i'll be blunt, if you are someone who is vocal about the ways that diversity efforts "divide the working class" but silent about the ways that *actual racism and discrimination* divide the working class, then i think you're just an opportunist
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there is also something of a giant strawman happening here. who, other than corporate HR managers, is making the claim that a company diversity measure is going to "reduce inequality" in any meaningful sense?
rufo hijacked the DEI term so he could conflate meaningful civil rights reforms with hollow corporate inclusivity initiatives; sells the lie that eliminating them is about efficiency
which is why I get tired of headlines saying "Trump Kills DEI" instead of "Trump Kills Civil Rights Reforms"
dems aren't very good at recognizing what terms are being hijacked and weaponized by the GOP, avoiding them, and bringing the debate back to the core issue (in this case civil rights) and that needs to change
There seems to be a mindset that shaping your language and argument is somehow a sin against justice and that really confounds me. Rhetoric is neither surrender nor evil. It can certainly be used for evil, but it’s not evil itself.
yeah I've seen people very intent on holding tight and defending the term "DEI," when the term is kind of lost; it's been repurposed and hijacked and redefined by right wing propagandists to mean something entirely new, forcing opponents to sit in their sandbox and play with distorted definitions
Faiz is one of Bernie Sanders 2785 campaign co-chairs. His hot take on economics is based on the same Sanders ideology that only the white working class matters. All else is a distraction. The reason Sanders lost the working class vote is because he doesn’t understand the actual working class.
the actual claim is that it is better rather than worse for the corporate world to make integration a goal. and so my question for bhaskar et al is whether they think efforts to integrate workforces are divisive to the working-class and, if so, what exactly do they imagine is the working-class?
DEI as a concept is worthwhile but the corporate use of it oftern undermines. most hr applications i've encountered were designed to indemnify the company and corporate leadership whenever there is an incident often framing the issue as something individualized rather than systemic.
Thank you!!!! I’ve been screaming this in my liberal bubble for too long. Nurses and teachers and hospitality workers are working class. Sexism/misogyny is an enormous barrier in our labor struggle- imagine the solidarity possible if we worked on the sexism instead of pretending it’s not there.
That's what absolutely grinds my gears about this shit. Everyone wants to act like the goal is "Everyone should be hired on their merits" but diversity initiatives are meant to highlight how certain classes of people are being systematically overlooked and businesses miss out on their potential.
The reason so many businesses are abandoning their DEI programs is that they now see them as more of a liability in the current climate than they gain from them, but that doesn't disprove the purpose!
let me recommend this paper on "class abstractionism," which argues that the structural primacy of class does not imply the political primacy of class and, in point of historical fact, non-class identities have been powerful catalysts for working-class mobilization.
That's a very interesting perspective! I'm thinking people who would use "identity politics" negatively would equate "identity" with certain broad categories only (race, gender, orientation, etc.) because they're bigots and can't imagine identifying primarily with ideals.
Yes! Peter Frase says this "identity-as-distraction" view "simultaneously neglects the way in which race and gender are part of social systems and not just individual identities, while ignoring the way that class, too, functions at the level of identity politics" http://www.peterfrase.com/2014/06/stay-classy/
[1] I have some thoughts about this text. I more or less feel it misrepresents Intersectionality
intersectionality is framed as explicitly or inherentlx non-Marxist, when it’s a form of CRT, an offshoot of Western Marxist Critical Theory whose creators were a group of Communist women.
also, i'm sorry, are these people stupid? you know what it means for a gendered or racialized subject to organize around class lines? "please stop discriminating against me in the job market and on the shop floor."
