I believe muskrat fixed the election, Trump said he did (utube it) both have too much dirt on each other and muskrat can buy whoever he needs to get him them out of any situation, they’re permanently attached, whether they like it or not
'After praising Elon Musk, he told the crowd “He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody. Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good…. Thank you to Elon.”
I thought Ohio, sorry, fb won’t allow me to post it, or his 1998 interview saying if I ran I’d be a republican, they’re stupid etc …fb said fact check proves it’s not accurate….censorship and the lack of free press is terrifying
Well... Trump would sell all his children except... Ivanka. On another note... her tell all book will include whole chapters about Daddy Dearest, Epstein and Trump Models.
Elon lost a third of his wealth since his escapades and doge is getting railed by courts.
Trumps getting mad at Russia for messing up his business.
My money's on MAD.
In truth neither one of them is a better manipulator what they're actually doing is bribery, fraud and outright thievery not to mention treason and espionage. And they're not going to be able to play nice they're already showing that. And the only thing that keeps them getting along is the fact if
One goes down they all go down and they know that and they also know the penalties are going to be extremely harsh as they should be for these heinous of most heinous crimes against the people and the Constitution
That’s definitely their ‘method’, anyway. But since, at this rate, they’ll quickly run out of targets to pillage, I suspect a different goal.
While trump clearly doesn’t even think of ‘consequences’ -musk *does* & has always thought in long term benefits. That alone, makes me puzzled & suspicious.
Well, since Musk & Trump both know they stole the election, they either have to play nice, or one has to disappear. Trump is a better manipulator, but Musk knows smarter people and has more money.
We'd have a better chance of survival if we get DOGE staffer, Ethan Shaotran, to flip on both of them.
Reporters need to investigate what were the Musk DOGE boys doing right before the election🤔. They did not just magical appear right after the election.
Ethan Shaotran wrote a program called BallotProof during a hacker competition that Musk sponsored in 2020. It's election hacking software that masquerades as "election security" software. All these DOGE kids are hackers.
And where were they before the election and did they know/work for Musk? Some of these now fired reporters need to do some real investigations and reporting.😉 #PresidentHarris
I think those traitors would piss their pants and make a deal if they were questioned. Plus, all the previous staffers who got absorbed into DOGE and resigned because of the activities would tell the truth.
In that season of Game of thrones King Trump will remain in power and keep fear with the ones that bent the knee. But House Musk turns the small folks so the King's castle slowly turns to sand as he scream "I AM THE KING" "I AM THE KING" but the small folks just walk by looking for a new savior.
So if Trump can get rid of Musk, (prison sounds great) then MAYBE a hamberder would do Trump in for us, most of our current problem solved. Although, there’s a whole line-up waiting for their turn.
We need Trump, Musk, Vance and his mascara, and the Moron Parade that makes up his cabinet all to be in one place at the same time. And then arguably the best thing in our lifetime would happen. Kind of like the Nazis trapped in the burning theater in Inglorious Bastards…
It’s symbiotic. Elon paid and used Starlink for the election win. tRump in turn allows Elon the privilege of erasing all lawsuits against Elon’s companies and contracts/looting galore!!! Elon is playing with his toys on the taxpayers money.
Brains + conBalls!
One is always high with Ketamine and the other is a senile geriatric. Both are self delusional narcissistic. I give it until June before they break up.
I think that's the real reason he has that kid on a short leash, he knows too much and doesn't know what he knows, making him more likely to blurt it out.
Canada is currently investigating the sale of over 800 Teslas at four different dealerships over the course of a few days. We offer credits for EVs, Arthur’s resulted in 43 million dollars being paid. Not sure if it’s specifically Musk, or Musk adjacent though.
A debate over whether a nazi or a russian spy is better at manipulating christian sheeple? Skip to the part where we jail them both for treason and they rot in prison.
Your frustration is warranted, but I urge you not to abandon hope or lose the will to act. We can all call our reps, attend town halls, and demand transparency. Be knowledgeable, call out BS and hold liars accountable. Do not operate in the dark, share what you know, and vote when it's your turn!
Trump & Musk are using the same playbook Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Ken Ham and Joel Osteen use. Leaders throughout history have known how easy religious people are to manipulate. It's why every monarch endorsed a religion. If there were more atheists in the world, we wouldn't be in this mess!
include putin in that trinity. I think they have stuff on each other. Putin fortunately doesn't have time on his side any more. Trumps priority has changed to eliminate vlad. Elon has economic goals in Russia which depend on putins survival. I pick teflon don to outlast them but go down too
When Elon’s son told Trump to shut up repeatedly and Trump just sat there taking it from a three yr old? There isn’t going to be a breakup. Trump knows the minute he cuts Elon loose he will tell all. Elon is going to rub Trumps nose in his own dirty diaper as often as he can. Trump is beta.
