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"On behalf of Chairman Lolorito, I bid you welcome to Kugane, and invite you to take refreshments at our local offices. " - Hancock Fitzgerald RP Account - 18+ Minors DNI -
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"No need to apologise for such! I am easily distracted, just, much more so when you are around"
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paying his respects to various stalls as he did. "Tell me, is there anything you are looking to purchase from this marketplace?"
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The merchant strained his smile as he stopped himself from wincing from the sudden grip upon his wrist. This was going to be a tiresome task, he could feel it. He would lead the man the best he could into the marketplace, -
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Haha you make a good point, you are quite the blessing
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Kami protect me, such splendour
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lets out a low chuckle. "I had thought so, hence why I had reserved the day, just in case you would want to spend it together." With a smirk he would hook his arm and quirk a brow. "I was wondering what you might want to do?"
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"Hmm to be quite honest, I have never had the want nor the time to. Usually a good time for business, and I have never found myself with partner when the occasion strikes"
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"Hmm surprisingly, I have the entire day free, were you hoping to make use of that time, I wonder?"
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A light blush as he mulled over his words. "I did not mean it like that! I of course would be honored to be able to, sneak a peek." He gives a grin of innocence.
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"Ah you are far too kind to me, but you certainly do know the value of forbidden fruits being the more delicious"
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"Ah how cruel, to give such a view, and to deny an even more enticing one"
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An intriguing opportunity for me. Tell me, being of eld, in your ways of old, what items hold the most value, hm?
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Oh, a pipe, I just didn't see you as much of a smoker~
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My, how salacious! One might think of that carrot as a similar shaped object
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The whisper earned Aro another one of his signature chuckles, shooting him an impressed glance over his glasses. "Wonderful, another skill for your advertisements." He took the paper and flattened it out. "Well then, this could be the start of a profitable partnership, for both of us, of course."
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In a sense, I was never out of the business. However, if needs are a must, I will dip my toes back in.
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A low chuckle as he struggled to remain conscious, sitting up a little as he considered her words. "Ahaha, perhaps perhaps! My mind is quite, alight with the excitement of the festivities. You appear quite unaffected, perhaps another drink?"
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Despite his condition, he was able to pull himself up, using Aayu as leverage as he positioned himself upright, balance still failing to readjust. "Ah, my stained pallette could benefit from some wonderfully refreshing water truth be told"
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His eyes were obviously hazy, even with the lopsided glasses. "Ah to think I have been blessed with a partner both radiant and thoughtful." Fruitlessly, he tried to lean up only to chuckle. "Such...inebriation, is mere child's play for a talented one as myself"
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you'll need collections of each drink for each person, would that be correct? After all, your fellows may not have the same impeccable taste buds as yourself, and since you yourself seem unfamiliar. Maybe a larger purchase would be safe, hm?"
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Hancock's eyes had been shining with opportunity from the moment the young knight had begun sampling his wares. An underhanded method, but what better way to know you were purchasing the best. "Oh! Wonderful! The lot you say? Tell me-
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The Starlight celebrations had, for the most part, been a success! But it appeared that the night had gone on and on and the usually composed businessman now found himself draped upon the lap of Aayu. "Ah~ Perhaps...another drink? One for the road?"
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It wasn't often that Hancock found himself joined by others on his tavern visits. However, when Arya had joined him for the festivities, who was he to say no? "Ah, perhaps the umeshu has gone to your head?" He chuckled a little looking down at the other. "Would you like mt o acquire some water?"
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The blonde merchant had clearly, overindulged himself in a long night of celebrations in beloved Kugane. An embarassing position for him, inebriated and finding himself on T'aisr's lap, eyes half lidded as he tried to stay conscious. "Perhaps...I have over indulged, one may think"
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"I suppose in one way, it takes one to know one. many of the locals do refer to me as "kawaii", thats Hingashi for cute." He would chuckle, watching him sign. "After all, it takes one to know one, although I believe you would fall under the "hot" category more than anything."
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when the time arises. If anything I am quite fortunate you are not familiar with this market, I consider you quite a find after all" He gave him a knowing smirk as he handed him a pen.
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"That was faster than I expected. And to think I prepped an hour worth of pitch. Here" He holds out a contract, with a bright smile. "Simple boiler plate stuff, essentially puts you under my employ, profits are yours, all I require are certain individuals taken care of, and mined for information-
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"And I can certainly see where one such as yourself would make a fine addition to my, holdings, as it were. But if you are not in the market for a business partner, than please. Allow us both to forget this exchange ever happened."
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Hancock had no itention to come off as patronising or assuming here, but from the way the Miqo was talking, it was clear they were on the same page. "Ah but of course! And it just so happens, I am currently in the market to invest in someone in search of, consultation and assistance in the industry
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But your askers? I'm guessing low numbers. Window shoppers, mostly. It's a shame, the market over here is lucrative, and if you don't mind me saying, you have the right stuff to make business happen"
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Kept composed, despite a low chuckle sounding as he doubted the excuse. "Of course, sometimes it's best to watch the city at work, hm?" Taking a seat, he leaned back as he mused. "Different markets, I'm afraid. You're a known commodity back home, over here, you'll still get business-
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"And what a wonderful relaxant you are, my treasure. To think at the end of the journey I'd have such wonderful company"
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Chances upon the Miqo'te with a small smirk, eyeing him up obviously even with the shades on. "Ah, Mr Viatorem. It certainly is curious to see you. From a fellow businessman to another, you have a very tantalizing pitch, but I am curious to how...thriving clientele numbers must be"
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Let out a small sigh as he held the other close to him, resting his head upon Aayu's shoulder, gently relaxing his rigid body. "I suppose, if this is the best Starlight ever, we shall have to endeavor to make the next even more memorable, no?"
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//Sending you all the best!
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"Well, it would be rude of me to refuse, wouldn't it?" He chuckled as he gestured towards her
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A light shrug is her answer. "I would never ask something so selfish! I am merely anticipating that, should you go into the commercial business, this may be a worthy assistance for you"
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Adjusted his glasses with a smug smile. "Of course, material goods are a specialty of mine. I would be remiss to waste such an opportunity. Consider it an investment for the future."
comment in response to post Would pass the Miqo a small gift bag. Within, the man would find a pair of two black leather holsters, both made from the finest Thanalan leathers. "Consider this a free present from myself, on behalf of the Company"