functional adult and get to everything on my to-do list? Will I go from 1507 unread emails to Inbox Zero? Will I get all three loads of laundry done? Will I get the cat boxes cleaned out? Will I put the clean dishes away? WHO KNOWS! STAY TUNED!

Now that's what I call a sunset! Good job, Mother Nature. Beautiful work.

Mike Pence just reposted an old article he wrote about the limitations on the powers of a president. For some reason. Here is a part of it.

We are on a limited timeline to turn this around. Get out in the streets!

The books I ordered from the National Archives came in. Should I just go ahead and toss them in the fiction section? 💔

Just a quick check-in and a list of things I'd talk about if I had time.

"Some people are going to leave a mark on this world, while others will leave a stain." - Eleanor Roosevelt

The thing I can't understand is how DJT learned that in April 1945 Hitler shot himself in the head to evade execution while Mussolini's dead body was hung upside down in a town square & mutilated by his own people ... & then said to himself: you know, I think fascism has a happy ending for me.

As my dad would have said, "she's sweet but there's not a lot cooking in her brain pan."

Good morning, Sunshine. The birds are loud, the greenhouse is half together, the veggie seeds I ordered are here, the blackberry bushes are waiting to be planted in the garden. The rest of the US might be on fire, but for me, right now, this moment, there is peace. So I wanted to share it with you.

Just accidentally typed "Faebook Friend Request" and honestly.... ? I'd probably sign up for that. Wouldn't use my real name, tho.

There is still beauty in this world