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I feel your fear, I'm an old lady too. However, we are all going to die - even if rich. Isn't this what we live for? A chance to make a stand and work towards something bigger than us? Pull up your depends and take courage! We can stand against what we know is wrong - together. In it with you.
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I'm sure it was Biden's fault
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Oh my gawd! Terrifying
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Didn't Anonymous say, on this site, that they were going to go after the Trump regime? This seems the perfect target ... see how many other places and people are discussing secret gov't info. If you're listening Anonymous .....
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Who believes this guy? Talking about a 'discredited journalist' he allowed into top secret stuff.
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The cream of the crop ... geeze. Mumble mouth, crap brain.
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I think Election Truth Alliance is proving that very fact.
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Stop the in-fighting! For Pete's sake, if we don't stand together, even if Schumer didn't vote your way, we'll never get our Democracy back. It was a Sophie's choice. If the gov't closed we'd never get it back from the orange would be dictator. This is on Republicans not on Dems.
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He didn't have a real choice ... either way Trump wins.
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You forgot misogynist ... just sayin
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Sriracha (Sryri) 9 weeks Rhodesian Ridgeback.
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I think you're right. We think he has a plan but probably the Project 2025 people have a plan. Trump has only a dim mind and routine acts that make him feel powerful, for a moment, and then he must act out again for that feeling. Bull in china shop.
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Looks like Trump's signature.
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Don't tease and torture animals. You're having fun but the turtle is fighting for it's live.
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Wouldn't that work both ways?