Pharmacy life -
Product hacking Rubyist.
Fascinated by electricity & renewables.
Friend with God.
Open to change opinion based on facts.
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Blimey. Asked about Trump, Merz says he’s in close contact with European leaders about becoming “independent” from US (and confesses “I never thought I’d say that on TV show”). Casts doubt on value of NATO summit in June.
This from a die-hard Atlanticist. Things are moving fast.
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I’d say if you have 2.4 million workers do this every week for 10 minutes, you’re wasting about $35 million per week. Who’s inefficient now?
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They should use Musk's Grok to create a polite and comprehensive response.
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Už je to smazaný. Co psal?
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It won't be unconstitutional after MAGA amends the constitution.
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What a paradox would it be if the ex-EU UK led a coalition against Russians.
Can we please please start with annexing Kaliningrad?🍿
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I've been scratching my head to figure out Trump's motivations behind the pro Russian madness. Perhaps hundreds of billions in revenues from US weapons sales in the renewed arms race? However Trump being the top Russian agent suits better the overall picture of the narcissistic coward he is.
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I've been scratching my head to figure out Trump's motivations behind the pro Russian madness. Perhaps hundreds of billions in revenues from US weapons sales in the renewed arms race? However Trump being the top Russian agent suits better the overall picture of the narcissistic coward he is.
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"The Russian stock market rose for the first time in three years because of the belief that Trump would save them." 😱
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How ridiculous is it that Trump refuses to respect Zelenskyj as president while demanding that he sign the unfavorable minerals contract?
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Smutné výroky:
The Ukrainians say presence for the sake of presence is not feasible. Under what mandate could such a force work? "KALLAS: If the discussion comes to this, then we can discuss it, but we are not at this point." Takto vyhýbavým odpovědím se musí Putin smát. Je z toho cítit slabost.
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Smutné výroky:
"First, we have to put pressure on Putin so he wants to move towards peace." dosavadní tlak zjevně nefunguje a je potřeba radikálně změnit taktiku.
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If it works, I'm kind of NOT sorry for Tesla stock.
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Děsivá, ale bohužel realistická perspektiva. Já teda doufám že když na to přijde, skončím někde v IT departmentu 😄
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And never overestimate Europe. It says more than it does. Now is the time to take courage and get Russia the fuck out of your country. Can Europe wake up and get it done?
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Je lepší doba vložit se do toho vojensky? Rusko je po 3 letech unavené a získalo kousek území. Škoda že v Evropě není odvaha k razantnímu kroku invaze do Ukrajiny, nebo třeba k zabrání Kaliningradu.
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Asking my American friend (Atlanta, GA) about how Trump voters view recent measures taken by Trump and Musk:
"Almost all of them love it.
If it gets bad they will just say we are still feeling the effects of Biden and the democrats."
My mind just doesn't get it.
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To je hrozně bezzubý a popletený. "Až bude uzavřeno příměří" znamená až to Putin připustí. Proč by to dělal, když mu stávají stav velmi vyhiguje? Tuplem ne když by se pak na Ukrajinu nastěhoval kontingent. Aby bylo příměří, musí tam Evropa poslat"Mírový kontingent" MINULÝ TÝDEN.
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Yes! Just supplying weapons and ammo proves a shocking lack of creativity/motivation and only supports a war of attrition in which Putin is pulling the long end. Why not conduct major military exercises in Ukraine or near Kaliningrad? Or occupy it outright to trade it later as part of a peace deal?
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Can someone please explain why would high profile govt and nonprofit employees resign from their jobs? Don't they make it easier for Trump to force compliance?
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Can someone please explain why would high profile govt and nonprofit employees quit their jobs? Don't they make it easier for Trump to force compliance?
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Hey Europe, show some f*****g force!
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Just supplying weapons and ammo proves a shocking lack of creativity (or motivation) and only supports a war of attrition in which Putin is pulling the long end. Why not conduct major military exercises in Ukraine or near Kaliningrad? Or occupy it outright to trade it later as part of a peace deal?
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"TOP 09 přichází o Pekarovou a musí hledat lídra." zní skoro jako "TOP09 chtěl lídra a místo něj měl Pekarovou."