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Tell me again why we allow private corporations run our healthcare again...oh yes, that's right, they own the lawmakers who make the laws to let them get away with this crap and then cover for them with the cops come.
We're going to need more plumbers for this job.
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Where are the flames in the picture? Unrealistic.
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Bannon is one to talk isn't he.
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We could use an army of his kind
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This is Robin Hood split an arrow with another arrow level of accuracy. American Conservative Christians are the new Pharisees and Sadducees of the past and would treat him exactly like this.
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You're welcome :)
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It's alright, we're all mortal and human and such moods are bound to occur. I'm plenty down on myself when doing my schoolwork when I get stuff wrong.
*gives a hug*
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A Day Late, a Dollar Short, and Deliberately Delayed Until the Damage Has Already Been Done.
F*** Trump, F*** Musk, and F*** All Who Follow Them.
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Good :)
It happened to the best person among the people affected that it could happen too.
I hope the news just keeps on rolling for all of them, especially him.
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You knew he was a snake and you still took him in. Sorry, my Empathy is reserved for those that didn't vote for this to happen to them and others. Pray that you don't get the cold shoulder from Christian voters for Trump, after all, his 'pastors' preach against the sin of 'Empathy'.
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Good ... this could no happen to a 'nicer' bunch of folks.
I guess a few courts in this country still work.
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Ashame that will only let him claim he won and his brain-dead horde will cheer regardless.
I just wish the shoe would drop on them with all the force of an Anvil from a Looney Toons cartoon...and leave them in the ground. *le sigh*
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Hmm...looks a little big for a group safe space.
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Written and sent
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Hard Second This. Fuck you Tim Poole and all those you walk with.
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I fully support this. Americans need to be reminding that the rest of the world gets a say in things and we need that reminding badly.
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Deliberate cruelty ... Guantanamo Bay was a black eye during the War on Terror, this will be worse.
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"Pro-Life" was always a slogan...they never cared about children or women. it was always about control and causing harm to those who they feel are 'not walking in *their* god's path' if their single mothers.
This is why when I hear Pro-Life, Conservative Christian, I distrust them without question.
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Cry me a river :)
Should have followed the rules.
You get what you voted for ... bitch.
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Yes, please start with your own house Republicans...and start with Matt Gaetz.
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I see nothing more than a coward who is afraid of non-compliance. Fuck him.
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It's not Erasing History if it isn't about the Master Race don't you know. Just as it is the Master Races' belief that only White People do amazing things, everyone else just mooches off their 'hard work'. (/s if it wasn't clear)
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Nope...can't have anyone else out-do the 'master race' now can we. Those fliers have more honor in them and more respect owed to them than Trump does in a single strain of his dyed 'hair' in that scalp of his.
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Good idea to have the multiple languages. After all, they're only starting with those from the 'south' of the border at first, this will spread to other groups.
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You reap what you sow...if you voted for Trump, I have 'zero' fucks to give you if you are in pain from this. My field for them is barren. Enjoy your vote.
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The new Jim Crow program giving the green light for racists to target those they don't like and be paid for it.
Makes me sick to be American and glad to not live in Mississippi...
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Enjoying Friday as best I can before knuckling down to do 'homework'.
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*chuckles* Damn straight that :)
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You are correct, but it would be useful for them to avoid repeating their mistakes in the future. I also know I'm not one of those who can get them to change their mind and redirect their ire...I don't have the patience for it.
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Never expect those who voted for this to understand that, or even take responsibility for their actions. They are the worst kind of children...and want to stay that way to avoid responsibility for their actions.
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My plans were to get more school work done...and got it done fortunately :)
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Congrats Veni
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Disgusting ... but at this point, it's all I would expect of those who view themselves as Lord and the rest of as Peasants who need to be 'reminded' of their place by any means they decide.
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Good...a lot of the criminals are going to wind up back in prison hopefully...and with less opportunity to get out next time.
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Sounds like someone is making a list of research subjects for something like the Tuskegee Sysphilis Study...or worse. I hard second that: I would not respond under this admin (as you say), or any with connections back to this admin.
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And now they're coming out of the woodwork, all those things we thought we'd overcome. F Republicans and these pieces of human filth using 'love of country' and 'righteousness' to cloak their 'bigotry' and 'hatred'.
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This is important to remember, as it can be very hard to do so and keep in perspective. I will strive to do this...and try to keep hope in this ever increasing pool of disappointment.
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A shame that the sheep were so eager to be sheared...they deserve it...Caveat emptor.
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Good gods, this feels so real and accurate.
The stupid...it freaking burns.
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smiles ... lol ... lmao ... Let them cry a river, they voted for the snake that was only interested in their money and now he's bitten them and now they complain. Fuck them.
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Well...shit. Good thing I still have my mask...I'm going to start wearing it again. *facepalm*
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Stars help us all. If this thing jumps the species barrier to humans...this will make Covid-19 look like ... *gives a pained look* ... chickenpox.
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Everything a Republican says should be treated as a lie that needs to be proven 'true' and accurate.
Granted, Democrats have their own problems in being too quick to try and sign 'Kumbaya' with the Republicans, but compared to the Republicans...they're saints.
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Good for her...I should hope if I had such a parent, I would show even a quarter of the courage in stepping up and out publicly...as well as the savagery she has shown here for this 'abominable' parent.
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I know the feeling...so much has changed and it definitely feels like its going to get much worse before it starts turning towards a more positive direction.
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Really makes you want to find someplace to ride this out...good grief, soon we'll be welcoming back Polio and Smallpox at this rate.
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Well...if this is proven...I hope California sues him for every last penny he's owns and is left destitute for the amount of harm and destruction his shoddy construction has caused.
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This...100% this!
They do not get to dictate your life, you do.
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I concur...this isn't about nostalgia and I don't support her current work and I don't support her now. Trans people are more important than a 'setting', especially when dealing with those who actively seek them harm however they can manage it.