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Penetration tester, founder of Security Fest, podcaster at Säkerhetspodcasten.
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Playing Split Fiction with a friend this morning and it’s hands down the most fun I’ve had gaming in a long time. 10/10

you’re fired. wait you’re rehired. email us a list of things you’ve done today wait forget it you’re fired again. come back your job was important. you’re fired. or hired. come in to the office. wait the office has no computers go home. we are the department of government efficiency.

A while back I was helping examine the security of the Starlink terminal and found a very obvious bug in the bootloader that was only unexploitable due to the memory layout of the terminal. Critical infrastructure shouldn't depend on Starlink without a shitload of auditing.

”Kärnan i avtalet är att USA får tillgång till 17 områden och militärbaser i Sverige.” Dags att säga upp DCA-avtalet.

If you're wondering what happens when a democracy slides into authoritarianism, here it is!

My new years prediction for the IT-Sec podcast I host was that we would see an increase in hacking of space-based infrastructure. With Elon threatening to shut off Starlink for UA, it looks like the stars (so to speak) are aligning more and more to make this likely.

The US embassy in Stockholm has taken down the banner reading "We #StandWithUkraine" from its facade.

Italy calls for an emergency summit with US, Europe and allies. Why the fuck would we want to include US in any talks at this point? They are acting as Russias puppets.

Trump har alltså fått fri tillgång till svenska militärbaser samtidigt som Sverige har gjort sitt yttersta för att försvåra för gemensam europeisk militär gemenskap, till fördel för USA och Nato. Samtidigt vill Trump lägga beslag på mineralfyndigheter på Grönland i Ukraina. Detta varnade vi för.

You should never go on camera when you're angry. I did it anyway.

So so so so so many countries are going to go get nukes. And more nukes = more likely nuclear war.

I hope EU leaders will arrange a large summit together with Ukraine in 48h. It's also time for Ukraine to formally join the EU now. Starting with immediate seat(s) in parliament, council, and commission. 1% of EU GDP should be given to Ukraine to win the war.

Obama and Biden may think they are honoring the office of the presidency by keeping quiet at a moment like this — if so that’s just preening vanity — they owe it to the office and to the Republic that until last month it served to speak up loudly and clearly and without relent.

ppl getting angry at this but he's talking alliances and he's 100% right- you cannot trust a country where every 4 yrs the foreign policy does a complete 180 & tears up treaties and reneges on deals and withholds payments because some sheep farmers in Wisconsin think too many black women have jobs

I would be shocked if anyone I know would consider visiting the US right now. Shameful. And getting worse by the day.

i am physically nauseated by this exchange

Manager: "What's this milestone 'Living on a prayer' ?" Me: "That's the documentation deliverable." Manager: "What's the status of that?" Me: "We're halfway there" Manager: "Why is progress so slow?" Me: "You fired Tommy" Manager: "So?" Me: "Tommy used to work on the docs"

📣 Säkerhetspodcasten #277 - Ostrukturerat V.9 📣 55:57 Signal: försvarsmakten, granskning, QR-nätfiske. Schrems/USA, privacy/cloud kaos? DOGE hackat och strular till NIST/CISA/m.m. AMD Mikrokod hackat! AI-attacker & missbruk. MitM sårbarheter i OpenSSH och Marvel Rivals. Säkerhetspodcasten är...

Efterlysning: Föreningen Ingen människa är illegal söker någon som kan koda ihop en hemsida åt dem. Jag har dålig kompetens så högt upp i lagren men hojta om du vill göra en solidarisk insats!

It’s time for the Milk Hotel to choose a side

Oh yes, Homer’s famous “Tes Thdpssssps.” 👍🏻

📣 Säkerhetspodcasten #276 - Nyår 2024 📣 01:34:50 Säkerhetspodcasten spanar 2025 och ser tillbaka på hur 2025 gick jämfört med våra spaningar! Gamla Spaningar Hur gick 2024 jämfört med våra spaningar? 00:05:03 Rickard: Ransomware mot Svensk Samhällskritisk nytta. Någon (svensk) samhällskritisk...

Bra sammanfattning av svensk utrikespolitik

📣 Path Length constraint limitations and bypasses 📣 Path Length Constraint offers less security than an naive reading of its description implies, and it is not well suited to limit impact of CA key compromise nor key misuse.

So excited about this talk and this conference! First trip to Sweden 🇸🇪

sooo... it looks like and i are going to SWEDEN!!! 🤩💗✈️

Att rasistisk terror existerar i Sverige är såklart obekvämt både för regeringen och polisen. Det är mycket svårare att åberopa favoritåtgärden "hårdare tag" när samtalet kommer inifrån huset, och man själv är växeltelefonist.

Ursäkta men Kristersson/regeringen + Åkesson har inte gjort annat än att polarisera och peka ut "invandrare" som problem. Nu skedde Sveriges värsta massaker i modern historia där det bedrevs SFI-undervisning. Och nu vill de att vi ska samlas? Aldrig. Åtminstone inte innan de självmant avgår.


Säkerhetspodcasten #275: Apple M silikon hål SLAP och FLOP. Reloader.EFI hål i UEFI Secure Boot. NATO HALFLOOP-24 krypto knäckt. Subaru STARLINK och Volkswagen Cariad! Spring Boot Actuators! FortiGate/FortiNet, SonicWall, Ruijie.

Discworld QOTD, from Small Gods “Fear is a strange soil. It grows obedience like corn, which grow in straight lines to make weeding easier. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”

BREAKING NEWS: CDC orders mass retraction and revision of submitted research across all science and medicine journals. Banned terms must be scrubbed. Goes beyond MMWR +other CDC pubs. Applies to research already submitted to top medical journals. Take a look.

This is absolute insanity.

Having watched with growing alarm the developments of the last 24 and 36 hours in Washington, I thought I’d take a stab at how the US media would cover this story if it was happening in a foreign country. Here’s that story that should be written this weekend: