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Kar se tiče zelo zanimivega pogovora o belohišnem slonjem teptanju porcelana, ki ga je odlično odvodila Manica Ambrožič, bi samo rekla, da sem vesela, da Türk ni predsednik. In kapo dol Grošlju.

Q: Do you believe you owe President Trump an apology? Zelenskyy: No. I respect President Trump and the American people. But I’m not sure we’ve done something bad. We must be open and honest. 1/

Rusija je izvedla popoln state capture ameriške vlade. In to podpirajo predvsem zagovorniki 2. amandmaja ter samooklicani domoljubi. No, saj v Sloveniji je podobno.

Trump dismantles the global rules that upheld US dominance, handing Xi Jinping an opening to enforce a system where strength rules. As cunning Xi waits, America falters, and the world tilts toward China’s vision - Bloomberg

Musk je sinonim za korupcijo. Res ne vem kako lahko še kdo pri zdravi pameti kupi Teslo.

The mistake is to think Zelensky could have salvaged this. Trump admin just doesn’t want to support Ukraine. Period. There was also never going to be a peace agreement. That’s been clear but everyone has been pretending otherwise. There can be no confusion now.

Dober članek o tem, da je za uspeh potrebna tudi sreča. "the most talented individuals were rarely the most successful. In general, mediocre-but-lucky people were much more successful than more-talented-but-unlucky individuals." 1/2

Italy just sent an Italian Navy officer, who tried to spy for russia to prison for 29 years. If he had murdered someone, he would have gotten 20 years. But he took €5,000 from the russians for bringing them 57 secret NATO files... got caught on the way and will die in prison.

Podatki o konkurenčnosti Evropske unije (EU) kažejo, da bomo brez ukrepov živeli slabše.

“Zelensky doesn’t need Trump’s help to give Putin four regions, downsize the army, and abandon NATO aspirations. If he wanted to surrender to Putin, he would have gone to Moscow, not Washington.” Via Sławomir Dębski

Tole mene skrbi 👇. Socialna omrežja in čedalje slabša kvaliteta medijev ter vedno manj zanimanja za aktualna družbeno-politična dogajanja lahko pripeljejo do tega, da se nam bo to zgodilo tudi v Sloveniji, v Nemčiji itd.

Western leaders need to learn from Zelensky: 1. Don't allow Trump to get away with his persistent lies - call him out in public (Macron did so as well, though softly). 2. Don't accept unacceptable agreements. 3. learn how to manage without the unreliable & hostile US.

Europe should enforce much harder restrictions on social media. Misleading people should not be allowed, just like with advertisement. It's a matter of survival.

Tudi če se Američanom po kakšnem čudežu uspe znebiti Trumpu in MAGA norcev, bo povrnitev položaja in moči ZDA skoraj nemogoča naloga.

Crazy, the US is going full retard mode.

Od leta 1980 do danes smo v Sloveniji v javnem sektorju zaposlili 1300 🚌, to je skoraj 80 tisoč novih ljudi, pa nismo v stanju sestaviti enega pametnega zakona. Država ne bo rešila naših problemov. Država je naš problem.

Ker sem si drznil kritizirati oranžnega moža, v angleščini, mi je free speech absolutist blokiral profil na TW. So, here I am. 😅