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We can't forget that without Rogan and people like him, criminals like Musk and Trump couldn't succeed.
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Ja, bolje sedaj malo stisniti zobe, kot pa plačati z mizerijo v prihodnosti. Jaz si želim, da bi moji otroci živeli v miru in prosperiteti. Zato sem se pripravljen danes odreči delu udobja, ki ga imam.
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Res upam, da se ne motiš. Da bi zmanjšali odvisnost od ZDA moramo doseči tudi večjo energetsko in surovinsko neodvisnost, zgraditi lastno digitalno infrastrukturo, kapitalske trge itd. Poleg investiranja v orožje. Vrniti se moramo v Afriko, Južno Ameriko in Azijo.
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Unfortunately we still hope that agreement based on arguments is possible. The US under Trump administration is gone. And with fascist like Musk, Thiel, majority of SCOTUS etc. it is highly unlikely that American democracy and rule of law can be restored. Trump will give entire Asia to China.
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Z ZDA kot smo jih poznali je konec. Ampak se mi zdi, da nas je v Evropi tako strah tega, da raje tiščimo glavo v pesek in upamo, da bo problem izginil sam po sebi. Ne bo. Dlje bomo odlašali s konfrontacijo, hujše bo.
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Even "actual" numbers are inflated. The US sent to Ukraine a lot of old, decommissioned weapons that they would otherwise destroy. But then they ordered new weapons to boost the stock for US Army not Ukraine and to create domestic jobs for the American people. And now Trump is firing people. 🤷
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😂 We are more than capable to develop our own alternatives. It's only a question if there is a will to do it.
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By end of 2002 all Russian soldiers were supposed to have been removed. They have not been.
But you can believe our promises about Ukraine now.
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Tudi mene skrbi. EU je predolgo mirno gledala kaj se dogaja na Madžarskem, v BiH in Srbiji, potem na Slovaškem. Tudi za Brexit danes vemo, da je uspel zaradi vmešavanja Rusije Vidimo kako skušajo destabilizirati Romunijo. Sedaj jim bodo pri tem pomagali še Američani.
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Vse to ne bi bilo mogoče brez podpore Muska, Thiela, Murdocha, Rogana in številnih drugih oligarhov. Upam, da se bomo na obeh straneh Atlantika zbudili in se jim aktivno zoperstavili.
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He tried that with Russia and Ukraine, and we all know how that turned out. Here will be the same. Trump is Putin's bitch and will do everything he can to please his master. And that's why he will try to destroy Ukraine. It's time for Macron to shut up and really start helping Ukraine.
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Ubral je nekam neoliberalen pristop. 😜
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Idealna priložnost, da novinarji vprašate Goloba, Pirc Musar, Boštjančiča in Sajovica koliko milijonov bomo dali Ukrajini, da pokažemo resnost in koliko za razvoj slovenske obrambne industrije. 500 milijonov bi bila primerna cifra.
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Soon we will get data for February sales. I really hope that trend continues. We have to start boycotting oligarchs that support Trump.
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Musk and Trump are Nazis. What we can do is to hurt them and their supporters economically. Boycott Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter, Trump hotels, Kushner, Palantir, Amazon, Meta etc.
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Trump bi to kar dela danes, naredil že v prvem mandatu. A takrat je bilo kar nekaj normalnih Republikancev, ki so ga ustavljali. V času Bidna je naredil čistko v stranki. Sedaj so tam samo še lojalisti in ruski agenti. Zmotno je tudi mišljenje, da je Trumpu mar za ZDA. On vidi samo sebe.
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Ukraine needs more money, more weapons, material, more sanctions applied to Russia etc. We should send troops to Ukraine to help it guard its rear.
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It kinda was. Europe wasn't paying attention to what happened in his first term and when Biden was president. In his first term he had many normal Republicans that stopped him. Then he purged the Republican party and replaced normal ones with extremists and Russian agents. Remember Liz Cheney.
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WTF? Rutte is saying, go to the russian bitch Trump and persuade him to give up his master Putin and make peace for Ukraine. Europe still doesn't understand that the US is now our adversary. The US and Russia are now allies. US democracy is on its death bed.
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Good job Norway. 👍 I hope other EU countries will follow.
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Poglej Slovenijo. Vemo kdo je JJ in kaj vse je naredil (laži, kriminal, ekonomska škoda itd.). A v medijih je tako kot, da se nič od tega ni nikoli zgodilo. Kot da sta on in njegova kriminalna organizacija povsem legitimen del demokratične družbe ter je problem v vseh ostalih.
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Američani nikoli niso bili idealni, ampak to kar se dela pod Trumpom je pa vseeno nekaj povsem drugega. Gre za napad na demokratičen svetovni red, ki so ga gradile ravno ZDA ter objem avtoritarnih in totalitarnih režimov. Videli smo kaj je Trump naredil v Afganistanu.
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"Kako se lahko razglašaš za domoljuba, če politično paktiraš s politikom, ki ima v pisarni zemljevid Velike Madžarske, ali avstrijskimi Svobodnjaki, ki odkrito govorijo o Štajerski do Save?" 2/2
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If Europe starts helping Ukraine as if it's survival depends on Ukrainian victory (because it does), then everything is possible.
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Disgusting. The EU needs to be less dependent on the US.
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Hvala 🙏 za jasno izraženo stališče na TW. Upam da bo počasi tudi na Blueskyu malo več aktivnosti.
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"The most successful agents tended to be those who were only slightly above average in talent but with a lot of luck in their lives." 2/2
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Res lep kuža. Za kakšno pasjo modno revijo. 😉