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I thought that, too. But, a news article stated two of their three dogs survived. So, makes me wonder.
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Disabled the email account. At least, that’s what the return error showed from mine.
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Email address disabled, as well.
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Theoretically. We lived in an HOA where upkeep wasn’t done. Property values were lower than outside of the HOA community. Most owners didn’t bother to vote in order to oust the poorly performing board, even though they complained. We sold but still have friends there who say it hasn’t improved.
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Thick as bricks.
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Karma taking care of the Trump pardons.
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What a dipshit. Of course, his MAGA base will believe every last bit of his crackpottery. And with the malaise the Democrats seem to be in, it feels as if we don’t have a chance.
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I didn’t realize how truly hateful people could be until I saw some of these MAGA rallies. Unbelievable that anyone could be so vile as to revel in the suffering of others. It’s as if they disassociated from the rest of humankind.
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If they’re calling what Bishop Budde said “an attack”, then they’re bigger snowflakes than I realized. She couldn’t have been kinder or more sensitive in her approach. But, they do love to create more and more division.
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That doesn’t sound like government efficiency. But, then, I think we know none of this was ever about “efficient government,” “criminals” or “they took our jobs”, anyway.
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Yeah, because we’re now at that place in the U.S. where saying “Fuck Nazis” is considered offensive to the ruling party and its followers. Scary shit.
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I let my Costco membership lapse a few years ago. But, I’m going to join again. Many things I was buying on Amazon I can get at Costco or other local stores. In December, chose to not renew Prime. I want to vote with my wallet, and hope many others will, as well.
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Sure. Your Orange Daddy will see and take a special interest in your post and say, “Of course. It was meant for everyone but you, Sweetie.” Because he really cares like that lol.
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I couldn’t believe that POS got elected twice with the bullshit trickle down economics. Now, decades later, I’m saying that’s again. WTF, America? 😠
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Ah, yes, the elusive “welfare queen.” Another racist dog whistle.
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Love Playing for Change. Wonderful organization. Consider supporting them.
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As a tail end baby boomer, I recall Carter and his loss to Reagan. I started my young adult phase of life in the turbulent years under a POTUS for whom I never voted and whose ideologies were fundamentally far from my own. I’m now a senior planning my next major life phase, and deja vu.
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One of the wealthiest people I ever knew (former CEO of McClatchy Management and gg grandson of the company founder) said to a group I was in one day, “The people who can afford it the least, pay the most.” The very wealthy know that a poverty tax exists.
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And they will find a way to blame democrats. Probably Obama lol. I mean, these are the same people who carried containers of fake JD Vance spoo “in solidarity”. 🤮