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So that's how Megs finds out about the sparkling? 😶🌫️
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I just got a hyperfix on this ship and I devour any content that doesn't make me feel ashamed.
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Well...I don't even know who this is ahahaha
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Op: you kidnapped me?! *pounced, Megs gave him a small fight where he won*
Op:...*anticipating a good fuck from such a strong warrior*
Megs:*just left*
Op:*escaped from the cell, chasing Megs through the ventilation and pounces on him so that he finally completes what was required! (fucked him)*
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I remembered those 2 fanfics where megs acted like an animal in heat... trauma for life But I wonder why no one does the opposite? It's more funny how Op would run after Mags trying to get him into bed. But still! Why don't they write about this?:(
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I'm sure Megatron would like this. Who wouldn't want a strong partner? ;]
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Is this a coffin for the healthy mental Optimus?
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Op: Shut the hell up, it's all your fault! *slapped Megatron on the arm and then squeezed it hard*
Megs: *obediently remains silent seeing how Op is in pain*
Op: Well, why the hell are you silent, you bastard?! Calm me down!
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I'm sure Optimus will spend most of the chapter cursing Megatron while giving birth.
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You are doing such a great job. 🫣🤩
These are useful tips! Thank you for such a detailed answer.
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I can hear the sound from TikTok in my head right now: "You are spoiling us, your highness."
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The worst thing is that...
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Ah, okay.
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I feel awkward now 😶🌫️
But if you are interested, I can give you a link to the site where I read comics (free site)
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It wasn't for nothing that I called Megatron grandpa, it wasn't for nothing.
For him, Optimus is some kind of sparkling
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Well, I get it.
Optimus didn't fight there either, or rather he didn't have time.
But I'm still interested in how old Megatron is. Because when Ultra was born (11 million years ago) the Decepticons had already begun their rebellion.
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Optimus is a baby. Although I wonder why that is? I just remember in the comic Sentinel said that his generation sent the Allspark 🤔
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It's not quite right, but it conveys the essence.
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Megatron: Warlord, leader of the Decepticons, 11+ million years old, had an unknown number of lovers
Optimus: Semi-cadet, had a maximum of 3 lovers, 5+ million years old, nymphomaniac
Megs: *can't handle this kid's libido and is shocked at how much stamina Opa has for it*
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In theory, if it can be increased, then it can also be decreased... The valve can change shape, a large stretch or less. So why can't the spike be decreased? 🤧
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My twisted brain is hoping for a MegOp connection 👀🫣
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So something interesting awaits us... yeah... 👀
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Are these chapters really that uninteresting to you? 😶🌫️
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Briefly about my chain in my head:
Very excited > just like a heat cycle > heat cycle hinted at instinct > instinct like an animal > animal... the last few fanfics I've read are dragons > dragons AU TFA
(This is ff TFA somewhere on pages 20-28 of Ao3. Yes, they are old.)
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Oh no... I have flashbacks about dragon au fanfics
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I imagine Megatron trying to strangle him in a rage, and Optimus rebooting...
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I knew that Optimus is a masochist...
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And Optimus will give birth to all of them?😳 He must specifically force Megs to give birth to at least one!
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Briefly about the chapter: Megatron is going through puberty.
And so, it's very nice to know that he's suffering. Well, why not, let him rub his dick until it tears off. 🤧Optimus isn't the only one who has to suffer!
I wonder what his reaction to sparkling wine will be like. 👀
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As someone who is eagerly awaiting the chapter of this fanfic, I won't stop you, rather I'll gently whisper in your ear "come on, post it~"
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Considering that grandpa had no connection for who knows how long... 12 bumpers OP out of 10
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That's why transformers started giving birth less often.
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My curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to look for that mini-comic. I thought it was smaller, but no, it's fucking huge!
This thing will literally tear Optimus
(Author of this:
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As they say: How do you know that this is the author's favorite character? He suffers the most.
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Where the ball in the form of a capsule is Drachet and Skarstar. And where it unfolds is MegOp
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Optimus's mental disorder without vacation
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I'm unlikely to find those mini-comics. So yeah. (They are in both variants without armor, only the protoform) I can imagine the horror of the minibots... They were probably like balls.
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I remembered seeing a couple of mini-comics about sparkling wine. There they were in the form of balls that would open up over time.
1. The ball was like a capsule, and there was sparkling wine inside it.
2. The ball itself was sparkling and then opened.
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I need a fanfic where they talk about this!
?:War frames are savages and villains!
??:But your precious magnus himself is a war frame
?:and anyway – wait what?!
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In most TFA fanfics, the autobots are against the war frames. They are considered savages, etc. Isn't this hypocrisy on the part of Ultra Magnus? 🤔
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This type of truck is military. Basically, the Ultra Magnus is a war frame, that's why it's so damn big!
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Я зараз займаюся пошуками альт-режиму Опа та Мегзса.
Просто Оптимус виглядає як грузова пожарна машина. Мені цікаво, скільки він може тягнути. Та якщо альт режим Мегатрона будет в цьому діапазоні. То можна буде вважати, що Оп зможе його підняти🤔
Це дуже цікаво
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Моя робота була лише: пошук та наглядний приклад.(але йопт чому так мало про їх зріст?! Про це потрібно більше казати!)
Це автор який зробив реальну роботу:
Також в нього/неї є з автоботами
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Мне всегда было интересно какого роста Оптимус и Мегатрон ТФА(меня так бесит, что нет норм картинок роста и везде по разному😫) но я нашла приблизительный вариант.
В принципе, довольно таки заманчивая идея с поцелуем в живот👀
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Is this your AU? I'm very interested in more details!
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In general, Optimus is always shorter than Megatron by a head. What if he is military equipment that was converted into a civilian during the growth stage? I wonder if he would have felt discomfort all this time? And I didn't understand why it was like that with him, as if it was cramped HHMMM🤔
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Those who were against the Autobots were killed and went into the mines. And those who were for "voluntarily" were remaking...HmmmmHHHMMMMMM