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Aotearoa (Te awahou tātahi) | Woke | Pākehā/Tangata tiriti | Socialist | Environmentalist | Surfer | Toru ngā ngeru
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"Go make a Marmite sandwich" - C Luxon, March 2025 Here's my take on his comments on video for full frame captions. #nzpol

Wow. Seymour does not give a s**t and Luxon et al can’t do a thing about it. Assoc. Ed Minister David Seymour did not show up for a meeting with Education Minister Erica Stanford, after she called for reassurance & an explanation about his changes to the free school lunches programme. #nzpol

Luxon's marmite sandwich comment is the perfect marriage of arrogance and ignorance.

How many schools (and not PPP shitty ones) and hospitals could we have purchased for NZ$300,000,000 #nzpol


The lack of transparency from our government is scandalous. This is surely unacceptable in a democracy? #nzpol

Reminder. The govt is deliberately underfunding health by $1.26 BILLION A YEAR. Today it announced $95 million a year. They take us for fools. So does the govt's client media. #nzpol

Raise your hand if you'd be sacked if you were so wretchedly shit at meeting the terms of your employment contract temps would have to be hired to do 40% of your job.

Fox, henhouse much? Fossil fuel advocate who slammed EECA’s clean energy grants appointed to the agency’s board by Simeon Brown. Another symptom of this government’s idiotic climate denial. #nzpol

Of fuck right off. We spend 2.1 million every year on an ALLOWANCE for MPs. Not going to reduce that I see, despite wanting to cut govt spending? Hmm. #nzpol

So many self-aggrandising lies and exaggerations in this wee interview. According to Luxon: he only sleeps a few hours a night; he works 20 hours a day; he read his school library dry; he's researched 3000 years of his ancestry. #nzpol

Loved reading this article from Sir Ian Taylor 😂 #nzpol

Who's surprised with this coalition? #nzpol

Who would have ever thought that the business model councils were forced into using private contractors vs their own in house staff would end up costing us more?

Nz media won't do squat. The timing of the release of name suppression was intentional. Done on a Friday evening and overshadowed by many other higher profile stories. It's the exact same as the release of the Uffindel report, released the day Queen Elizabeth died.

Same Government that is going to pour billions into roads, some of which have a negative ROI if they're still using the plans they had from 2016 for some of them.

#BHN Mr Luxon compared NZ's targets for education to Canada, Australia and Singapore... so will we now resource the sector the same as those countries? Starting salary in USD for a primary school teacher Australia $48k Canada $42k Singapore $50k NZ $35k One of these things is not like the others

If the CDHB can ditch Compass over the quality of their food, then so can the Govt. #nzpol

Show me on the graph where David Seymour interfered with the supply of pseudoephedrine… #nzpol

#nickynoboats decided she didn't want the Hyundai boats. Now, Winston is in Korea looking at some, wait for it, Hyundai boats. What the fuck is the govt up to. I wonder if the broken Hyundai contract was millions more than suggested and they reluctantly have to approach Hyundai again. #nzpol

Well, results are in I guess

Ramadan Kareem to our Muslim communities, who will be reflecting on their deen and strengthening their iman. May all your duas be accepted.🌙

Freshwater declines have robbed Ngāi Tahu communities of mahinga kai, a mātauranga Māori expert tells the High Court

lux claiming 140hrs/week defo includes shidding and wanking #nzpol

#BHN Citizens Arrest powers are not wanted by the retail sector so who are they for? #nzpol

That's not lunch, it's airplane snacks. Seymour's playing culture war/libertarian games with the wellbeing of children. #nzpol

Week in Review: More than 500 children in state care were physically, sexually or emotionally harmed last year, according to the Independent Children's Monitor.

FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️ less boat for more money, (I’m guessing) same builder. Way to make decisions from the CoC #nzpol Hyundai in running to build two new Cook Strait ferries

To help decide whether the new "vigilante policing" proposals are a good idea, just look at who is in favour of them. If we go down this path, within a few years we will have concealed carry laws and pervasive gun violence. #nzpol

National-led government turning RMA on its head by allowing water pollution to benefit industrial farmers.

I think we’ll survive in spite of Sleazmour & ACT and their determination to undermine who we are. They have underestimated us

if ACT NAT NZF's Atlas Network handlers thought Aotearoa was a test case in subjugating the citizenry they've achieved a result, but the opposite of their expectations i've never seen a higher awareness of politics generally, and i'm well past my use-by date #nzpol

#AtlasNetwork’s #NZInitiative goes all in on #privatisation: A new report claims to provide "compelling" evidence that privatisation would deliver more "value for money" for New Zealanders. How good is the evidence? Not good.

I'm pleased the media is staying on the school lunches. They're appalling and deserve all the pushback they get. I'm also going hmm, because it shows what journalists can do if allowed. We could do with this kind of sustained journalistic commitment to a lot of other issues as well. #nzpol

The contract imposes a number of obligations on Compass, while media reporting and testimony suggests many of which have not been met. - Newsroom Pro - $ -

It's cool. He doesn't count as a predator b/c he is a cis white dude so his actions don't matter #NZPol /s

An absolute clusterfuck I'd laugh but it's our KIDS that are the losers here #nzpol

They've taken a functional nourishing programme that provided healthy safe lunches for children and employed lots of local businesses, and replaced it with inedible unwholesome slop. What gets me is the carelessness, the complete disinterest in providing good food, shown by Seymour and by... #nzpol

This is incoherent from the CoC “Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Transport Committee chair Thomas Nash said increases of 500% were “appalling” and “unachievable...nonsensical... not based on reality.”” #nzpol

"Legal and civil liberties experts here in NZ have pointed out the terms used in the government’s proposed legislation are too broad - and could be easily manipulated to crack down on peaceful protests." Thanks #nzpol

Does this even surprise you? #nzpol

It's a bit rich for us to be complaining about this... (1)

Whenever I meet new people at the moment and they find out I work in healthcare they say "oh I'm so sorry, that must be so hard with our current government" It's surprised me because even people I was expecting to be fairly politically conservative have had a clear sense the things are dire #nzpol

It's done on a Sunday because everyone's out and about and enjoying the last of their weekend, including the media. #nzpol

“Luxon & Willis who were so against Robertson’s borrowing to get NZ thru Covid-19 & Cyclone Gabrielle, inexplicably chose to give up large chunk of revenue in tax cuts (mostly for landlords & already well-paid) & fill the gap in their self-created structural deficit with INCREASED borrowing.” #nzpol