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Putin’s useful idiot, Steve Witkoff, parrots Kremlin propaganda that regions of Ukraine voted to be part of Russia in referenda. Well, here is the official US State Department video which described them as a sham and evidenced the use of armed guards to intimidate voters.

Mun two cents tästä vanhojen metsien keissistä: 1) Riippumatta siitä miten hyvä tai huono toteutunut päätös on luonnolle, prosessi kokonaisuudessaan on mun 20-vuotisen tutkijauran mittakaavassa poikkeuksellisen likainen tieteellisen tiedon vääristelykeissi. 1/4

You can’t sue a rainbow 🌈 No matter what happens in any courtroom – our global intersectional climate movement will only keep growing stronger and louder 💚🌎 #WeWillNotBeSilenced

Helsingin poliisin tila huolestuttaa. Toisaalta viime vuosien aikana tapahtuneet ylilyönnit mielenosoitusen yhteydessä. Toisaalta sisäpuolelta tullut kritiikki johdon toimintaa kohtaan ja kertomukset rasistisesta ilmapiiristä.

Israeli airstrike on UN headquarters in Gaza kills staffer, wounds five others. Imagine if that headline involved any country other than Israel? It would rightly be internationally ostracised as the rogue state it is. Instead, the West supports it in every way possible.

"Kun laivaliikenne tulee sähköistymään, menevät myös laivat uusiksi. Olisi tyhmää tehdä sadoiksi vuosiksi kaupungin kehitystä sementoivaa kaupunkisuunnittelua tämän hetken laivojen ja laivayhtiöiden tarpeiden mukaan"

"Bionedbrytbara plastpåsar är en utmaning, men processen klarar av dem. Papperspåsar är mycket bättre. Allra bäst är ingen påse alls, om man kan tömma sitt bioavfall direkt i avfallskärlet"

Pre-emotive concession after concession after concession. Inept, malevolent or compromised negotiators. An administration that shouldn’t be trusted with a potato, let alone European security.

"71 procent av finländarna bedömer att restaurering av naturen är ett viktigt sätt att anpassa sig till klimatförändringar. 68 procent anser att degraderade naturmiljöer måste återställas även om det kostar staten pengar."

Billionaires were never going to save us from the climate crisis. Real change comes from collective action, not the whims of the ultra-rich.

Russia has kidnapped tens of thousands of Ukrainian children. Putin was indicted for this crime. Yale has a unit searching for them. Musk eliminated the funding.

"De djur som man enligt Edward Holmes bör hålla koll på är vilda djurarter som föds upp för sitt kött eller päls, till exempel mink och mårdhundar. – Viltmarknader och pälsfarmer bör förbjudas helt, säger han."

I really don't think this news has made sufficient shock waves. Dr Katherine Calvin, NASA Chief Scientist Trump-Musk just fired, is the highest ranking American on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC. She is co-chair of Working Group 3 on mitigation. This is a climate attack.

Oh neat, March 28 is national "Smash Your Amazon Echo Devices With A Hammer" day.

Helpful focus on sovereignty here. It is the key issue.

The single most important laboratory in climate science, the tool that is telling us the story of our time, is now in the MAGA crosshairs. Not surprising. But sad, stupid, and tragic in the saddest and stupidest and most tragic way.

🔴 Exclusive: Elon Musk’s slashing of US government spending has hit the unit helping rescue Ukrainian children taken by Russia The programme, responsible for locating hundreds of children and reuniting some families, has been axed as part of DOGE's federal cost-cutting 🔗

Turkistarhauksen kannattavuus erittäin heikko. Mitään taloudellista järkeä pitää yllä tarhoja ei ole. Sen pitäisi viimeistään olla voittava moraalinen argumentti tarhauksen lopettamiselle. Kun mikään muu ei kelpaa. #talous #yhteiskunta

Our poll of Ukraine is now in (N=1000). Mr Zelensky approval at >70%, very few want elections before peace. But also suggests 58% will not want Ukraine to concede territory, and that many also expect the war to end within the year -> by

"Rättvisetanken är ett fundament i internationell klimatpolitik: Utvecklade länder ska minska sina utsläpp snabbare än utvecklingsländer."

Many people are still trying to act like things are sort of OK. Because that’s emotionally easier. But this is a fascist takeover, at least call it what it is

Meillä Suomessa Riikka Purra tunnetaan empatianvastaisista lausunnoistaan. Rva Purralla ja hra Muskilla näyttäisi muutenkin olevan paljon yhteistä. #saksileikit

Suomi ei suojele vanhoja metsiään. Suojelulupaus olikin silmänkääntötemppu. "Voi perustellusti sanoa puheiden ja laadittujen kriteerien ristiriidan olevan niin iso, että kansalaiset voivat kokea tulleensa suorastaan huijatuksi", pj:mme Hanna Halmeenpää sanoo. #metsät

Here we are. And some years ago we were informed that holding CO2 at no more than 430 ppm should allow the world to avoid overshooting the 1.5-degree goal

The Internets have spoken: the alliance to surpass NATO shall be known as the Global Alliance Treaty Organization, or GATO.

US added to international watchlist for rapid decline in civic freedoms


Ich bin nun schon über 30 Jahre Klimaforscher, und die Erfahrung hat mich leider gelehrt: Lippenbekenntnisse zu Klimazielen bedeuten gar nichts. Null. Nur konkrete Maßnahmen zählen.

To be absolutely, 100% clear, THIS is something that ends in “then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out”


Mahmoud Khalil was abducted by this regime.

“his whereabouts are unknown at this time” Say his name. Mahmoud Khalil

US defense companies might never be trusted again

Someone pressing a button in Texas, and the F35s stop flying.

This shows you that Donald Trump isn’t bothered by the illegal use of force, war crimes, the bombing of civilian targets, and the kidnapping of children. At least not when Vladimir Putin does it. That’s sociopathic.

Hieno synttärihaastattelu! Lukekaahan. Hyvää synttäriä ja naistenpäivää 💐

"Jag hoppas att vi i framtiden kan betrakta den här tiden som en tillfällig galenskap, att Trump var kulminationspunkten efter vilken förnuftet, jämlikheten, sakkunskapen och respekten för naturen igen segrade." (Tuija Saresma)

"Taponen anser att polisen börjat bedöma brottsläget – och prioritera sin operativa verksamhet – enligt politikernas ideologiska hotbilder, utan att det funnits ordentligt statistiskt underlag för det."

The question we must now ask: How much damage does the US want to do to Ukrainians?

NEW: UK, Germany and France issue joint statement on "catastrophic" humanitarian situ in Gaza, warning Israel could be in breach of international law by halting entry of aid. "Humanitarian aid should never be contingent on a ceasefire or used as a political tool."

Torsten Fagerholm, Hbl: "Moskva och Washington framstår som två före detta imperier i varierande grader av förfall. Europa får inte dras med i fallet."

I wish political leaders in Europe over the last decade had spent less time & effort fighting the invented “invasion” of immigrants and more time & effort addressing the very real, atrocity-ridden invasion to the east.

Worth stating simply what’s happening. An American government is launching a full-scope political & economic assault on an ally repelling an ongoing invasion to compel them to terminate martial law, topple their president, hand over minerals to America & accept a ceasefire w/out security guarantees.

Polish Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Wałęsa and 38 other former political prisoners of Poland's communist regime have condemned Donald Trump's treatment of Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, which they said reminded them of communist interrogation techniques