Trump knows Elon won the election for him. Whether there was manipulation of votes, bomb threats, maybe just the $260 mill he poured in at the last minute. Trump is beholden. He probably has some dirt on Elon too. Trump manipulates as a powerful bully. Elon is more evil villain. It will collapse.
He was also on TV. Maybe he handled it when they were alone. I've noticed there haven't been any new pictures of that triad since that day. Every article has a different photo of that same event.
The "Resolute" desk was suddenly pulled from the Oval for "refurbishment" after the kid wiped his boogers all over it, so in that way Trump reacted...😉
I saw a clip of it from a different angle and there was a photographer standing on the other side of the desk out of frame. The kid was telling the photographer, ‘shh.. are not the President’.
Even if Drumpty wasn't aware in real time, he sure as hell saw video clips of the rugrat wiping his boogers all over the resolute desk while whispering obnoxious comments. Because Muskrat's criminal Geek-stapo tweaked SW code on voting tabulation machines to fix election results, F-Elon now OWNS him
trump WAS subdued AF & OUT of it, seemingly struggling to even stay awake at his desk, but DT heard every word the kid said, & knew there was nothing he could do about it. trump stopped caring about anything but the fact he isn't gonna die in jail as soon as he 'won'.🤪🎯
Trump is the better manipulator, Elon is bush league in comparison. They play nice for 6 to 12 months, then Elon will be cast out of the inner circle. Which means he’ll be a loose cannon in time for the mid-terms.
Think it would be better with who is the greatest conman.
Don the con has fooled people into thinking he is a good businessman despite never having a successful business. Never.
QEloon has convinced people he is smart despite anyone that was worked with him knowing he is truly an idiot.
I think they are joined at the hip and MUST play nice with each other for mutual profit and survival. They are two halves of a whole. Also they are both manipulators and being manipulated by bigger agendas, like Project 2025, and the leaders of Russia and Israel.
How will it be before they get on each nerves and it's pistols at dawn. Who would win. Any guess. My guess. It's a tie. They both fire at the same time, hitting each right between the eyes.
What’s gonna be extremely satisfying is when they fell out of love and trump refuse to pardon musk, after he stupidly commits all those federal crimes while running Doge. Lol.
Plus Trump takes adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) Increased blood pressure, heart attacks and seizures are potential side effects. We can only hope.
That's like saying which flesh eating bacteria is better than the other. 🤣 They are mirror images in every respect. Liars, grifters, conmen. No morals, no scruples, no remorse. Psychopaths with narcissistic tendencies. The only difference is one eats Kfc and the other does ketamine.
When, praying, if GOP loses the House, the white brothers will collide. 47 will blame everything on Musk, reduce/end fed contracts, make life very uncomfortable. Meanwhile Musk claims he'll take his tech elsewhere. It'll be epic.
I’m not so sure about this. Elon knows more than anyone how things were “manipulated” to realize a Trump win. They’ve been subtly bragging about it except neither knows how to be subtle. trump is deeply beholden to musk. Divorce won’t be easy. Just watch and see
The Master Manipulator is Putin, Elon is Minion number 1 and Trump is the Narcissistic pawn. Both are puppets and are tasked to destroy the USA. This is not new information but a long-held truth after the break up of the USSR. When Trump could not do much damage at his 1st term, Elon was deployed
Elon Musk has said he has Aspergers and has difficulty reading social cues, which he "picked up" by reading books. Also, his brother said Elon lacks empathy. I think that explains a lot.
Common side effects of ketamine include but are not limited to unusual excitement, nervousness, restlessness, puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, tongue, holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact, drowsiness, and feelings of disorientation or detachment from reality
Nah, as long as Musk has hundreds of billions of dollars tha Trump has access to, he'll be around. Musk love feeling important and being seen. As for reading the room, since when has that mattered to MAGA?
But do you think musk possibly gave more money into trumps campaign and has it over him? Cause last term he fired whoever he didn’t want to agree with or got more publicity than him. Just curious
I have to respectfully disagree. IMHO … Trump is no mastermind and Musk doesn’t need to read a room. Both are taking orders from Putin. But Musk is there to keep Trump in line for Putin.
The pillow guy didn’t rig an election for him nor give him 250 million. Elon is Putin’s trump babysitter. He’s probably wired under that vest he wears. Hence, sadly, my money is on Elon.
