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All opinions are correct, but mine alone and not those of former, current, or future employers.
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Move the fuck out of the way and let someone who has some fight in them do the job. You’re clearly NOT up to the task.
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Wharton isn’t sending us their best and brightest.
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I mean, pointing out that Smith is wrong is a bit like pointing out the sun rises in the east.
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Little Marco needs to go back to the kids’ table, where he belongs.
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I propose that every white person be referred to as a white supremacy hire.
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Maybe you should have done your goddamn job and called him a fucking liar, because you knew he was lying. Journalism isn’t stenography, you braindead idiots.
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Some people sleep walk or sleep drive. I bet sleep deadlifting could work.
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I just hope it doesn’t go the route of Westworld. Like an athlete who plays a few seasons longer than they ought to.
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My guy is about as butch as Dolly Parton.
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White men are the ultimate snowflakes.
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Totally worth it. My new facility doesn’t have one, but I think I can rig one up (trying that tomorrow night). It’s a game changer for managing spinal load, which is huge when you’re old like me.
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J Dingleberry is working on a new book, a paean to the cuck lifestyle.
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Have to wonder wtf happened to him. Because the early 2000s version didn’t seem this dumb.
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I’m convinced that clown will do ANYTHING to feel relevant. Sad.
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Anything is possible, I guess. Lots of people believe in Santa Claus, too.
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Nature is healing itself.
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Rama lama ding dong.
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today voted against children’s healthcare, identical to the ideology of the republican he ran against in 2022. he runs for reelection in 2028. the queer community has a long memory, senator. i encourage you to fulfill the mandate you campaigned on.
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Matt should devote all his time narc… I mean policing his neighbors and their parking.
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If I wanted to know what the dumbest people in America think I’d just go to my local Facebook group.
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Do ambassadors get a badge?
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It’s as if no one who pays him has ever read him. And, if they have, well… we’re well and truly fucked if our media titans are that braindead.
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Sweet fucking Jesus, we’re doomed. Not an original idea has come from that brain trust since the early aughts. I’ve had farts more interesting than Matt Y’s “ideas.”
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Oh, honey, bless your heart. You really are this goddamn stupid.
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That’s not going to sit well with their vaccines cause autism contingent.
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Nate Dunning Kruger rides again.
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Who coulda knowed that people who believe in a sky faerie are also anti-science.
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Shout out to Fox News for supercharging the damage talk radio started.
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Very on brand for Gym. Hoping one of his competitors brings some of the wrestlers who were victimized to the Capitol. Or, even better, cuts a digital ad about it.
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We need to pair him up with Rand’s neighbor and send them around to the country to clean things up.