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Baked goods and all things history. Historian at the University of Bern, currently working on a large project about human-animal relations, environmental adaptation & communal resource management of alpine communities in the Middle Ages.
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I wrote a thing and and team made it better and it’s all just a summary, really, of my pinned post, and you can read it here…!

🚨I promised I'd say more on the Royal Society and Elon Musk, so here it is. 🚨 I've resigned my position as Associate Editor at Royal Society's journal Open Science in protest at their lack of action over Elon Musk. My op-ed in

“It’s time to rev up the opposition and come at Trump loud and clear” … by wearing various colored clothes with obscure messaging? What the absolute fuck is wrong with Democrats? You’ve got Hollywood on speed dial but all the dramatic savviness of a summer camp musical.

Millennials, the generation where at least once every decade your entire life some rich asshole kneecaps the economy causing you to miss life milestones your parents' generation took for granted

Was haben chronische Erkrankungen mit Glücksspiel zu tun? Ein paar spannende Ideen dazu aus Citizen Sleeper gibt es nun bei nachzulesen

Really essential article on long covid and how our collective need to pretend covid is over is impacting folks who can’t pretend, and how that feigned ignorance contributes to every new person who develops it too

"Maskentragende werden oft für verrückt und paranoid gehalten. Aber vielleicht ist es auch ein bisschen verrückt, sich ungeschützt in eine U-Bahn voller hustender Menschen zu setzen und zu rätseln, warum irgendwie alle krank sind." ❤️lichen Dank für Ihre Kolumne, Frau Böcker👏👏👏

It is truly fucking wild how the introductory thesis of this argument is, "As we all know, men will find any loophole they can to be sex criminals and degenerates. My primary source on this is me, a degenerate."

The Covid pandemic accelerated this. It supercharged the idea that there are entire groups of people who are not worthy of protection. Not worthy of life. Acceptable losses. If we don’t start acknowledging that and changing the narrative, the hate and division will only continue to grow.

Hey, artists, in case you were wondering if your work matters: I'm a scientist working on climate change and biodiversity, and I would not be who I am today without The Lorax, The Secret of NIMH, Watership Down, The Last Unicorn, and The X-Files. I know I'm not alone. Thank you for all you do.

Jordan Peterson is another example of what I call a competency cosplayer. Informed people immediately identity him as an intellectual fraud, but uninformed people can fancy him an intellectual who flatters their unexamined prejudices.

Someone made a Lego model of the famous medieval “egg horse” and lol this is the best type of reception (L'estoire de Merlin, France ca. 1316, Add. 10292, fol. 213r) 🥚 🐴 #equova

I appreciate this response from Ed Yong on why he requests that people mask at his events.

Every so often I remember that Oprah brought us Dr Phil, Dr Oz and The Secret but the only person she brought back to destroy on her show was the guy who pretended to be a worse drug addict than he actually was in a book

In eigener Sache: Vom 28.-29.11.25 wird die Jubiläumskonferenz des AKGWDS anlässlich des zehnjährigen Bestehens stattfinden! 🥳Hierzu gibt es auch den CfP: “Spielkulturen”, bei dem ihr noch bis zum 30.04.25 Abstracts einreichen könnt. 📝 ▶️Weitere Infos gibt es hier:

Der AKGWDS wird 10 Jahre alt und wir veranstalten passend dazu eine Online-Tagung! 🎉

It's only a week until the MECERN in Munich starts, so if anyone is interested in all things medieval, social & economic history, now is the time to think about taking a short trip to Bavaria. My talk also includes things like gender based wage gaps and as many pretty pictures I could cram in!

it’s only taken me [forever] but i finally did my map of witchcraft cases in France 1790-1940 by department *adjusted for average department population in 1881* (the numbers are the department codes) 🗃️ #HexTag

Liebe Tagesschau, bei allem Verständnis für unaufgeregte und neutrale Berichterstattung, aber ein Staatsstreich ist kein "Bürokratieabbau". So wenig wie eine Enthauptung eine Kopfschmerztherapie ist.

1) 61cm down is in situ #archaeology. 2) Briefcase of coins = zero context. 3) Museums can't afford it. 4) If it really is all about the history & not £££ then... a) stop digging b) donate to a museum This is why:

2025 will go down as the year when all the subtext became text

The MECERN-Conference draws near! It's 3 days in Munich (19-21.2) about the Middle Ages and topics like identity, in-/exclusion - with lots of interesting panels. I'll be talking about the essential roles women had in alpine communities, be it by building roads or by making laws. #MedievalSky


I'm digging how this WWII guide is basically "gum up fascism by being an energy vampire." Let Colin Robinson be your guide in the fight against fascism. The link:

Really interesting thread! Didn't know about this, despite currently researching spatial and transportation history in that time period and having worked on the history of medicine before. Shows in a way how traditions of performing fitness and hiding disability endure to this day.

Friends, let's visit the largest, most famous disability access ramp on Earth... with a twist! About how our feelings about a bit of history can reverse completely based, not just on the historian’s POV, but what questions we ask 1/? (Countdown to "Inventing the Renaissance"

leaving the cruelty aside for just a minute it's absolutely humiliating to imagine being my age or older and getting excited because you think you've been given permission to say a bad word. what are you gonna do next, ride your tricycle past the end of the block