Trump is machiavelich Elon is NEUROdivergent , his Space dream is a obsession vs trump 🙄 pathological lying disorder
Elon can't think of anything else
Trump doesn't care about anything but to give the impression he is all powerful
I honestly feel like Trump is 101 of con men(begginer). Like him on national tv ransoming protection for Ukraine for blackmail on bidens son. A good con man wouldn't be so beyond dumb and make that so public. He honestly seems so under intelligent. That's part of his upset lol.
IQ isn't a factor. Con-men don't have to be smart. They just have to be convincing enough to sell the sizzle. Trump's MAGA minions always buy whatever he's selling.
Fore sure! However, to be good you have to be far more cunning than trump is/ever could be. The fact so many have bought what he sold isn't to his own abilities. His celebrity is a major influencing voice to many and them knowing him from the 80s.
His legal team should be studied. How can you get this burden over the line so often? lol. Maybe it is the bigger manipulation from Russia on his behalf? PUTIN is a much better master manipulator. Even then he seems quite stupid too lol.
Well… Trump has been fooling people politically since 2015. His people are still covering for him and rooting for him. Elon just recently started pissing people off on this huge scale since this election. I have no clue why Trump is allowing Elon to have so much of the spot light. Money? Blackmail?
Trump will play nice until his popularity and the stock market are still tanking after 100 days. Elon has money and satellites but I think they last until mid april. Elon will be pissed
Trump wins as maga will believe anything he says. Musk does not have that. Musk will fight on twitter
It looks like Elons popularity is plummeting judging by sales. Trumps slowly falling, but Vance is on the rise. First calling Trump the new Hitler, then joined him and he forgives for sure. Who knows what he really thinks.
He can’t implicate donold without implicating himself. Plus, donold has repeated this pattern too many times to think it’s not going to happen again. They’ll divorce amicably
citing a pressing need to spend time with loved ones. The silence of shared sin will last until they both see the hellfire.
Trump is immune for anything except for what he did before he was president. Although we know he did plenty of crooked things. Musk could end up with charges - he is not immune. Remember everyone around Trump gets convicted, put in prison, end up bankrupt.
I disagree on the exposure on the election because Elon was the one that manufactured that. If he can break in to our social security he can manipulate an election.
No one who voted for Trump cares that he's a rapist or that he sold CIA intelligence files to Russia. what could Musk possibly say to make them turn on him?
Who will listen or do anything about it? Trump's base does not live in reality and the rest of us know already that there was something fishy in the last election. I'm not sure Trump would suffer any consequences because he never suffers any consequences.
I don’t believe he ever would because he is up to his neck in it. It was all crimes he is involved he will not tell. But we all know that about both of them.
Musk is a drug addict whose brain is slowly turning to mush just like trump, at some point the inhibitions fall away and they ramble about their "accomplishments" I just don't think it will be soon enough though. Trump is already admitting all sorts of crap but musk needs to as well.
How do you know he’s a drug addict? His admission about ketamine was that he does it periodically under a doctor’s care. That’s probably not true but is there proof of drug addiction?
Interesting setup of what should really happen then, b/c Trump won't let himself be owned forever, so this WILL happen at some point, how large and reverberating is the question. IMO
tRump got insane pushback behind the scenes from GOP Congressmen who are getting slammed by their constituents. That is why he’s agreed to step back from Musk. At least that’s what he told them.
Musk doesn't wear body armour & have a personal army because he's worried about Americans. He knows Putin owns Trump, and at some point Musk will become a problem for Putin.
My comment is not to imply that Trump is not owned. Think about this in the boy that wants to get with the best gal/family in town. There is new money with little power, and old money with likely endless (just being honest)
Russia also owns Trump.
Putin has ways to get Musk out of the way.
Everyone Trump deals with goes under the bus.
Elon will be the first to fall from a window, tied to a char whilst highly radioactive.
Even with his personal army and body armour.
That’s what forces Trump and Musk to have each other’s backs.
Rich White men are so contemptuous in and of themselves that the only way they trust each other is to have mutually assured destruction if any one of them rats the others out.
Put them in a pay-for-view cage fight. Trump’s good buddy Dana White could promote it. Loser gets arrested immediately. Winner gets a 24-hour head start on the authorities in a manhunt.
I'd pay to see that. It could be like that old Arnold movie Running Man. Except, unlike in the minds of Trumpers, Trump is actually an old, obese, demented and horribly out of shape man.
Who cares...they're both egomanical, power hungry, revenge seeking, self centered, self serving, selfish, and both are for sale to the highest bidder, etc, etc, etc. Everything the American people don't deserve, nor do our children,our grandchildren, our planet or the space above us.
