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Early childhood educator
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Do you have a back up plan? This entire plan hinges on sleeping with Stupid Chatter’s mom. What if their mom is dead or they’ve been estranged for years? Your entire plan falls apart. So, what’s plan b?
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Pan a little to the left and you’ll see early childhood programs passed out from dehydration because most of us get nothing at all.
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My parents recently went to see an American comedian who has been living in Israel for many years. He talked a bit about current events and said that the majority of Israeli citizens want a ceasefire, oppose Netanyahu’s actions and want him out of office. I guess they all must be Russian plants 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️.
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With all the video evidence out there on social media they all know exactly what kind of corrupt system they are a part of and choose to remain in it. Turning a blind eye isn’t any better than being actively involved in the corruption. This applies to every cop in the United States.
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Say it with me now: The only good cop is a dead one.
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How much do you think this cost Mass residents? Because there’s no doubt our tax dollars were used to pay for this bullshit.
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Or, hear me out, we could acknowledge that Alfred and the Joker aren’t the only options to take care of the bat cave and try hiring someone who we think will do a better job than either of them has shown they can do and who don’t support evil. Because, ya know, other people do exist.
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I moved to Arlington 10 years ago and I do not own a car. I was pissed when I learned that there could have been a T stop here and the people in this town refused it. Now that the 79 is gone there is no direct route to Alewife from where I live. It takes 2 buses and twice as long to get there now.
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Or is a raisin just fruit jerky?🤔
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Quit trying to shove all this “lesser evil” shit down people’s throats. There’s no “lesser evil” this time (if there ever was). There’s just evil and we’re screwed one way or another whoever we end up with. If we keep voting for the “lesser evil” we’ll always keep ending up with some level of evil.
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I’m still holding out hope that Trump and Biden both shuffle off this mortal coil in the next 6 months or so. Still no guarantee we’ll get a decent non-evil candidate, but at least we’ll have a chance at it with those two gone.
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I rewatched The Neverending Story recently. It was much slower and more boring than I remember from my childhood. It was also so much more depressing than I remembered. I’m honestly trying to figure out why little kid me loved it so much.
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Guaranteed not one of them has any clue how to actually use those swords and could be easily disarmed by a toddler.
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In the US we pay the people who take away our garbage more than the people who educate/take care of our children. That should tell you all you need to know about how we value the lives of children in this shithole country. They are less important to people here than garbage. It’s infuriating.
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Maybe if we all wish for it hard enough Trump and Biden will both drop dead before next November and we’ll have a shot at maybe electing a president who isn’t a terrible human being.
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I wouldn’t hold my breath on that. The type of people who would publicly shame a person for living a lifestyle they disagree with are the same type of people who would then celebrate the death of that person. The very idea that they bear any responsibility for that death wouldn’t ever occur to them.
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*might happen
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And you don’t think a decent portion of those accidents might not happen when it’s dark just before 7 am and people are driving to work not fully awake because of lack of sunlight first thing in the morning? You don’t think people might get depressed waking up in pitch black darkness everyday?
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Or you could change your schedule and go into work earlier so you can go home earlier. See how that works both ways?
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Yet they cater to people like you anyway.
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Sure, because screw all of us whose serotonin levels are more negatively affected by early morning darkness. We’re not as important as the rest of you.
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As a non-retiree with an alternating work schedule (early morning openings/evening closings) who walks to/from work everyday I find walking to work in darkness at 7 am a much shittier experience than walking home in darkness in the evening. Waking up at 5 am is also easier in sunlight than darkness.
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What does this have to do with the fact that Sanders isn’t running for president making his opinion on a ceasefire irrelevant to voters?
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He’s not running for president in 2024 as far as we know so this fact is irrelevant.
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I got locked out of my account for expressing my genuine hope that Trump and Biden would both drop dead before next November. I just tried appealing with “my freedom of speech is being suppressed by the woke mafia”. It didn’t work. I really just want to get back in to delete my account.
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There is one at the childcare where I work in about an hour from now. I will not be attending, but my coteacher and some of the other classroom teachers are. I had never heard of trunk or treat before starting at this school 5 years ago and I don’t really see the appeal.
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I’ve been living in Massachusetts for over a decade and just recently heard someone say Methuen (the name of a MA town) out loud for the first time. I’d only seen it in print before and assumed it was pronounced Meth-wayne. Nope, it’s Meh-thoo-en.