The amount of times I've said that anti-racism, feminism, LGBTQ and Disability Rights ARE INHERENTLY class focused and been told by some white leftist guy "nuh uh"...
leftists who fail to grasp the links between race, gender, and class are not serious—it is no accident that the hyped up anecdotes in the media about “wokeness” gone amok are all at the root labor disputes about working conditions
it’s not only “don’t discriminate me during hiring” it is also “I don’t want to be abused or groped at work.” And it is when workers organized to stop these things that we started seeing DEI workshops AND chattering classes, and managerial classes start complaining about wokeness.
anyway as i've argued before any class politics worth its name is not going to treat identity as an obstacle to solidarity but as an asset. "we all suffer in different ways under capitalism and the only way to relieve your particular suffering is to help me relieve mine and vice versa."
I wonder how many folks who voted for this administration are being purged, fired, intimidated. 1000? 10,000? I wonder how they are feeling about their vote? I wonder if they are coalescable? Could they form another branch of the resistance?
And people who have marginalizations different from mine see different mechanisms of oppression. If I take the opportunity to learn from them, I understand the entire system better--and can start to see ways to dismantle it.
early unions kept blacks out of them. hell many Marxists themselves were racist. Che Guevara wrote: "The Negro is indolent and lazy and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent."
I can't wait until whites are a minority in this country.
this is for poor whites to feel they deserve top status in having their problems solved. LBJ said "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
Apparently some of those "Left-wing journalists" Rufo was talking about work at the New York Times. But the timing of this article is interesting. I'm re-reading Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and I'm on chapter 14 where he is invited back to the meeting with the Left-wing organization.
A bunch of purported lefties deciding the problem with “Woke Capital” was the “woke” part all along, & that Capital really isn’t that bad if you think about it.
I always tell people, I was raised by people who grew up in the *poor* South, the pre-Goldwater South, where we knew that all poor people, of every color and background, lived similar lives and had the same enemy
And as though the most persistent and brutal "DEI" category in American life is not the intergenerational stigma of apparent descent from an exploited class.
Exactly. And which unions have been most significant historically? Those with meetings & publications in multiple languages that calibrated demands to their broad base, or those with segregated locals?
Exactly. The thing that the owner class hates is *solidarity*. They know from their own class-based organizing, whether they'll admit to themselves or not, that it's an extremely effective tactic--not just an abstract principle--so they will kill it with fire at every turn.
This is key. However accurately descriptive the language “white privilege” may be, it divides and distracts. The issue is not “end white privilege”, it is extending privileges to all.
[And >no,< this is not the same as “all lives matter”…]
I don't know how much clearer this could be stated. Also, class politics is still identity politics. Also also, every person has more than one identity.
Capitalism without restraint is the goal of Trump/Musk, tech bros, Project 2025 & GOP which can’t get enough of this destruction of our govt , our society, our quality of life. Any Dem who cooperates deserves no votes. (Fetterman)
Sometimes you run across a statement so full of honesty, truth and insight that you wish you could mash that ‘Like’ button a few thousand times and get it before everyone’s eyes.
This statement is one of those. Jamelle has more than his share.
From my experience it has become an obstacle in many workplaces. Honoring our differences / recognizing our differences / embracing our differences - as many have valiantly tried - has caused many to focus first on difference. Folks are simple things.
Venture capitalists think the DEI / identity stuff became a problem of labor:
“By 2013, the median newly arrived Harvard kid was like: “…We’re burning the system down. You are all evil. White people are evil. All men are evil. Capitalism is evil. Tech is evil.”
YES! All of us who are targets for discrimination based on ethnicity, gender identify, etc. need to stick together and stand up for each other. With our numbers combined, we definitely outnumber them.
Diversity Equality and Inclusion are all pluralistic and unifying words. They don't separate us- they integrate us, and make us stronger as a unified society. This Administration's goal is to separate us, and, only make some stronger.
When I researched the Sweden construction costs case, I came across a union report that did exactly that. It complained about exploitation of immigrant construction workers - and then looked for how to organize immigrants (looking at other Nordic countries for examples) rather than expel them.
"If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression." - The Combahee River Collective Statement.
Yes, anti-racism is required for class solidarity & should be imposed on capital by labor. DEI programs were in a sense imposed on corps by labor (BLM movement), but not in a way that assured meaningfulness or endurance (as we're seeing). And the retreat today signals alliance with white supremacy.
