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PostDoc in AI ethics at @RWTH Aachen, writes on human-machine relationships, AI safety, and chatbots - my latest book is on „(Un)Explainable Technology” (@palgrave). queer, he/him politically active at @SPD.
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Forderungen von #IchBinHanna an neue Bundesregierung: 1️⃣ Postdocs raus aus #WissZeitVG 2️⃣ #Befristungshöchstquote 3️⃣ Flexible Personalkategorien neben Profs 4️⃣ Departmentstrukturen 5️⃣ mind. 4 J. Vertragslaufzeit für Promotion 6️⃣ Exzellenz- & Großteil d. DFG-Mittel in Grundfinanzierung #HannaWählt2025

Why do video games cost so much to make these days? A recent NYT article pinned bloated budgets on the graphical arms race, but that's only a small part of the equation. The real problem? Rampant mismanagement. This week's column is a spicy one:

The first omen of the singularity.

"Be a better woman through the power of AI" ... pls let that be satire ... or how said: "Technological progress =\= moral progress" :)

OpenAI‘s o3 preview going well I see. Certainly worth the environmental and economic cost per prompt. „It can reason now“ Embarrasing. #openai #chatgpt #philsky credit to

"In Deutschland gibt es gar keine Leistungsbereitschaft mehr." Was für eine Oberschichtsarroganz aus Herrn Linnemann spricht, wenn er auf die arbeitende Bevölkerung eindrischt, auf Menschen, die für kleines Geld und bei miesen Bedingungen Alte und Kranke pflegen, Pakete ausfahren, Kinder erziehen.

Now out: "Levels of Description and Levels of Reality", as a chapter of this new open-access book (edited by Katie Robertson and Alastair Wilson) on Levels of Explanation, Oxford University Press. The book itself is here:

you are not a serious person if your fear of A.I. is “what if scary computer decide 2 extinct humans” and not the health insurance companies using it to sentence people to death

My paper, with J-C Heilinger, on “Loss and Damage, and addressing structural injustice in the climate crisis” is now available open access (!) in “Ethics, Policy, & Environment” #philsky #climate

I'm excited to announce this vacancy for a policy analyst at the AI Policy Lab @Umeå University !! Come drive analysis and thought leadership in #AI policy Please share and/or consider applying! #AIpolicy #AIgovernance #ResponsibleAI #AI #academicjobs #research

Beyoncé saving my gay card in my #wrapped top-artists (with over 60000 minutes that’s a whole lot of Andrew Bird and John Powell)

Übrigens: Der finanzielle Kahlschlag durch den Berliner Senat erstreckt sich nicht nur auf die Kultur, sondern auch die Wissenschaft. Gastbeitrag des Professors für Philosophie an der TU Berlin,Axel Gelfert hierzu in der FAZ - leider bislang nur im e-paper:

We totally did not see this coming 🙄

A dangerous, stupid man and a pathological liar. I'm hearing some nihilistic "So what if we prevent this? The next nominee will be just as bad" talk. No. You fight the fight that's right in front of you.

Still finding it hard to comprehend the awfulness of what it going on in Israel right now. Cannot see any route from here with mutually acceptable outcomes. Heightened my sense that humans are capable of making problems that they can’t solve.