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Entrepreneur; critical optimist about AI and tech; European and world citizen; pescatarian; TheyCorrect; Revisely; Dutch Edtech; European Edtech Alliance; education; product; useful Shadow of self
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It is so strange that we have to figure out how (or even whether) our latest software does critical functions that would normally have to be carefully designed. More like biology or psychology than computer science.

Just got an email from the Fulbright Association. As of right now, funding has been cut off to 12,500 US citizens currently abroad and and more than 7,400 foreigner scholars and students in the United States

Trump on NATO: "If the United States was in trouble and we called them. We said, 'We got a problem, France.' Do you think they're gonna come and protect us? Hmm. They're supposed to. I'm not so sure." (Literally the only time NATO Article 5 was invoked was after 9/11 on behalf of the US.)

I know it seems much to ask these days, but can we think this one through before we put it in action?

Let's renew's effort to refer to our current form of AI as Broad, Shallow Intelligence: BSI. This is all we have right now, a digitized Good Will Hunting, something that's ingested every book yet knows nothing about the actual world.

Door de slechte en dalende waterkwaliteit gaat de natuur onherstelbaar achteruit en kunnen we binnenkort ook niet meer veilig in Nederlandse rivieren en meren poedelen. Dat willen we toch niet?

If you’ve got $20,000 a month to spend on a “PhD level” ai agent, just hire a person.

Congratulations to Rich Sutton and Andrew Barto on receiving the Turing Award in recognition of their significant contributions to ML. I also stand with them: Releasing models to the public without the right technical and societal safeguards is irresponsible.

PhD AI agents for more than most PhD humans cost. Look forward to the sales figure on this, cc

Europese Rekenkamer: schepen blijven Europese zeeën vervuilen

Er moet een Europese luchtverdedigingsmissie komen boven Oekraïne. Trump laat Oekraïne vallen en het is aan Europa om in dat gat te springen. Dat vereist niet alleen meer steun, maar ook nieuwe soorten steun. Tijd voor Europa om West- Oekraïne te beschermen tegen Russische raketten en drones. 1/9

(1/3) It needs repeating: in 1994, Ukraine was persuaded to give up its nuclear weapons to Russia in return for the US, the UK, and Russia guaranteeing Ukraine’s sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.

“Governor Trudeau” is part of the Trump administration’s ethos of pathological insecurity. A weak person is constantly compelled to insult and belittle others, even allies, to show “strength.” An actually strong person isn’t. Bullies are weak, as are their sycophants.

Support Ukrainians yourself ↘️

Should we accept some folks getting rich & powerful at the expense of original creators? So many aspects around AI have not been tied up yet, we must put this house in order before living in it. The tense relation with musicians, writers, artists and others is literally at the foundation of it all.

Nogmaals: met Europa nu de schouders eronder. Doe het voor Oekraïne 🇺🇦 EN doe het voor Nederland 🇳🇱 ! 💪

Wouldn't stand too near the bubble these days

Waiting for their “We’re Sorry We Forgot to Tell You That Trump Is a Psycho Criminal Russian Puppet” masthead piece

Deze week is de Nationale Week Zonder Vlees & Zuivel! 🌱 4 redenen om mee te doen: 👉 Goed voor het klimaat 👉 Gezond 👉 Minder soja-import nodig voor veevoer 👉 Europa als wereldleider voor vleesalternatieven Elke plantaardige maaltijd telt! Doe jij ook mee voor een gezondere en duurzamere wereld?💜

Verdeeldheid is onze grootste vijand. Als we een vrije en veilige wereld willen, dan heeft Europa leiderschap nodig. Niet tientallen premiers, maar één Europese minister van buitenlandse zaken die ons wereldwijd een daadkrachtige stem geeft.

Kom op Nederland, de schouders eronder!

Cool, vanavond om 21.30 uur #Signal president op TV in #Nieuwsuur🍿 #signalapp #signalmessenger #nieuwsuur #nos #privacy #meta #whatsapp

Weekend long read on how Hard Fork’s Kevin Roose has oversold new AI tools coding without knowing how to code, as a case study in a larger phenomenon of leading journalists hyping AI:

Facts matter.