There is never going to be an Elon VS Trump. They are both getting richer each day. When money is the only thing you care about “it’s let bygones be bygones”. They are both great at manipulating the Republicans in office.
Clearly Trump is the best manipulator considering he still has a base of numbskulls following him… Elon possesses the knowledge that he hijacked the vote tally machines and changed the numbers in Trump’s favor. If Trump turns on him, Elon will spill the beans…
Seems they both are in the same boat. They would both go to prison. Elon would never out himself unless he took up residence in the Saychelles or some other place without an extradition treaty.
I'm good with that except he's a narcissist who lives for the grandeur, which is part of why he bought/stole the presidency. Snakes always come out if hibernation.
I’m pretty confident that if he admits to stealing the election, disappears and then resurfaces, whoever is in the White House (DEMOCRAT) will not allow him to come back here. He’s not even here legally to begin with.
Still, endless money and your own propaganda platform (Trump's platform doesn't count) pays for a lot of manipulation, as we saw last year :-( It also pays for a lot of corrupt lawyers and law suits.
This is the beauty part. Neither side can take the other down so it will be a scorched earth battle. Both will be left bloodied and both will lose bigly. I just wish the free world weren't the collateral damage.
It's a situation right now of keeping up the opposition and keeping up the pressure. Leading economic indicators and polling are against him. The court cases are piling up, and up until now, SCOTUS hasn't been able to pull his nuts out of the fire (although they certainly could do so). And patience
They’re both the same pile of sh*t. Sorry. Just the peak of a very dangerous heap of people. If we don’t stop them now, they will kill this country and everyone they don’t like.
Elon is the greater manipulater. He has no empathy or humanity, stone cold. Trump likes the crowds to cheer. He cares what his supporters think. Putin was disappointed with the clown so he sent in the terminator.
Can we just learn from this and have people not have billions of dollars. Thats too much you cant count it why would you need a boat 24/7 with staff there just for 1 person? Are the royals back? Thought we are doing democracy. Also didnt we lear over and over fascism is bad, so noone is happy.
I think the only reason Trump plays nice with Elon is that he owes him for something.... maybe even the election. Who knows. But the narcissist in Trump wouldn't tolerate playing second fiddle in his presidency otherwise
Considering they’re both backed by the killer Putin, I’d say that we might see some form of gladiators fighting a duel until the very end. Someone will lose by either falling out of a window, down some stairs, or found in bed dead by a “natural” death. Even odds. Waiting for it to happen. 🍿
They are one.
Never forget that it is Drumpf and MAGAts that gave us Musk. They don't get to hide and point and blame.
It is and always has been Drumpf and MAGAts.
They deserve each other. Trump will never give up on “playing nice” with Elon because of his wealth. Trump, loves money, power and chaos more than anything or anyone. He will never do anything to threaten the relationship - the same as he does with Putin.
Elon has no cards if it comes to a stand-off. Trump can just have him arrested and pretend that was the plan all along... but clearly Elon has bullied his way past people who shoulid have stopped him at gunpoint.
I doubt that. I think Elon has just been buttering Trump up, making him feel smart, the "genius" friend who treats him as an equal. I believe Russia has plenty on Trump, though.
Putin probably has tRump on some video with some Russian whore pissing on him and him loving it, probably putting dildoes up his ass and who knows what else. That is my guess.
F Elon and the Felon have been using each other.
He has done almost exactly that to everyone he's ever worked with, and has (as far as I can see) still not even paid bills dating back to his first campaign. If he could make it look like making America better again you bet he would.
Elon plays nice longer than trump no doubt but thats because hes an invasive parasite to our land wealth and sanity trumps just an angry shitting old man that doesnt know fucking anything and kisses putin whenever he gets the opportunity.
Elon can pull a 180, dump $300mil into Dem/Progressive support and all would be forgiven. Trump can never pull that pivot, so Trump scared to dump Elon and scared Elon dumps him. Elon driving but he'll soon weary of this and want a new ADD distraction.
He's done for. There's not enough people on this planet that are willing to fucking provide for him anything anymore after the shit he has done and.... As far as I'm concerned, he's pretty much a dead man walking. He knows too much and is a threat to the country and the world
Musk cannot be fired, because he does not have any official position at all. That's actually a large part of the problem, as this lets him mess with the government and the country without being responsible for the consequences.