Leftists think if we solve the income inequality problem the racist shit will sort itself out. They got that crap from their Vermont Jesus. Old Bernie has been claiming that for years.
And yet the response I'd get when I asked why did lynchings and Jim Crow continue during the years when the New Deal was at its most muscular and wages and conditions rose sharply if that's the mechanism was to go fuck myself.
They seem convinced they’re saying something really insightful and clever to point out “corporations don’t actually care about social problems, corporate DEI is cynical ass covering“ as though that’s not clear to anyone but them
I think it's soft racism honestly. The majority of the progressives I've ever seen make this argument are white. Race issues don't matter to them as much; they know racism is important but it doesn't affect them so it feels like a distraction from the issues that do impact them
yeah, my dad grew up extremely poor in the south bronx, and landed his career-establishing role at a fortune 500 company after *being rude to the CEO* because the CEO liked his moxie. There is simply no way that happens if he was anything other than a white man.
The unique thing about race and class in the US is that they are inextricably linked from the inception of the nation. Hence, I’ve come up with a word that helps folks (including intellectuals and nonintellectuals): CLACE. On what day in the US history has class hasn’t been linked with race❓
On the day that management realized they could prevent unions taking their full power by encouraging their white employees in their racism, and the employees obliged
been wrestling with this. Ryan Grim argued the lack of openness to valid critiques of DEI implementation—and, by virtue of that, optics—the ride-or-die approach from activists and Twitterati even on weirdo edge cases like "punctuality is racism," makes *us* look like the crazy ones. maybe not wrong!
but, (as i've been posting in another thread), the right will never stop finding edge cases to exploit, and it's hard not to take the bait, because actually their goal, as they've proven, is to bring back apartheid and expand it. like how the fuck do we deal with this? results so far... not great.
Anyone in America who is interest in Marxism should read Cedric J Robinson’s Black Marxism and his critique of the Eurocentric Marxism— arguing that capitalism has always been racialized and that race is integral to its development rather than incidental. https://daily.jstor.org/cedric-robinson-the-black-radical-tradition/
Omg “the structural primacy of class does not imply the political primacy of class and, in point of historical fact, non-class identities have been powerful catalysts for working-class mobilization” is the worst example of “intellectual” babble that hides the ball that I’ve seen in a while.
Racism is used to divide everyone to keep us from addressing the principal problem of oligarchy.
Until oligarchy is addressed, combating racism is extremely difficult because the oligarchs use racial conflict as a power pointer light for the public to chase.
Anyone who is not rich has so much more in common with everyone else who is not rich than any of us has in common with rich people of the same demographic as they are
honest q - what's your response to diversity activities (esp the language of it) being seen by many whites as an existential threat - like is this a drag them kicking and screaming situation? My issue is when I try to persuade people I generally don't lead with the stuff they're primed to hate
I also find that a lot of companies with functional DEI initiatives will go out of their way to lump categories under DEI that, not to put too fine a point on it, disproportionately benefit white men -- for example, Comcast lists "Veteran hiring preferences" under the "inclusion" heading of DEI.
ya federal govt is basically built on veterans preference and beating a veteran in federal hiring is exceedingly difficult as a civilian -- my first fed job required a huge soft power push from high leadership to let them hire me and not a vet who'd never done a museum data job a day in his life
As someone who's done a lot of IT hiring over the years, I frame it as a "TRUE meritocracy" thing -- any decent engineers who've been in the field long enough has at least one story about a nepo hire or some guy whose resume was essentially one giant lie, and a lot of them will readily accept a 1/x
framing where "DEI efforts" are recontextualized as "we are trying to keep the mediocre resume-fillers out, by giving more interviews to the kind of people who get overlooked by idiots."
This works really well in conjunction with blind initial screenings, although that does require things like 2/x
This is why we need to establish more politics that aren't contingent on people agreeing with them. We need a mechanism for telling people they're wrong and that their feelings are not important to policy.
