The question we must now ask: How much damage does the US want to do to Ukrainians?
They’re enjoying themselves. Worth paying attention to the psychoanalytic aspect, horrifying as that is.
I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery. Aeschylus
possibly bcse russia also suffers badly from attrition.
putin may just have only a few months before Europe ramps up support and arms-production.
Fuck you, you fucked-up fuck, and fuck all the fuckers who willingly fuck with you, especially. You can all fuck all the way off, and then fuck off some more.
Trump is a Russian asset
Trump broke that Treaty,
like Russia.
Who would enter into an agreement with USA now?
Many Americans feel that our geography allows us to go it alone.
For Trump and Vance, damage to Ukraine is just a collateral.
One of these days I'll wake up to a declaration he's returned Alaska to Russia as a good-will bonus.
Canada, Groenland, Mexico?
Napoleon’s blockade is coming. It will be Donald’s great
System against China instead of Great-Britain.
2)Intelligence is a two-way street. The US will not get feedback on their military equipment and Russian war tactics.
3)The EU will stop sharing Intelligence with USA.
In each case USA is the loser.
Donald Trump is DEADBEAT BUM.
That time will come soon.
Adding the Russian PetroState to the Saudi Arabian PetroState alliance may look attractive to people & politicians not up to speed on clean energy technologies?
My post was misworded, I'm afraid. Meant to say that withholding military aid might help deplete Europe of its own *military* resources that are then given to Ukraine.
According to Bill McKibben there are ~111 Trillion USD worth of fossil on the books of owners
~100 Trillion of which would need to stay in the ground for 1.5C to be possible (w/ overshoot)
Should the American people be concerned their government has the money and power to jail anyone who is not White, Male, of Christian?
Even the most ignorant of people should see this coming
Trump will at some point in the future 🙏 be having a state funeral in Moscow if this continues