Oh it ain’t the Adderall though it feeds his mental illness. It’s not the addiction that’s responsible- it is him. Trump is responsible- he’s been an awful human all his life. He is a malignant narcissist- will burn down him a country so he can rule over the ashes. They are manipulative, vindictive
Protest today in Frederick MD
If you do not live here, you have no idea how awesome this is
Frederick often called
“RedNeck MD”
No more
People see that Trump cares nothing about them or their families
They see Musk is looting the US treasury for personal gain
Thanks for sharing this picture. It’s important that we not only talk but do something in this critical time. I was just listening to Rachel and she showed all the resistance groups springing and it was heartening .
Hey Sue! I live in the area and couldn't go today, but two separate friends invited me. People all over are disgusted by Trump and Musk! I'll go next time!
Hi, Sue! I’m also in Montgomery County. A lot of people have been moving to Frederick due to crime, affordability, a booming economy, etc. 10 years ago it was red, now it’s solid blue. How did you know about this protest? No one invited me. Next time, let’s show up together to represent MOCO!
I think only people who live outside of Frederick carry that Fredneck representation forward. Those of us who live here know the story is quite different, but it's been many years in the making to change this city blue. Next up is the county, which continues to be a labor of love 💙
Help me understand why the polls show that his voters still overwhelmingly support him?
Im happy to see that some don't, but I don't want to hope and get disappointed when they are all still backing him for a 3rd term.
Could be. all I do know for sure is that while GOP leaders, Fox and the rest of the MAGA propagandists continue to spew lies and publish Trump's disinformation, he is going to continue getting away with all of it. It's so depressing.
If there is a tipping point into violence, he will declare a “state of emergency” & declare martial law, which will suspend elections indefinitely. He won’t need a 3rd term if the military backs him in this scenario. Hopefully, we won’t see this happen.
Maryland is solid blue in the center and ruby red in the rural west and east. The vast majority of the residents live in the center. That’s why it’s a solid blue state! We need to see this in red states to have any effect.
Yup, that's kind of my point. I worry we are placating ourselves into a false sense of hope if we think that Trump's base are being impacted enough to regret their vote. They still overwhelmingly love him... It's tragic that they are so ignorant & short sighted.
I agree. There’s absolutely no reasoning with any one of them. They have been conditioned to distrust any unbiased news source and live in their own echo chambers. Nothing can convince them otherwise.
100% Trump does not care about blue states. We need to rouse the spirit in red states! Get them to have empathy for others. It’s hard because they seem to not care unless it affects them. We are fundamentally different people.
Very heartening. Ironically, our best hope is in the "redneck"villas of america. Sidenote: my understanding is that the term redneck first came from coal mine protestors of Pueblo CO who wore red scarves around their necks
Gonna be real with you bud. You are squarely part of the problem. The recent national celebration of the execution of the United Healthcare CEO should tell you that.
You shouldn't exist. It costs 230 million on average to run a hospital in the US. You have billions.
Daniel Connerton, and you there can FUCK RIGHT OFF!
My family is now buying prescriptions at Mark Cuban's new Cost Plus Drugs and it is saving them SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH!
$700 A MONTH
So you sir, can FUCK RIGHT OFF https://www.costplusdrugs.com
You should thank your lucky stars that he started Cost Plus drugs. It's saving consumers a lot of money. The government doesn't regulate drug prices. Mark Cuban is a good guy. He is a self-made billionaire. Didn't come from money.
Mark Cuban is looking to change things for the better. It's not a handout to start a company that sells medications cheaper for the population. Unfortunately, you and my sister, who both rely on the military for medical care, are probably going to be SOL.
He shouldn’t exist? Are you ok? I’m an American. In this country, a capitalist society, we’re raised to obtain great wealth. Some, many actually, give it all away. Others don’t. Would you be cheering Cost Plus drugs if some poor college student did it? As a small start up? Like Zuck did with FB?
Look. Like it or not sometimes people make heaps by working hard and being in the right place at the right time.
It’s naive to think he is only worthy of his wealth if he does the manual labor involved to obtain it-breaking ankles. You’re mad bc he’s rich, which in America is nonsensical.
Hey, in case you haven’t noticed Marc Cuban is one of the good guys.
I invite you to tell us all what you’re doing to bring down the cost of drugs for our country?
No he is not. If he was one of the good guys, he would be using his wealth to influence Republicans back to our side. If he was one of the good ones he wouldn't be offering to help fired government workers further privatize the government.
He literally offered to help accelerate what is happening.
No, you’re dead wrong- illy ask you again- what have you done to lower drug costs for Americans? You’re not a positive influence if you’re tearing Cuban down. You’re a hater, as if we don’t have enough of that s**t already.
They’re both master manipulators, but they’ve got different styles. Trump’s like a bulldozer in a china shop—he’ll bully and throw whatever he can to make you agree. Elon is sneaky, calculated, and not above a bribe. It’s like watching a wrecking ball try to outsmart a snake.
