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Nobody wants to be sent home after a flight to the US, just because your face or your political beliefs do not stroke with the officials. We have a travel warning for the USA. You’re in the row with Afghanistan, Iran, etc. Well done.
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That’s your freedom of speech nowadays. Jeeezus.
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In Germany we have a traveling warning for countries like Afghanistan, Iran and the USA. A nice row to be one of. Congrats.
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I offer Hungarian and Slovenian soil to be a real openly satellite state to Russia. Take them. Please. With this pro Putin Presidents a strong democratic Europe can’t exist. And Europe uses the saved Billions of Euros, which would be spoiled to Orban, to build our own weapons!! Orban=Trump.
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The Americans wanted him so Bad. And gave presidentship tremendous extra power on before hand . They have to live with it. King Trump. He is already acting like one. Don’t you think?
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He misuses the question of the chicken and the egg. Who was first? Okay… what comes next: some European NATO partners, but who cares, will claim to give back some states today some “believe” are the USA. A guy Stuyvesant started New Amsterdam. He came in a boat some hundred years ago. We want it.
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I never thought of the USA as a good working democracy. Your president has too much power. And even got more power since this year. Vote yourself a sick lunatic as a president and off he go. How to stop this in legal terms? Is it possible. Then do it!
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2 Problems I See: 1. the people actually „like“ his messages. As long as they believe, their Master of Desaster could do whatever he wants.
2. Your President is nuts. Any clear thinking psychiatrist would send a person to the madhouse if telling this unbelievable incredible incompetent bullshit.
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You don’t need Joe. Top old. A normal republican could do. Just don’t listen to One Person as if he is a God, like what was his Name, the One who crossed the water without getting wet or upset?
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You voted for him to be your president. He told you about #Springfield #cats #dogs but you still wanted him. Even Black Americans, Women and Latin Americans voted for him. Why didn’t you see what you would get? We did. In Europe. The press, your press is afraid I guess? They should? Tell me.
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Don’t wait for - it will be too late. In Europe we are amazed how GOP and other republicans follow these extremists, working for Putin (he’s a multi-murder!!!!), start working at an autocratic DSA (your departed states of America). Divided you will be. Don’t trust the new administration!!!
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This is not funny! He is nuts.