It's a 'come the revolution ' promise that omits any plausible revolution in our lifetimes, but permits throwing out consideration of any other goal but the revolution, somewhere later this Century. Comfortable idea for them, but empty promises to everyone else.
The American left hasn’t been able to define working class in a coherent way for the post-industrial word. If the argument is that anyone who gets a salary and doesn’t own capital is working class, that certainly is not how many information workers and professionals see themselves.
And it's also something a lot of the "left" explicitly reject with the whole "PMC" rhetoric, as if only people who work in factories are "real" workers.
Seems reasonable enough to say that efforts to determine from the top down the racial composition of a workplace are inherently divisive whether in pursuit of diversity or white supremacy, as opposed to having neutral hiring criteria and letting the chips fall where they may.
"workers will be happier in a diverse and inclusive workplace, so they'll be complacent and not overthrow their bosses! the only solution is for jobs to treat their workers like shit so they riot."
inevitably coming from someone who doesn't work one of those jobs.
I don't know if this is a fair example, but there is a sense in which the performance of sensitivity to other cultures often takes priority over actually caring for other cultures. I wouldn't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater but "diversity" rhetoric can be hollow & cynical sometimes.
Yeah, the point is the keep the company from getting sued for discrimination, sexual harassment, etc, and it's bad if they think they don't need to protect themselves from that anymore.
A local politician complained that DEI training was causing more racism because now he saw racism everywhere, so not having DEI training would make people less racist.
He said this at a public meeting to the only WOC politician in town.
Find them to be some of the same people that are 'HR Aware'. They're racist but know to put on the mask when someone walks into the break room with enough power to call them out or fire them for their petulance.
Personally I think a lot of DEI efforts just exist to make progressive white people feel better about themselves but I tend to think something is better than nothing.
The American working class has always been divided by white guys trying to secure an advantage in scrabbling for the best crumbs capitalism drops on the floor.
Bhaskar Sunkara holds Bernie Sanders in higher regard than Stuart Hall. Like all the ‘anti-woke’ social democrats out there, he’s an opportunist and a tailist, unwittingly parroting those who should be his enemies.
We need a plugin that helps us determine whether the MAGAts attempting to communicate here really are impossibly ignorant or just sockpuppet bots. This thread is littered with them.
Yes, this is why I rant on and on about accountability in STEM with people not asking questions like "what is my work being used for" or "what may happen in a worst-case scenario given the social climate". Tech people putting AI into the hands of psychopaths is a real issue for pretty much everyone.
Save female representation, the military was the most diverse organization I ever worked for. It was also the least divided workforce I've ever experienced.
Both Thiel & Alice Weidel, the leader of the German AfD, are gay nazis. She & her Sri Lankan-born wife live in Switzerland. An immigrant with a racist deportation plan, who supports homophobic policies with a brown wife. Elon just endorsed her.
They're all hate filled, well educated opportunists.
Does it count as silence if you haven’t spent time listening to what they have to say? It’s quite the strawman posters here have constructed based on your accurate assessment. Thanks for sharing that paper. It is both interesting and captures the core good faith disagreement.
When progressives DO vote for moderate democrats, then it is reasoned that they will vote for moderates, and therefore their progressive desires do not need to be catered to. Progressives are kept out of the loop either way. It has to do with corporate power and money.
Let me get blunt back. Racism in all forms is wrong and needs to be rooted out. The America First movement is rooting out both DEI and racism. It's no longer about your race or sex. Just stop making it your focus please.
Why people on this thread don't see your point is such the core problem right now. No one should be sharing legacy media. NYT, WaPo, etc, like media in the McCarthy era, are parroting and shaping the growing dominant resegregation paradigm and helping cement its existence.
On it's face, I think it's reasonable to debate the efficacy of specific implementations of DEI. But if you listen to any right wingers talk about it, it's clearly motivated by animus and grievance. Just bizarre to give any quarter.