IMO he didn't demote him. He said what needed to be said after f'ing up his lawyer's court filings re. muskrat heading up doge. I'm my career, if the exec suite of the business told dpt heads, fire x number or reduce budget $x & if you don't, the CEO will. The CEO is heading up the operation
I'm surprised Trump hasn't turned on Musk already. He usually doesn't like people who steal the spotlight from him. Could it be that Elon has Trump by the short-and-curlies, financially speaking?
The Putin Plan: Use Dunce Rump, Musk, Faux Noise & other GOP enablers to deflect any criticism and justify our takeover of other nations. Eventually, we’ll be able to claim the United States as one of our trophies.
😂🤣😂 As you well know, it's the USA that 'de-stabilises' any country not prepared to roll over and do its bidding. Canada and Mexico as well as Panama and Greenland now in its sights. Watch out world!😜
Trump. His bling bling PR, model chicks and verbal diahorrea has led weak Americans who worship wealth and fame into the empty inauthentic culture that America is. All talk and little substance. Musk is an impatient, low verbal skills bully with childish dreams talk. Blow up? Within two years.
I`d call it terrorism rather than "manipulation".
Everything the far right does is "do it or else", then as we see in Canada and Mexico once its challenged the far right back down.
Do x or be penniless and vulnerable.
Tiny hand politics
They both have a lot of cult members. Trump's at least are predictable in their pre-dispositions. Musk's are so much harder to fathom because they include a disproportionately larger number of actual smart people that love science but are willing to suspend all critical thinking whenever he talks.
Neither one of them have ever really known love.....to receive or give. They only use people and each other. When there is no longer a use, that's when things will turn. It will fail in spectacular fashion.
Trump can hold con longer=decades
Elon Musk uses his great wealth as battering rams. Musk's huge wealth largely FROM US GOV. contracts = Tesla & Space X. Should a man who has lost 52 Billion IN ONE YEAR BE anywhere near our US Treasury??? Hell NO. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/25/business/elon-musk-net-worth-tesla/index.html
I think Trump's time should be counted in minutes and even then that's much too long for America's welfare. Everyone around Trump LIES for Trump's favors. Disgusting
Trump is the more skilled manipulator if he has a crowed (or a country), he uses fear for individuals. Ironically, he is also easily manipulated, so while Musk is awkward at most such skills, he has figured out how to control Trump to some degree. The money helps.
They're incredibly similar in that both have sycophants vying to get close to their power and are easily influenced by ppl appealing to their vanity & desperation to be loved. But Trump has the upper hand- he's a father figure of sorts to Musk, who clearly seeks his approval.
I don't think there's much trump has that musk doesn't, but musk has trump impressed with the idea of "high IQ", which makes him, easier to fool and less likely to question.
I’ve worked my entire gd 60 yrs of life and paid for insurance. Now I have nothing because I’m currently not working. I don’t want to pay cash. And now our ss is also in question not to mention I’m living on my 401k right now which may also dissolve any day thx to these assholes. Give it a break.
Oh come on. We are all stuck in a battle of the billionaire class right now.
We can try to figure out who the strongest fighter might be. It’s a stairway to survival.
We’re suffering because stupid people decided to stay home or vote for Jill Stein in protest of Kamala having no power to do shit, in spite of Palestinians begging them to vote for Kamala. So yes, this is fun for those of us who voted for the joyous Black woman and it makes it bearable
How the hell is it fun when so many innocent ppl women children are gonna suffer from this fascist regime,®ular working Americans too, unless you're millionaire it's gonna be more than rough the next 2-4 yrs.Yes I have no compassion for assholes who voted for him &,are being deported,But not fun
Heaven help us if there's another pandemic, I lost my Son to COVID 6½ yr ago he was just 41, 1.3 million Americans died from Covid-,, CDC said Trump's responsibility for over 680,000 unnecessary deaths peddling his bullshit conspiracy theories on COVID-the vaccine masks, Now with RFKJr,Hell no,
Can’t do anything about it right now other than our protests and boycotts, or if you know more, do more. But I’m old. I’ve lived thru hardship. Laugh at the ones who’ve created your oppression
I'm a disabled Vietnam vet I'm 75 yrs old but the Oath i took has no expiration date,We need leadership and unfortunately we don't have enough or any right now, I've only seen 5 Dems who are willing to do whatever it takes to protect our democracy, rest are overwhelmed or just care about their seats
Sorry, I wasn’t suggesting otherwise, just we have different ways of coping. This is a useless what if, but we can turn it into something we can laugh at. Laughter is a form of resistance
Does it matter why we're going to suffer Millions will die across the globe, an if there's another pandemic millions will die here in America, For the protest voters & trump voters thy can fuck off, but everyone else don't deserve this shit,He' needs to be removed from office by any means necessary
Who’s to say Leon wasn’t just a way for Putin to launder money into the election. Musk could have easily been “reimbursed” by Putin for his contribution to Trump’s campaign.
