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America was given a choice between a lawless, amoral monster and a qualified, intelligent, joyful woman of color—and it chose the monster. We need to reckon with the reality of what that says about so many of us here. Orpo urpo varmaan tähänkin ”luotamme USA:han” 😂

It sure does seem that way doesn’t it. Oh Joy! Hope they keep exploding in the future also. Damn shame that Elon Musk wasn’t on the board!

Great! Well done canadians! That’s the only to do it. Keep up the good boycott! 👍☮️❤️

🇺🇸🇺🇦🇬🇧Andrew Robathan urges Americans to ask themselves ‘what Putin has on Trump.’ - Andrew Robathan Member of the House of Lords of the United Kingdom

"Vain 30% suomalaisista luottaa Yhdysvaltoihin Suomen liittolaisena, selviää tuoreesta MT-kyselystä. Luottavaisimpia Yhdysvaltojen suhteen ovat perussuomalaisten kannattajat, joista 56% vastaa kysymykseen kyllä ja 29% ei. Kokoomuksen kannattajista noin puolet luottaa ja kolmannes ei luota."

A brilliant Banksy.

Boycot USA

Posted by on another platform.

HERO vs ZERO I'm in a state of shock & still trying to process yesterday's shameful, traitorous debacle in the WH: A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY. Our standing in the world has plummeted overnight, but the repercussions will be felt forevermore. #SlavaUkraini🇺🇦 #ShameOnUS🇺🇸

Guerilla advertising seen in the London Metro

Finland should cancel F35 fighter plane deal with the U.S. Why buy expensive planes and weapons from the hostile country which cant be trusted? #boycottUSA #boycott #europefirst #trumpisenemy

Though I don't use X anymore really, I got a hint that I should check what Volodymyr Zelenskyy has posted yesterday. There's pages and pages of state heads from Europe and all over the world restating their support for Ukraine, and Zelenskyy's thanks to each. Faith in humanity: restored.

Hävettää Suomen poliittisen johdon Trumpin nuoleskelu ja Amerikka kiima. Kiusaajaa puolustetaan ja kiusattua syyllistetään hiljaisesti. #suomenulkopolitiikka #suomettuminen #munaton

For the US to side with Russia and North Korea to oppose a UN resolution condemning the illegal invasion of Ukraine defies all common sense and adds insult to the countless injuries suffered by the brave Ukrainian people.

Tiedättekö, mikä arvo on sellaisilla liberaaleilla, jotka menevät heitä avoimesti halveksuvan äärioikeiston kanssa hallitukseen? Nolla.


Kala nielee syötin

Hienoa työtä Urpo ja Purpo. Sinimustahallitus tuhoaa Suomea pala palalta ja laskun maksavat ne joilla on vähiten.

There is a growing group of households "that have not previously been the target of evictions", according to a unit chief from Finland's National Enforcement Authority.

Just when you think Donald Trump cannot sink lower or be more shameful, today he's blaming Ukraine for the war and calling Zelinsky a dictator, when he knows perfectly well that Putin's constant re-elections are put-up jobs.

Pitänee pohtia tosissaan miten voin alkaa boikotoimaan USA valmistamia tuotteita. En halua tukea maata jota hallitsee megaluokan narsistinen ja vaarallinen vanha mies.