A long-time left-wing business ethicist and former Unitarian pastor & philosophy instructor, I'm currently politically homeless. The present-day American left has abandoned the moral high ground in favor of post-modern identitarian relativism.
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Unless you have inherited wealth, you are a prostitute. That's not a knock on prostitutes; it's an indictment of capitalism. Anyone who thinks that capitalism consuming their bodies through labor is different because sex is different is only manifesting prudishness, not a concern for honest whores.
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Fascism is here.
We face a demented dictator emboldened by the American oligarchy.
We are the Spartans. The first wave on the beaches of Normandy.
Our job is to slow them down. To resist at every turn. To fight for every inch, while our reinforcements gather
In strength.
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Operation Overlord (1944) was the largest allied operation of WW2 to liberate German-occupied Western Europe.
The first waves advancing across the Normandy coast expected heavy losses, and they did, but they secured enough of a foothold for subsequent waves to drive the Nazis back.
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While the mass of right-wingers who oppose "wokeness" are doing so in bad faith, there are those of us who oppose some of "woke ideology" on good faith grounds. Specifically, assuming anyone who disagrees with you must be evil. I disagree with pomo epistemology but am in favor of human rights.
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Coming from a committed leftist: it could be both.