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I’m so tired of needing to constantly explain to people that Palestine is not synonymous with Hamas. Palestinian civilians are innocent victims who have nothing to do with the actions of Hamas. Half the population is children and were very young or not born the last time an election was held (2007).
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I guess we should ban priests then. Hell, the entire clergy just to be safe.
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I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had reason to say this recently, but here I go again: the only good cop is a dead one.
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Things like this keep happening with cops over and over. They just hurt people or ruin their lives repeatedly. This is why I never feel sad when I hear of a cop’s death. I just feel relieved. One less monster in the world. The only good cop is a dead one.
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I have to block my uncle on Facebook for months during every presidential election to avoid this type of browbeating. I live in Massachusetts, one of the bluest of the blue states. The kicker? He hasn’t even lived in the US in over 30 years. He’s lived in the UK for so long he got dual citizenship.
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Look at boobs to get $1 million (or was it $1 million million?), sure. I’m not afraid of boobs. Hell, I have a pair myself. Pay $1 million (million million?), nah. I have my own that Insee daily and I’m not interested enough in anyone else’s to pay for the privilege of looking at them.
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That’s what you believe about atheism, but that’s the thing about beliefs. You can make any assertion you want, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re right or that other people have to agree with or live by your beliefs. Sorry if you can’t handle that.
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No, it isn’t. Atheists have a firm belief that no god or gods exist and live their lives based on that belief just as those who believe in god live their lives based on that belief. I don’t care about the existence of any gods and don’t live life based on the assertion that they do or don’t exist.
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Atheism is a religion. They have beliefs. They believe that there is no god. I just don’t care.
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There is no religion I do not despise. I despise the very concept of religion. People use it as an excuse to be openly hateful to those who are different than them and it’s considered acceptable because it’s “just their religious beliefs”. It’s toxic, dangerous and almost always ends in violence.
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Yes it is. So is atheism. If there is a belief system associated with it it’s a religion. You can keep telling yourself you haven’t fallen into the trap that is religion, but all you’re doing is lying to yourself.
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That’s still a religion and you’re still a shitty human being.
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People like you are the reason I stopped believing in the Judaism I was raised with and began despising all religions across the board. Every single religion is poisonous and people like you are the proof. I would like nothing more than for the entire concept of religion to be banned worldwide.
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I got locked out of my Twitter account a couple weeks ago for expressing my hope for Trump and Biden to both drop dead before November 2024. I haven’t bothered to appeal and won’t be removing the tweet so I’m effectively done with twitter. I really don’t miss being enraged every time I open the app
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When I spoke to my dad last weekend he told me he’d gone to shul for the first time in a long time because he felt the need to be around other Jews. He was shocked when I said I felt the exact opposite need. Then I explained the importance of not conflating civilians with their governing bodies.
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I’m still holding out hope that Trump and Biden both meet their expiration dates before November 2024. I don’t see RFK Jr having a snowball’s chance in hell at winning the election, so I’ll hold off hoping he expires. I just want someone who isn’t a terrible human being in office. That’d be nice.
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Then I guess bombs need to be dropped over every single part of the world inhabited by humans. You never know who is innocent and who is not, so the safest option would be to just take out the entire species, right?
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Exactly. People absolutely refuse to recognize or acknowledge that Hamas and the Israeli government/IDF are both villains in this story. There are no good guys in this war. Israeli and Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire have become victims to both sides.
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Yes! It is possible to understand why someone may be provoked to take extremely drastic actions and not be surprised when they do while also not condoning those actions. When people are being oppressed for decades you can’t be outraged when they fight back. What else were you expecting them to do?
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I will ask this once: did you read the word documentary anywhere in my comment?
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Did you think you were going to be watching a movie? No. Idiocracy isn’t a movie. It’s a prophecy.
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Many Jews over the age of 40 have also stopped buying that bullshit. My 71 year old father and I (41) were just discussing the attacks and both of us questioned how anyone, Israel in particular, could be surprised about this. What did they expect Palestine would do after decades of being oppressed?
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What exactly did Israel think would happen after decades of forcing apartheid on the Palestinian people? Did they really think the people they were oppressing would never organize and fight back? This war, as abhorrent as it is, was a long time coming. No one should be surprised that this happened.