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I think Times of India "freely translated" the Chief Ministers speech from Tamil to English.. The Hindu did a better job of the translation.. www.thehindu.com/news/nationa...
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Welcome to India, Christian... I trust you have a good trip and happy memories....
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* reconvert
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to air at a rapid rate, and also recovert air to water in terms of drought or water scarcity- Water is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen and the conversion both ways is possible. Question is HOW to convert it cheaply and on a large scale and also very quickly??? Requires research...
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One way in which can develop a really great company that would be beneficial not only to her but the whole world, is to invent some sort of device or machinery that can be used to store water- For example if there is excess rain causing floods, the device or machinery can convert that water -1/2
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Extremely sorry to hear about this, Christian.. My sincere condolences... We really don't know what will happen next... I suppose that is one of the reasons why many of us in India are fatalists- and believe all events in our life are preordained..
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True.. Another way of avoiding Alzheimer's is doing maths every day.. Even simple arithmetic done with paper and pen or calculating it mentally helps keeping our brains alert..
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I hope we can meet, Christian, when you are in India..I recall you saying that you will be taking the Darjeeling train - the toy train. I read an interesting aspect about the Darjeeling railways- on how the engineers wife gave him the idea to navigate the hills by reversing the train...
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Have a good trip, Christian ( This is Hariharan from Madras, India- we met at Fishermans Cove) .. They are planning for a bullet train in India but frankly, for India, we need more regular trains than bullet trains- both from cost as well as utility perspective. Only the rich can use BTs here