I'm in a state of shock & still trying to process yesterday's shameful, traitorous debacle in the WH: A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY. Our standing in the world has plummeted overnight, but the repercussions will be felt forevermore.
#SlavaUkraini🇺🇦 #ShameOnUS🇺🇸
I'm in a state of shock & still trying to process yesterday's shameful, traitorous debacle in the WH: A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY. Our standing in the world has plummeted overnight, but the repercussions will be felt forevermore.
#SlavaUkraini🇺🇦 #ShameOnUS🇺🇸
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Americans must act now or they will lose their country.
There are marches and protests happening daily in every state. The American taxpayers are horrified, ashamed and pissed.
Are you ready for his next move?
Heck, in 2020, US cities were burning because a handful of guys got killed by cops.
Was the last straw that he wasn’t bluffing?
This mouth-breather, like his clueless counterparts, refuse to believe Ukraine is losing this war badly and rapidly and continue to
Fuck you, Hamill, and all like you who apparently won't be satiated until the last Ukrainian falls.
On the plus side, there are also a lot of us who are intelligent and side with Ukraine. Unfortunately, our election system is flawed, and the GOP are trying to skew it even more in favor of oppression.
Now that soiled diaper dummy is doing Putin’s work of trying to hand Ukraine and the US to the Russian psycho,
Zelensky shows us once again, what fighting authoritarianism with and for your people, and all people, looks like.
And knowing Rubio's & Graham's sudden capitulation afterwards just made it all the worse.
@runforsomething.net @democracydocket.com @meidastouch.com @democracynow.org @indivisible.org @rpsagainsttrump.bsky.social @accountablegop.bsky.social @principlesfirst.bsky.social @youranoncentral.bsky.social @altcdc.bsky.social
what is there to win for them?
#ForeignAndDomesticEnemiesOath 👀
But the fallacy that the US has been held in high regard up to yesterday is laughable.
The world has been able to see the failed political system, corruption, cultural & wealth division going back to Nixon.
Yesterday is the peak so far, but the world expects worse to come.
It’s never been true. Not since adopting a constitution w/slavery in place, systematic genocide of indigenous peoples, nor the capitulation to monied elites & Wall Street.
Zelenskyy was correct about the oceans insulating us from war. Also hides the truth from the rest of the world.
I'm in the UK where we were lucky.
An American friend at college was horrified when somebody local found an unexploded bomb while digging in their garden - regular occurrence here.
Beach defences (tank traps) were recently uncovered, by a storm.
Even if we were born decades after WW2, we understand the reality, because it's all around us. And we were never invaded.
We don't need that again. Our path should always be for peace.
"A hard head makes a soft MAGA".
Con men desperate for a deal.
He specifically invited Zelenskyy to the White House with ZERO intention of offering aid. He had camera crews there to show live how he could bully and humiliate a man who defied his attempts to get dirt on Biden. He failed.
Zelenskyy is a Jedi Master.
Hero vs Homunculus!
Russia! I pray he is wrong!
However, most of us realise that approx 1/2 of the people who voted in your election didn't vote for Trump. You are the democratic, honourable & loyal citizens who stand for justice and truth. 🫡
Just to create drama or distraction.
It's best to find new trading partners & stay out of his grasp.
Hoping at least this crushes PP's chances.
I'm sorry we're such lousy neighbors ATM.
down the White House...
Northern states might have to look the other way!
At this point I don't even want to be in any alliance or organisation connected with that administration but I guess that's the entire goal of those corrupt motherfuckers
Let it all blow to demand reform in the future to join us again
Election manipulation, coups, civil war and murder is their business
He got elected by manipulation and hybrid warfare as well and his bs influencers pretend this is fine 🔥🔥
Plagiarised and tweaked, but I’m pretty sure Maggie would have approved.
Starmer of today made his view pretty clear. Never hugs anyone. Leapt on Zelenskyy.
Replace with this. Always and from now on. Same with Musky Nuts. Use the photos that make him look like ET in the ditch.
There is nothing more on brand for him.
The entire world saw what the President of the United States did to an honourable and brave man.
So much for allies 🗡
Still haven't.
Hence the inclusion of a Russian state media reporter.
That’s also how I’ve described the feeling.
It would be nice if you dumb leftist would learn a little history on what actually started this mess and who this little Ukrainian dictator puppet really is
Know what I mean...
Sure, he's a nice guy, so I'm NOT saying to abandon him...
(I really don't trust Wikipedia that much)
A little more clarification... Does artificial insemination count, or does it HAVE to be peen in vasheen? I'm just thinking, we could prevent a lot of men from being rewarded for their stupidity by HAVING their children.
Ivana, thank you 🫡
I feel like they'd pull out... too much commitment.
I think it's more a don't-ask-don't-tell club. If you're in, we definitely know, and if you're out, you're definitely out.
My trumpet playing WWII pilot Gpa Jack would totally hate that! He would be pissed! Like, really jacked!
Please, don't Jack them off!
I hope the withering mango really expected to get lauded for this only to show the world exactly who they are on live, national television instead.
He wanted a deal, a shiny medal, validation of his ancien world view... we wanted to stand with our principles.
Slava Ukraini, Europe forever!
With or without a Nobel, the felon will never be as smart as Obama.
Ukraine is not surrendering.