"The competitions do not actually ask machines to perform human tasks; it’s more accurate to say that they ask humans to behave in machine-like ways as they perform lifeless simulacra of human tasks." 🔥

Important speech for its principled response and commitment to Germany stepping up ↘️

Starmer to Zelenskyy: You are very very welcome here in Downing Street. As you heard from the cheers outside, you have full backing across the United Kingdom.

You CAN do something and donate to the Ukrainian Armed Forces here ↘️

One of the unacknowledged advantages of this awful era is that it's revealing for all to see the putrid connections between great wealth and great power. The intentions of the oligarchs are fully exposed and more blatant than ever. But remember: We outnumber the oligarchs.

Let’s keep humans in the loop!

Once again, knows what's up. The current generation of "AI" is only capable of winning rigged games against humans at creative tasks. These games replace complex social behaviors with narrow, individual, quantified tasks. And this points to a bigger problem... (1/2)

Founders’ mental health deserves more attention than it gets.

in the middle of all this don't miss the incredible story where in the great state of Minnesota a PhD student has been expelled for using ChatGPT to write his papers and is now suing the school using court filings written by ChatGPT

Sinds haar aantreden bezuinigt dit kabinet op onze toekomst—nu is het tijd om vooruit te kijken. Investeer in een schoon klimaat, een sterke Europese defensie, en een innovatieve economie. Zo is Nederland niet alleen nu welvarend, maar ook morgen en overmorgen.

Steeds meer mensen voelen de noodzaak van een Europees leger. Nu onze wereld steeds vijandiger wordt, staan we samen sterker dan alleen. Europe, it’s now or never! 🇪🇺

To the vatniks, campists, fascists and self-described "pragmatists" saying "maybe Trump has got a point": There is one nation and one nation alone that should decide the terms for peace in Ukraine. Ukraine. is so spot on while talking on CNBC Gen AI output looks so good until u investigate further 😱 It doesn't reason, think, or investigate like humans 🫠 The end game is surveillance - look at what DOGE is doing 🕵‍♂ Economics don't make sense 😕 Oh & Nasdaq keeps sliding down 📉

Go to 34:00 of this fantastic video. Consider the ramifications for students and teachers. 🤔 What happens when students outsource thinking? 🤔 What happens when teachers use generated resources instead of speaking from expertise? #EduSky

Let’s make it so that AI is only applied where proven USEFUL and HARMLESS to humans and the rest of the planet. That is not too much to ask, right? Read

How to inoculate yourself (and others) against viral misinformation Research clearly "shows that independent fact checkers highly correlate with one another. We’re talking about very strong correlations." "That should reassure us..."

Blijkbaar hebben de VS net met Rusland meegestemd tegen de veroordeling van de inval van Oekraïne bij de VN. Hoe kan dit nou in 2025? Zo onnodig en verdrietig allemaal. cc

Is this really happening? Do the US voters really want to get rid of the special relationship with UK and the bond with Europe, just like that?

Precies drie jaar geleden begon Poetin zijn agressieoorlog tegen Oekraïne, een oorlog die tot op de dag van vandaag talloze levens verwoest. Het is belangrijker dan ooit om solidair te blijven met het Oekraïense volk, in het belang van zowel Oekraïne als onze eigen veiligheid.

There’s essentially no chance of making LLM-based approaches as safe; they are too opaque and unwieldy to yeild any safety guarantees whatsover. It’s not out of the question that another approach might do better, but not guaranteed, either. So… maybe.

Vandaag is het drie jaar sinds de brute invasie van Poetin in Oekraïne. Dagelijks vechten Oekraïners voor onze gedeelde vrijheid en veiligheid. Nu Trump hen laat vallen, houden wij ze extra vast—want hun strijd is de onze. Oekraïne verdient een verdubbeling van onze steun. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

Good thing this legal expert now ‘… continues to use Al products which he has been assured will not produce "hallucination cites.’ Cc