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rapscallion is not used often enough. :D (although i do use it occasionally)
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Why not both? :)
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There are no local print shops (or rather ones I would trust to do artwork... pamphlets and the such, sure). So this would need to be an online print shop. I'm waiting on verification of size they were hoping for.
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that does seem to be long, but to be fair i haven't opened blender (or any 3d package) in awhile now. are you mapping an object to the particles? and if so, could that be the slowdown?
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anything Nina or Ella sang. Louis too. If i'm singing, my favorite is St James Infirmary Blues. :)
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invisible. as i haven't squeezed in any time for it lately. :D (but i will, schedule should start clearing up mid-December, i hope, lol)
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if you do find yourself missing the lemonade, Key Nutrients makes a lemonade electrolyte mix using stevia. used about 1/2 the recommended amount (or even less) to cut the sweetness down. isn't cheap, but at that 1/2 a scoop per 20oz water, it does last far longer than you'd think.
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i gave up sodas and the like awhile ago... even within a few months of quitting, if i did take a sip it was so cloyingly sweet in a revolting way. so now, just water or herbal tea (i had to give up caffeine due to heart issues)
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It wasn't until I had him grab the Rand McNally atlas off the shelf behind him that he finally had the a-ha moment, and rented us the truck. :D Even funnier, I asked him how many states he thought were in the US. His answer: 51. I never did find out what the extra states were. :D
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Funny story there... We rented a truck (Hertz) to move out here to NM from Jersey... when they found out we were going to New Mexico, clerk didn't want to rent the truck to us, because they didn't allow their trucks to leave the country;
He wouldn't believe New Mexico was part of the US...
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Or, another take, the reviewers can't spell themselves. :D
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durn'd it... i've been paying taxes to the wrong country all this time. :D
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New Mexico is and has been part of the USA for quite awhile now... and secondly, the Grand Canyon is in Arizona (also part of the US).
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I particularly like the red peaking through the hill itself. :) leaves a lot for the imagination to chew around/
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i'd rather be the singer... only gotta carry a mic. those bass cabs are heavy. :D
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1. The Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson
2. Green Grass & High Tides - Outlaws
3. Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft - Klaatu
4. Lonesome Crow - Scorpions
and i'm stunned not having seen this in any response yet this close to thanksgiving:
5. Alices Restaurant Massacree - Arlo Guthrie
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izotope (various plugins depending on what's needed) for final mixes etc. lot of other good plugins mentioned above (below?) as well. :)
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Is the sky blue? >grins<
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and almost exactly 58 years since the reason for that song being written: the beginning of the sunset strip riots (due to curfews placed) in Los Angeles that started 13th & 14th Nov 1966.
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and 'That Smell' wasn't even an 80s song. Unless someone moved 1977 into the 80s. :D