♪.♫.ılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılı.♫.♪ . Music ✨history✨Mufc✨fitness✨. brunsviger er uden flødeskum !
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Look at this and hear some of the things that happened, doesn't seem random www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3PM...
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After Fort Knox , then to Russia
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Strange ! Did people only see some highlights
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Meanwhile you are losing control over every branch , military switching to yes men , we have seen that several places in the world before , wake up
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Same as ten hag , changed system and ended up in same shit after a while anyway
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They have done that every manager
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Du kan sætter alle de 19 andre manager på united hold samtidig , de fleste på det hold er helt væk så snart de går på banen
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Just seems like the players leave the brain, before they enter the pitch
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It is crazy Amorim can train and train , but they also need one to think for them as well 🤯
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Im sorry for Amorim , he wanted to start in summer , instead of better players , he got a squad of Sunday league players , that leaves brain at home
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Those players! It is not forbidden to think just a bit , but not helping if you are unsure about what onana is doing
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Amorim must be a little tired , since he can train and train , but cant think for them also
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Ville gerne vide noget mere om synes på hvor indkøb skal gøres . Når vi læser USA bruger starlink som pression på Ukraine , og vi f-35 der kræver USA fordi vi ikke har F.eks det Britiske software . Polen nævner også nogle våben kræver USA at bruge .
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Altså bruger da x til at få luft overfor alle de der maga tosser 😂 Indtil jeg kom i x-fængsel en uge
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Nå ja så ved vi jo nok hvor vi sender penge hen til våben , som igen ikke kan bruges uden USA giver lov
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Merkel sagde det også , at han var draget af autoritærer ledere især Putin .
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Unless you are so rich you can benefit from crashed economy, so you can buy up a lot of other companies cheap
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Blackmailed into it if it is true
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They would let millions die to get their materials , this is insane , blackmailed by US who promised to defend Ukraine
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Men ja ikke rigtig nogle billeder af han selv flere steder står han nævnt som deltager
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Okay spændende så er der da ihvertfald en mindre ting 😁
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Det vi i retro version kalder republikaneren, det havde jeg ikke forventet 😂😂
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Samtidig med de unge presses mere så er de rædere der vil falde fra og der fjerner man så nogle af ring som har været godt for dem , og mange der i dag søger lærepladser har også svært ved at få dem
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Se til USA , det bare landbrug fødevarer der tager helt over her 😂
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Kash probably already send a guy to talk with Murdoch
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Think you need to do something drastic soon , they don’t care about constitution
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Kate the Orange genius said you can’t just stay home in your own Ukraine city , thats an attack on Russians .. take care 🫂
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Hvis det ikke skal være sports cola , så jolly , og af de billige Lidls freeway
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I was almost writing most of them , since I did see the letter one got , so what’s left then when constitution is broken all the time
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US government long gone , seems like no republicans dare to question anything
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Så det der project rigmands styre og fuck alle andre de har gang i USA får forhåbentlig helt skævt
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It sure seems like a playbook from the 1930’s . But what about Peter Theil and his ideas they sure seem dangerous
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De får blandt andet sådan nogle beskeder hvis de prøver på noget , samt bliver truet med at miste opbakning til næste valg
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I think you need to do some more drastic things if you still want a democracy in US
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Svaret er nej
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I wonder why 😂😂
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Det er nogen politikere der må spørges om de har tænkt sig at bruge penge i usa til forsvaret , virker uholdbart
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Der var sjovt nok en nedgang af bots efter computer science ting brændte i Moskva 😂
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So 51 enemies of the state
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Mener ikke det er voksen skældud, mere teenager der er sur over han ikke får sin vilje og skælder ud på den fornuftige
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Nej man mangler lidt politikere der forholder sig fakta og ikke bare mavefornemmelse
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Yeah dont seem like Putin puppets have that many follower in Eu atm . Except Orban and Fico
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Okay thx, i noticed she was at the first meeting with Macron as well, think that would be a sign of Eu taking her more serious also. Which is good for both Eu and Italy