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Este artículo hay que leerlo. Milanovic explica una cuestión clave para entender lo que está pasando en Estados Unidos.

Rubio declares an emergency to bypass Congress to send $4 billion of arms to Israel. The possible orders include more than 35,000 bombs that are 2,000 lbs. each — which US military officers say are unsuitable for urban combat. Story:

Superb article by

I always struggle a little to explain my students why Marxists are right about freedom in the capitalist state. Jeff Bezos does it so much better.

Hochul’s move here is profoundly racist and dehumanizing. Defining Palestinian studies as fundamentally antisemitic means defining Palestinians as something to be erased. It is genocidal. This is also an unacceptable attack on academic freedom. The governor should have no say in faculty hiring.

Esta es la carta que han mandado los familiares de las víctimas en las residencias de la Comunidad de Madrid. Nos piden difusión. Hagámoslo. ¡Gracias!👇

Born #tdih 1868: William Edward Burghardt (W. E. B.) Du Bois, one of most important scholars of 20th century. Sociologist, historian, Pan-Africanist, author, editor; co-founder of NAACP, leader of Niagara Movement, & editor of NAACP’s The Crisis Magazine. 🧵

This is exactly how Hitler talked. It's not even a comparison or analogy, as people claim. It's a direct connection in ideology as well as a similar approach to governance and relationship to democracy. This needs to be how we talk about it. They are the ideological descendants of Hitler.

We at Twentieth Century Communism are very sad to hear of Marika Sherwood's passing, a pioneering historian of communism, anti-colonialism and pan-Africanism. Amongst other writings, her book for on Claudia Jones was a ground-breaking work.

Every union should be echoing this statement.

UK bands from the 80s all have bios like: "The group met at a government-funded arts mixer where they each received six months' rent tax-free" while for bands from the 2020s they're like "formed as a final year project at Goldsmiths, their first release was funded by interest from their trust funds"

Praxis is challenging in part because there are people who prefer theory that doesn't have to be tested by how people actually engage the world and others who want to divorce practice from theory.

Como de costumbre se atribuye a la izquierda una incapacidad o problema ante lo que es una característica del nuevo movimiento totalitarista: sin una etiqueta que lo distinga de la corriente de pensamiento hegemónica se confunde con ella y es imposible combatirlo.

Esto es una denuncia social💢 Es el relato estremecedor de un compañero sometido a amenazas. Un precio muy alto por hacer un trabajo científico y comunicativo esencial. Cabe una reflexión como sociedad. No es un hecho puntual. El impacto es grave⚠️

Es decir, un trabajador genera en 2 horas y media a la semana unos 12.000 euros al año. Casi lo mismo que cobra en todo el año. Pvtos piratas.

Walter Benjamin: "Fascism sees its salvation in giving these masses not their right, but instead a chance to express themselves...The logical result of Fascism is the introduction of aesthetics into political life."

i'll be blunt, if you are someone who is vocal about the ways that diversity efforts "divide the working class" but silent about the ways that *actual racism and discrimination* divide the working class, then i think you're just an opportunist

Thinking about this quote from Hayek for no reason

I appreciate all the people recommending the Shock Doctrine. I've been thinking about what makes Trump's use of these tactics a little different. In recent decades, shock tactics were used mainly to rapidly impose neoliberal economic policies. But what Trump is doing goes way beyond that. a 🧵

New Dig: it's Michael Denning on Stuart Hall and co's Policing the Crisis. Marxist conjunctural analysis of generalized crisis that paved way for neoliberalism's rise; a model for asking questions about our world that provide us w/ knowledge we need to change it.

The euphemisation of far right politics over decades has led to the inability to call a Nazi salute a Nazi salute and fascist politics fascism The use of populism, Euroscepticism, nationalism/nativism have all played a role in diluting and minimising the threat often based on the FR's own wishes 1/

Anyone who insists on defining anti-semitism as being 'they don't like Israel' is gonna find themselves in the ADL's awkward position more and more bcs many antisemites today are in love with the Israeli model of ethno-supremacy. 🧵

Being a “conservative intellectual” must rule so much. There’s this giant mass of babies that are scared of cities, mad at cartoons, and intimidated by women, and your job is to convince them having those feelings makes them brave warriors for western civilization

found this screenshot on FB

Octavia Butler couldn’t see the future. She saw what was happening in front of her and, in addition to studying the past, was able to imagine where it would lead. It’s important to tell the truth about her because mythologizing her is a disservice to her legacy.

❤️‍🩹Today marks the seventh anniversary of A.Sivanandan’s death 🔥His work still remains so vital to our movements today with his writing and teaching being key ✊🏿On building communities of resistance he said:

“La horas extras sin pagar vuelven a crecer y los empresarios siguen sin arder.” “Los salarios siguen sin crecer y Garamendi sigue con las dos piernas sanas.” “La ultraderecha sigue creciendo y los medios seguís blanqueando.” No se, noticias que se me ocurren con las que no deis vergüenza ajena.

As David Graeber explains, the Neo-Liberal myth that Free-Market policies will end bureaucracy, is well a Myth!

Meses observándoos y leyendo debates sobre punitivismos y cancelaciones en diferentes casos (contextos y gravedades) y siempre el mismo punto en común: ni rastro de asunción de responsabilidad, disculpa y reparación. No hemos avanzado nada, sólo le hemos dado toda la vuelta al discurso

Para entender la magnitud del horror: desde 1994 han muerto 10.000 personas tratando de cruzar la frontera entre México y EEUU. Ha muerto tanta gente tratando de llegar a España en un año como tratando de llegar a EEUU en 30 años.

Growing up in the Caribbean, C.L.R. James told Stuart Hall in 1976, “you get a certain comprehensive view...a microcosm of society on the whole. We—not me alone—Fanon had it, Césaire had it, Padmore had it.”