Putin is on the ropes, and his economy is in the shitter.
Putin is begging North Korea for soldiers.
Keep Trump on his golf course; and Ukraine will defeat Russia.
dislike this emoji but it’s a true reaction to his disgusting ego.
'Being an enemy of the US is dangerous.Being a friend is fatal'.
VERY disheartening seeing Finns being so brainwashed by Russian propaganda.
People do think we're more progressive than we are though, because we have good social security and labour laws, but there's some RATHER backwards things.
Like only in 2023 did the government repeal a law which forced transitioning transgender people to be sterilised.
I didn't want to engage him further but I would honestly guess he'd still say that "ofc" he's anti-Russia and a patriot.
But that's just like MAGAts thinking they're patriotic. Ofc they're not. They just don't understand they're working for Putler by perpetuating the disinfo
Now they are being empowered and even the "normal" people are sliding into rightwing rhetoric and I've seen somewhat highly educated people from academic families who've repeated simplistic right-wing bullshit.
The amount of casual racism, at least in Länsi-Suomi. Ew.
Interesting fact: After the fall of 🇩🇪 in WW2 Allied soldiers had to take citizens to camps in truck loads bc they didn’t believe what had happened. Now, that was so shocking- so it is different, I get it.
Yeah I believe it's literally willfull ignorance, "amathia."
I've been linking around this article for years, a few pages, def worth the read:
Can't persuade by reason. They pretend to use reason, but when you block every single argument down methodically, they still refuse and say "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge, I'm right.”
There's this town I drive through, not 15km from a decently sized city.
A HUGE "Trump 2024" banner/flag on his balcony all year last year.
Felt nauseous every time I saw it.
Every time I see a Trump flag or any MAGA anything I feel physically ill. Grateful that I am not alone in those feelings.
I've lost like 20 kilograms in the last few years, because it's hard to stay away from all the rising fascism long enough to get my appetite back.
(Also I had to change my diet and it's a challenging one so that's prolly a contributing factor but my point still stands.)
The only hope for Putin was Trump winning and he got it.
Now Europe is own its own.
In Canada, that's to be expected to an extent, sadly.
Actually saying "that's racist" or suggesting people don't use the n-word has got me into several fights.
"You must get beat up a lot with a mouth that big."
Never have.
Nowadays I usually walk away because it's just exhausting and rarely leads anywhere.
Oh and I may have misled with "fight", they weren't physical I just ran out of char to write "very heated debates that ended with people leaving or me walking away, usually after copious threats of violence (towards me)".
A bit ironic.
I should proofread, but I'm used to being able to edit, so I don't.
Even a guy who's both parents were academics had bought into some libertarian BS and was spouting transphobic shit and literally said "homeless is a choice" (and we were referring to the US, not Finland).
I literally just walked away. Happens depressingly often.
Ofc it's different in person, but oh boy.
I used to argue those guys, when some still seemed reachable. Never worked. Well maybe 0.5% time.
It's very hard trying to morally and rationally debate people without either.
I didn't want to hang around listening to his conspiracy theories, tbh.
The ironic thing is that he was telling me that I'M spouting "conspiracy theories". Trump siding with Putin is literally global headline news, ffs.
One has to be willfully blind.
What I worried about is Putin being the de facto leader of the US and the delusional people who deny it and defend Trump while Trump dismantles the US from within.
are you
sure they
were Finn’s
and not
Can't really get more Finnish than some of those guys, trust me.
But it's definitely not a prevailing view. It's just they don't realise they're playing for Putin by believing the Russians online who pretend to be Americans, spreading dezinformatsiya defending Trump.
If they did, Trump wouldn't be president.
They are there to gutter and grift America.
You don't get rid of the tech guru people who do the government websites if you are intending on governing the country.
These people are Putin foot soldiers destroying America from the inside.
Double pun intended.
America is now with Russia and not Ukraine and EU
#IStandWithUkraine #FuckTrump #Resisters
It's so much worse than a clown show in the White House right now.
Not sure who has been spreading that nonsense.
I'll give you a hint: third Party voters.
They have, & continue to, ruin our country & hurt the American people & yet his MAGA cult still doesn't care, and they won't, until they are personally affected.
Trump wants minerals? Why? Ukraine owes the USA nothing.
But to give up minerals in exchange for no security guarantee with teeth? That's stupid.
Maybe this 100% video will help Mark.
Like legitimately, though. He may not actually know the difference. 🤣🤣🤣
Vacant Vance moaned about Zelensky visiting an armament factory with VP Harris.
IRS all driven by hatred for democrats
Slava Ukraini!
I expect every other sympathetic Leader/Ambassador in the world would give him a virtual hug too.
Not one of them would like to be treated like dirt as this hero was, when visiting the USA.
We have a lot of Ukrainian refugees here (not as many as we should, because of the govt we booted out, but many).
They're lovely people, but scared.
Trump has the diplomacy of a gnat and should be trodden underfoot like one.
You USA are now regarded as Putin's ally and the world knows you are.
We still elect an idiot on occasion. :)
Don’t get me wrong they should’ve thought about it and the repercussions.
Just ⚖️ sayin'
The white hate of 1860s slaveowners is now focused on you... But the world sees and is at your side. The Empire's at your door, they want what's yours. But the force is with you...
I need a ride out
Cos he’s a coward