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PhD Candidate - Learning Scientist - Teacher - Cat Mom
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Last day for ILSSA elections! If you are an ISLS student member and would like the link, please let me know!

The amount of positions I have applied to since March....oof. How does one get employed again after being away from the non-academic work force for 6 years?

📣 Calling all ISLS student members 📣 It's time to vote in ILSSA elections for next year's committee! Check your email for the link to vote through July 24th!

So, I'm writing up a case as another form of analysis. I've coded and coded and coded and was told by one of my advisors to just, "write up the case." Cool, cool, cool. I know I am going into WAY too much detail, but my brain says...keep going! Write the details! Write them ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Help.

One of those days where writing a paragraph takes an hour. One step at a time!

Something that has helped me is to think of my first draft as "Draft Zero." This original draft is not even as good as a first one. Just write! There's zero consequence for just putting something down on the page. Just by changing the name from "first" to "zero," my brain suddenly became free.

I've shared this with some folks, but not on here. For years and years during my doc program, I would have such a HORRIBLE time beginning to write. Often I was paralyzed by the fear of not being perfect, not being "right" - so I just wouldn't write at all. I still deal with that fear, but....

We're extending nominations through July 8th!

I'm still not rested from my two-week road trip (and the several intense weeks of prepping for ISLS and grading for a course I taught at Loyola University before & after...), so instead of forcing myself to start writing up a case for my dissertation, I'm going to clean and then head to the beach.

ISLS student members, are you interested in joining ILSSA for the 2024-2025 academic year?! Nominations are OPEN through July 1st, 2024! More info about the various roles, as well as the nomination and upcoming election processes, are here:

Here's the link to the symposium I participated in: Doing Learning Sciences Research In and Through Performing Arts:

To everyone who helped at ISLS 2024 this year...THANK YOU! A special thank you goes out to all the ILSSA committee folks. SO PROUD of everything we have worked on this past year.

Join us for First Cup Connections: Online Socials with ILSSA via Zoom on June 10, 9:00 AM, EDT (8:00AM, CDT, 3:00PM CEST, 6:30PM Delhi, 9:00PM Manila, 10:00 PM Tokyo). Please register through so we can send you the Zoom link to the event! #studentsofisls #isls2024

Student or postdoc of the Learning Sciences? Missed registering for the ISLS 2024 Annual Meeting? Or maybe you are joining hybrid or online? Let's stay connected and start the conference at the same time on-site attendees are taking part in the Opening Ceremony! See next post for more info!

Conference time has arrived!! We're wishing everyone attending in person safe travels to #ISLS2024! Share your conference adventures with us using the hashtag #StudentsOfISLS!

After settling in at my Airbnb, my first stop in Buffalo was Anchor Bar for its Buffalo wings - the original wings! #isls2024

All students and postdocs at the ISLS annual meeting, you are welcome to a free dinner Monday evening at Big Ditch! #isls2024

Thursday June 13th, I'll be presenting my work at this hybrid symposium. If you are attending ISLS this year in person or online, I hope to see you there! #isls2024

Excited to explore how theories of immanence and affect may recalibrate our understanding of transcribing and rendering learning and inter/intra-action at the 2024 International Society for the Learning Sciences conference! #ISLS2024 #ISLS24 #LearningThroughandInTheArts

#ISLS24 folks interested in our hybrid symposium on arts-based research, we have kicked it off the session asynchronosly! In the chat for the session on Whova, we dropped: -A folder with explanations of and examples from our arts-based projects -A miro board for discussion Go check it out!

I'm excited to present "Learning About and Against Generative AI Through Mapping Generative AI's Ecologies and Developing a Luddite Praxis" at #ISLS2024 on Thurs, 6/13, from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM in Jacobs 2220 B. The paper is available at or DM me for a copy.

One event open to people is a Virtual Social on Monday June 3 at 12 pm (EDT). This Virtual Social is for new and returning members of the ISLS community whether you attending the annual meeting or not. LMK if you want the link!

The Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences in Buffalo marks the launch of many initiatives to support hybrid engagement in our community. These events are part of a multi-year process to design, implement, revise, and expand hybrid opportunities for our annual meetings.

Have you checked out the pre-conference workshops for #ISLS2024 in Buffalo yet?! More info and registration here:

Follow me for info about what students/postdocs are up to during ISLS 2024! I'll be sharing and reposting tons of things before and during that week. FIRST UP...mark your calendars for a student/post doc only dinner FREE Monday evening June 10th! More info to follow!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!! ISLS - Thursday June 13th - I'm presenting during Session 7 - 10:45 – 11:45 am - it's a hybrid symposium entitled: Doing Learning Sciences Research In & Through Performing Arts. I've created a verbatim ethnodrama! And today...I'm taping a staged reading of it for you all!

This upcoming Friday, May 3, is our final talk in ILSSA's speaker series: Exploring Learning Sciences in the Asia-Pacific. Please join us for the talk. The first two so far have been excellent! Direct registration link here:

This Saturday, April 20th, is the next talk in the ILSSA Exploring Learning Sciences in the Asia-Pacific series! Join us for "Making Based Learning for Middle School and Undergraduate Engineering Students" with Prof Aditi Kothiyal of IIT Gandhinagar. Register here:

A reminder that on Monday, is hosting an incredible talk online! 7 am CDT! Sign up!

Dear All, please consider donating to a friend of mine who desperately needs funds for a life-saving trial in Italy. Please donate and share far and wide. We need to help her.

Are you based in Europe or UK? The first EU-UK Regional ILSSA Online Hangout will be March 28 at 5pm CET. Sign up here to join and/or to hear about future gatherings:

ILSSA's Asia-Pacific representative has created a fascinating series of talks coming up! All are welcome! Please check your time zone to know when to attend. Here's how to register!

Are you a learning sciences student/post doc in Europe or the UK? If so...join others for the first ever Eur ILSSA Virtual Hangout on March 28 at 5 pm CET! To join, please fill out this invitation:

If you are a student/post doc whose work was just accepted to the ISLS Annual Meeting in Buffalo, join the International Learning Sciences Student Association's Discord Server to keep up with all the details! Message me for more info!!!

Happy to announce that our symposium "Doing Learning Sciences Research In & Through Performing Arts" will be debuting at the ISLS2024 Conference this June! 🤓