I'm lookin' at a tie right now and just waitin' for the two to beat the shit out of each other. Seriously! Trump needs to use that fist for something other than punching the damn air.
Russia bombing apartment buildings killing civilians and the electrical facilities to deny civilians heat and light…AND we are on their side as per Trump!
It's only a matter of time. The good news is that Democrats won't have to do a thing except continue having townhalls and pointing out to Magas how prices continue to rise, people continue losing jobs and services are suffering. Then Magas with handle it on their own.
Elon because he actually is rich and actually does have a space force. But then you gotta wonder how long the richness and space forceness is gonna last. Dude blows up a rocket every other week lol
Mark, will you get out and start campaigning with the Democrats for midterms instead of asking these silly questions. Maybe donate a few bucks as well. Thanks in advance.
Whether trump knows this or not, he has changed the laws just enough that he could have Elon prosecuted and deported, Rico all his companies/assets on US soil, go after all the rest.
starting to show cracks
'After praising Elon Musk, he told the crowd “He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody. Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good…. Thank you to Elon.”
Who Musk is lining up as wife #6.
Trumps getting mad at Russia for messing up his business.
My money's on MAD.
While trump clearly doesn’t even think of ‘consequences’ -musk *does* & has always thought in long term benefits. That alone, makes me puzzled & suspicious.
We'd have a better chance of survival if we get DOGE staffer, Ethan Shaotran, to flip on both of them.
I literally know of a group of NUNS praying for his demise.
I, on the other hand, have resorted to voodoo
Brains + conBalls!
I think that's the real reason he has that kid on a short leash, he knows too much and doesn't know what he knows, making him more likely to blurt it out.
They're not heroes
Mirra mirra on de wall
Hoose de BETA mann?
A lotta ppl say, see!
I am Baby...
...with apologies🤦🏼 folks.
More "Coffeefee" methinks?
To coin a phrase.
trump WAS subdued AF & OUT of it, seemingly struggling to even stay awake at his desk, but DT heard every word the kid said, & knew there was nothing he could do about it. trump stopped caring about anything but the fact he isn't gonna die in jail as soon as he 'won'.🤪🎯
Elon will likely get a hit by his own son.
Sh*t only works on petty democRATs.🤦♂️
Don the con has fooled people into thinking he is a good businessman despite never having a successful business. Never.
QEloon has convinced people he is smart despite anyone that was worked with him knowing he is truly an idiot.
Unless a more accurate question is: with whom does the homunculus have the greater debt?
90% of elon's 'fortune' exists only on paper, as buoyed by various stock market valuations on any given day...
true story.
putin has KOMPROMAT that if exposed will hugely embarrass donold.
there's no comparison. trump probably hasn't figured out elon's working with vlad yet, either. #hessodumb
Trump is just shaking his head and signing things he has no idea about 😵💫
If he starts to read or see things on TV that make him think that Elon is a liability, he will cut him loose.
Would make Musk LIVID. ...
He'd exact revenge, & it would be glorious!
Ketamine aside, Musk can't read a room to save his life. He's not wired for it.
Musk is Trump's useful idiot today. Tomorrow he'll get kicked to the curb & sidelined, just like Mike the Pillow guy.
Court Jester.
If either of them had an intimate partner who could stand them, there would be more signals of the way it’s going.
Elon can't think of anything else
Trump doesn't care about anything but to give the impression he is all powerful
Are you being deliberately obfuscatory?
Trump wins as maga will believe anything he says. Musk does not have that. Musk will fight on twitter
citing a pressing need to spend time with loved ones. The silence of shared sin will last until they both see the hellfire.
Gop will say “He’s lying”,
Trump will say, “I didn’t know him very well.
Plus Elon is very unpopular at the moment.
by t-rump or Putin. Because musk knows too much.
Putin has ways to get Musk out of the way.
Everyone Trump deals with goes under the bus.
Elon will be the first to fall from a window, tied to a char whilst highly radioactive.
Even with his personal army and body armour.
Rich White men are so contemptuous in and of themselves that the only way they trust each other is to have mutually assured destruction if any one of them rats the others out.
That’s the Republican way.
His boss, Peter Thiel, isn't anywhere near the White House, and he's a bigger threat than all of them combined. Including Putin.
