“It’s time to rev up the opposition and come at Trump loud and clear” … by wearing various colored clothes with obscure messaging?
What the absolute fuck is wrong with Democrats? You’ve got Hollywood on speed dial but all the dramatic savviness of a summer camp musical.
What the absolute fuck is wrong with Democrats? You’ve got Hollywood on speed dial but all the dramatic savviness of a summer camp musical.
Reposted from
Just Kidding
What do you even say
They subscribe to the Onion and think it’s prescriptive?
Because looking politically inept on a national stage has become the Dems’ kink?
All of the above?
These Democrats are looking too old and too scared.
it's a great big club
and regular Americans are NOT in it
the Democratic Party should be ashamed of itself
The impotence of its leadership will turn away pretty much all the people younger than 50 and all the POC, lgbtqia, and anyone with a brain
"No, that's too much."
This, the next time you get an email begging you give them money to continue to fail us:
Hello, is this thing on? We’ve seen this man in front of a microphone before, this is what he does, lies, distracts, and distorts. Go on the offensive!Don’t normalize this shit anymore! Stage a walk out
that's the best schumer and jeffries could muster the troops for
what a colossal example of shooting yourself in the foot
Please pass this msg on.
Really. I’m not kidding.
If there ever was proof of a dying political party, I think that would be sufficient.
a drawing of congress dignity on the right and on the 'center-right' democrats all wearing motley.
two many messages...can't they find a unified theme in there?
I can imagine them getting together afterwards and celebrating the blow they struck for America.
Looks like they conned themselves into wearing dumb colors and holding dumb signs?
I respectfully disagree.
Dems shouldn’t show up tonight.
It's like y'all are working for the fascists or something.
To summer camp musicals.