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29 year old cosplayer, actor, content creator from Ireland
132 posts 57 followers 39 following
Prolific Poster

Someone opening up their phone to porn while we’re all waiting to board makes me feel better about the delay

For the first time, getting through Gatwick security hasn’t been a pain in the ass

Apparently there’s a fog tomorrow I will literally swim to get back to my dogs. England can’t hold me back from my precious pups

I’m still mad we never got a conclusion to this. I was so excited for Jessica and seeing how she’d progress being a Fear Lantern after being able to Overcome Fear with will power. While I’m loving the fact she’s basically the “President” on Oa, I would’ve loved this arch explored

While you can’t control someone’s negative behavior, you can control how long you participate in it

I’m a terrible tourist, I go out at like 12 for like 4 hours and then back in my hotel. I’m too tired to be a tourist

Sitting down in armor is a fucking challenge

I love my new shirts

Spending my first day in London in a comic shop and now in my hotel room cause I’m burned out. I’m exhausted

I hate going through airports. I never feel more like a lost child than when I have to a death grip on all me belongings when I could just be grand. I don’t like stress

Flight to London in the morning, entering enemy territory

The only reason Deathstroke is allowed to exist is because of Rose Wilson. I love that woman and her bullshit more than anything. No I will not answer any questions at this time

Me daily

“OMG SHUT UP HARVEY!!” “let Harvey speak!” “No!”

Getting a content creator pass for one of my new favorite cons in the Irish Gaming Market #IGM was a good point of today 🤙🏻

I hate how there’s so many different versions of me out there, living in other peoples heads and none of them are real, regardless of if they’re “good” or “bad” Not even who I think I am is real and I’m constantly feel like I’m disappointing the people who think highly of me

The rain is so heavy outside, I’m staying in bed

I think someone needs to cut down the Rocks scripts for his WWE promos. Man waffles on like he’s getting paid per word

Worst. Episode. EVER.

Occam’s Razor works on Nazis, too. It is the opposite of complicated.

Why is my BatRen helmet hair look better than RedRen helmet hair? 🤣🤣 (legit tho, my hair always looks like this after the Batman helmet)

One of the most eye opening moments when you see your own behavior reflected back at you in another person. When I’ve seen someone sit only in their anger or depression all day, I go “ah fuck, that’s what I’ve been like?” And realize people were right to be mad or cut me off

Can't we just put everyone responsible for the invasion of Iraq prison, donate all their wealth and money to the communities they destroyed, and force them to make public apologies. You know like... George W Bush Dick Chaney Tom King Tony Blair George J Tenet Benjamin Netanyahu Just to start

Trying not to spam my friends with my cosplay photos this past weekend but I’m literally so happy with them!!! #Batman

Got to do a photoshoot of Gorgug and Kristen Applebees from #FantasyHigh

Great weekend with my friends

Some don’t even realize they’re actually eating all the faces.

Lies breaks trust, obvious statement I know some people don’t understand but maybe they’ll learn to pull their head out of their arse they’ll figure it out

Strap snapped on suitcase just as I put it on the bus. I’m not liking my odds

Spending Valentine’s Day with my friends at a con, probably the best way to spend Valentine’s Day at the end of the day. If you need one day to show your partner how much they mean to you and don’t appreciate it when they do it without asking, you suck as a partner

More people in the cosplay community getting brought out into the light as pedos and groomers. Like the great Kendrick Lamar has said “You better not ever go to cell block one”

Pre-reg tickets for #kaizokucon are now live at the below address: March is going to be a very fun month so it seems.

My left eye has been involuntarily twitching lately, couldn’t tell you how long. Said it to a friend and they said “that’s probably stress with a layer of stress mixed with fatigue” Yeah, sounds about right

In the darkest knight, I make the bad guys fall

The tone deaf singing on this bus is actually insane

People being so obnoxious to sing on a bus, clearly drunk at 15:10 is just ridiculous

Saw a man walking around Dublin with a Chaplin Mustache. My brother in Christ, now’s not the time

NAZI-KILLING G.I. ROBOT IN ACTION Posting this today for no particular reason… (Cc )

Oh thank god, quiet bus ❤️🖤

Potentially a full bus to Dublin 🥲 not a fan

Finished work, I’m just tired now and wanna vibe

Just need to get through today, go see friends, pick up Bat armor and get ready for Akumacon in Galway for Valentines weekend 🥲

The fact Netanyahu isn’t in a jail right now for his actual war crimes but can stand side by side with President of the US is proof that powerful men will always protect powerful men

Trump wanting taking over Gaza If the UN lets him, if the international community lets him kick out Palestines from their home, then we are watching Hitler take over Poland in this generation. Ridiculous

Perry refusing to leave the bed is another privilege this dog has that I do not

Trying to use references to get better with poses