Lying like he'll of course
It’s going to be ghastly for all of us
From “Parable of the Talents” by Octavia Butler
Some science fiction writers CAN see the future
I wish she had finished her third book.
Never forget that it is Drumpf and MAGAts that gave us Musk. They don't get to hide and point and blame.
It is and always has been Drumpf and MAGAts.
F Elon and the Felon have been using each other.
Or maybe just let the Adderall and ketamine take its course ?
If you do not live here, you have no idea how awesome this is
Frederick often called
“RedNeck MD”
No more
People see that Trump cares nothing about them or their families
They see Musk is looting the US treasury for personal gain
New Haven. There were 200-250 people there, although you wouldn't know it from these photos
Off topic: are you from the Rockville in the REM song?
I don’t see a bunch of red hats!
They must’ve put them in the trash and set them on fire!🔥🔥🔥
Another massive protest not in the mainstream media
Im happy to see that some don't, but I don't want to hope and get disappointed when they are all still backing him for a 3rd term.
Alternatives are far more painful and transformative. I'm not sure what the tipping point into mass violence is, and I hope we don't find out.
Eat the rich!
When they turn on each other it will be epic.
Gonna be real with you bud. You are squarely part of the problem. The recent national celebration of the execution of the United Healthcare CEO should tell you that.
You shouldn't exist. It costs 230 million on average to run a hospital in the US. You have billions.
Fuck off.
I have said all I need to say.
Now I am going to starve you.
That is how you treat Trolls,
you gotta STARVE a Troll,
stop responding to them.
My family is now buying prescriptions at Mark Cuban's new Cost Plus Drugs and it is saving them SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH!
$700 A MONTH
So you sir, can FUCK RIGHT OFF
Don't worship at the feet of this prick because he threw us a bone of his hoarded wealth.
Why would you rather depend on the fickle generosity of one person? That 700 he "saved" you came out of your low wages.
My drugs are free. I get them on base. Socialized medicine > depending on the handouts of billionaires
To each their own.
He's on his side. All billionaires are. Did you forget he suggested himself as SEC chairman during Kamala's campaign.
1982 Forbes said there were 13 US billionaires. Now there are over 700. The greatest form of theft in the US is wage theft.
There are no good ones.
I donate to Ukraine and Luigi. In my off time I help rehab squirrels and possums.
1 biillion dollars in Mark's pocket runs a US hospital for almost 5 years.
Wealth is finite and billionaires are parasites.
Now I am going to starve you.
That is how you treat Trolls,
you gotta STARVE a Troll,
stop responding to them.
I'm not saying he shouldn't be a millionaire. NOONE should be a billionaire. They are parasites.
Look up the tax rate in this country until Reagan. It averaged 80%.
It’s naive to think he is only worthy of his wealth if he does the manual labor involved to obtain it-breaking ankles. You’re mad bc he’s rich, which in America is nonsensical.
1982 - Pre Reagan tax cuts, Forbes has 13 billionaires in the US.
1990 - 66 billionaires
2023 - 748 billionaires
Wealth is finite. The more money that goes to a billionaire, is LESS money going towards roads, hospitals, teachers, etc.
Fuck all of them.
I invite you to tell us all what you’re doing to bring down the cost of drugs for our country?
He literally offered to help accelerate what is happening.
Their romance will come to an end because the cult leader craves the attention and accolades.
Everything the far right does is "do it or else", then as we see in Canada and Mexico once its challenged the far right back down.
Do x or be penniless and vulnerable.
Tiny hand politics
E was just imagining Donny and Elon engaging in thee Vulcan ritual kal-if-fee, where both ov them decapitate each other with lirpas.
Neither is very intelligent. Every time I hear one of their voices my skin crawls.
Elon Musk uses his great wealth as battering rams. Musk's huge wealth largely FROM US GOV. contracts = Tesla & Space X. Should a man who has lost 52 Billion IN ONE YEAR BE anywhere near our US Treasury??? Hell NO. https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/25/business/elon-musk-net-worth-tesla/index.html
Musk can be out on his a$$ at anytime.
Trump is the quintessential Narcissist with a strong Bully mentality.
Add the most powerful Leader, and God help everyone.
Up here in Canada, our protests do count. Not gonna be easy, but doing wonders for our national mentality.
He's thoroughly enjoying this.
We can try to figure out who the strongest fighter might be. It’s a stairway to survival.
entrepreneur vs the Old Guy.
WAIT! didn't they just do that?!!??
#Tyson JakePaul 🤔
🤞🥓 🍔 🥩 🍳 🍟 🍖