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Renewable energy consultant, Nürnberg. #Wärmewende Archived tweets (excl retweets and replies) since 2017 archived at dormant handle
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Impressive! 1200W is 50% more powerful than the max feed-in allowed in Germany, 800W. And with 110V in US, feed-in current would be 2x the current in Europe (220V) for same output. Is the 1200W limit for inverter output or PV array capacity? In Germany 2000W of panels are allowed. #Balkonsolar
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Seattle should adopt SF's demand-responsive parking pricing!
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Who do you plan to interview?
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Getting the plant built is probably not even the point. Most of the governments claiming a nuclear renaissance do not even seem to care about the climate
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It's also an effective policy to slow down renewables. No coincedence the far-right AfD party in Germany also supports new nuclear.
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"Ei ole mitään viitteitä" #ComicalAli
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Voisitko ehdottaa energiavirastolle siirtymistä twitteristä blueskyyn?
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80 years ago SCOTUS and POTUS stood for justice. Roosevelt required due process instead of blanket exections of captured nazi leaders. US Military collected wood boxes full of evidence of war crimes. SC judge R.H. Jackson organised the military tribunal.
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Samassa lehdessä: 17-vuotias yksityisautoili yksityisautoilua harjoittelevan pikkuveljensä kuoliaaksi kotipihallaan.
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One fictional scene was apparently inspired by true events.
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Saksan #verfassungsschutz määrittelee kolme #äärioikeisto tasoa: tutkittava, epäily ja vahvistettu. 'Vahvistettu' on kolme AfD aluejärjestöä (Thüringen, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt), ei koko puolue. Taustaa esim:
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Welcome development but this article seems to confuse direct-use geothermal heating with power production.
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In addition to producing electricity, the panels also reduce surface wind speeds and protect plants from excess sunshine and #Desertification. Sand storms are mitigated.
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Repost: The #SolarPower installations in Kubuqi desert in Inner Mongolia span a total area 400 km by 5 km and unlike the Great Wall, can be seen from space. 100GW of solar power capacity are planned by 2030. Satellite images show impressive progress.
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Here a link on her hatred for wind power, currently the cheapest form of power production in Germany. And one thing they have in common with trump
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It's important that not only politics but also electric codes are updated. If an AC disconnect switch is required for utility access, or it's not allowed to grid-feed behind a household distribution circuit breaker, then balcony solar can't be used. At least that's the problem in Finland.
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During the cold war much of the diplomacy between 🇫🇮 and 🇷🇺 took place in the sauna More recently some foreign politics took place on ice. #iceHockey Now mostly on social media and, unfortunately, the battlefield.
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Finland could have beaten USA on Thursday but realised that a humiliated Trump might invade Montreal in response. #IceHockey In 2014 Finland beat Russia in Sochi so Putin annexed Crimea. In 2022 Finland beat Russia in Beijing so Putin attacked Ukraine. You're welcome 🇨🇦.
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Vihreä puolue on Saksassa jotakuinkin ainoa joka konkreettisesti edistää irtautumista maakaasusta. Muiden puolueiden vaaliteemat painottuvat jatkamaan kaasun käyttöä varsinkin lämmityksessä
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I guess many of the statements made by the #theJuiceMedia on Australian nuclear ambitions are quite accurate for the Dutch case, too.
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Rep. Ray Ward is building a runway for balcony solar in the US. May interest and I would love to talk to anyone about the effort and how to help set up the rules for success in Utah and the country!
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Mika itse heittäytyy uhriksi. Väärin ymmärretty. Itse asiassa jopa vähän hassu ajatus. Suosittu puolustustaktiikka Nürnbergin prosesseissa. #Mitläufer
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Jospa käykin 'härmälät' ja Mykkänen päätyy virkauransa jälkeen puheenjohtamaan ydinvoimayhtiön hallitusta. Ei ydinvoimatuki siinä ainakaan haitaksi olisi. Ja palkkakin komeampi kuin ministerinä.
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Joskus vuosia sitten hän toisinaan kevensi ilmastoryhmässä tunnelmaa kommentoimalla kalleimpiakin ilmastotoimia että tuohan on suorastaan halpaa verrattuna ydinvoimaan. Olisikohan myös Fennovoiman kustannustaso aiheuttanut harmaita hiuksia.