One of the things you will hear people who say fascism is leftwing cite is the fact that Mussolini was a socialist before he became fascist. But there was no ideological through line. As an opportunist, Mussolini recognized that racial and ethnic tribalism was a more powerful motivator than class.
I think a many libs take the position of “most DEI training was useless at best and pernicious counter-productive grifting at worst, and since we didn’t deal with our own, now it’s being dealt with by the worst most reactionary people who are going to throw the baby out with the bathwater”
We can and should do both... support DEI and recognize how it is perceived by different elements of the public. Not sure why the obsession with "either/or"
It actually does. Because DEI (the acronym, not what it means) has a negative connotation in these people's minds. Spelling it out might have a chance to change their view because they'll realize they're shitheads.
Spelling it out and understanding *why* we need to spell it out are two different things.
And "racism/sexism" isn't a good enough answer for me regarding why we need to spell it out, and it certainly doesn't address the center/left obsession with binary possibilities.
You’re asking ‘aside from a policy promoting diversity, whats your policy on promoting diversity?’ It doesn’t matter what it’s labeled. Before they could openly go after DEI, they went after CRT, but what they really mean, no matter what, is ‘we don’t want minorities, women or gay people here.’
I'm happy to say that almost all the organizations I'm a part of are continuing your DEI activities and policies. The communities I'm in are primarily hispanic/latino. Like 80% of the population is such. White people are the minority.
The nomination of Pete Hegseth shows that DEI in your country IS necessary, because I doubt there are many less qualified women or POC in the US for the position.
I think it's a time for the left to pivot more to a class/financial focus instead of the individualist identity politics, but I'll defend minorities and isolated groups until I die.
"Some folks need to learn and accept their place so that the people who need to assert their ethnic superiority won't throw gov't destroying violent tantrums."
Anyone pushing that line of thinking is nothing but a fascist collaborator...like NYT is.
I think the hang up is your team sees racism as a structural issue that only impacts black folks while the other team sees racism as a problem that affects all races, including whites.
In fact, there is more overt racism and discrimination towards whites in 2025 then any other group.
Every Republican/conservative I have known throughout my lifetime of 70+ years, has been a racist. Some who decided to tolerate the other, some who have generated outright disgust, and on occasion, I've feared what some of those racists may be capable of. Within the heart hides the divider.
No shit! Let’s post who these Dinos are, because we certainly don’t want them to escape our wrath when we clean house from their ranks. No more sliding by on the coattails elections for these type of politicians. You either with us all the way, or you’re not.
Indicative of the real welfare queens and terrorists you need to worry about, not someone from another country, they're right in your backyard, running multi-billion dollar corporations, and holding office.
Your oppression is their profession
Nothing described in the article excludes what you’re saying, rather you’re attacking it for what it did not include which itself is a straw man. You’re both saying the same thing, but you’re crabs-in-bucketing him thus keeping meaningful progress to a standstill
Not just opportunists. Plenty of White people claiming to be progressive leftists are total White supremacists, just not so loud & vulgar about it ... until they are.
Even if there was any merit at all to the criticism of DEI—which there isn't—we are in a democratic crisis and no quarter should be given to Trump and his enablers whatsoever.
The concept of “class” has had race wrapped up in it since we white men first came over here. Diversity efforts don’t “divide the working class”, racism does.
Informed as I am about the problematic foundations of CRT, I wanted the program either restructured or abandoned after I started hearing about its failure at the U of Michigan. Their DEI director was getting paid $450K while minority enrollment shrank. I saw it as an easy target for the FRight.
What if you don’t really give a shit about diversity efforts one way or the other, and think that maybe, just maybe, there are bigger issues that we could be focused on right now, like the pillaging of the Treasury Department or the fact that planes are dropping out of the fucking sky?
It’s just not acceptable for those that are quietly accepting this out loud, are simply waiting until next week to be vocally complicit, after we’ve all been made even more numb to the hate.
They don't even hide it anymore. Harris ran as a law and order Republican and rallied with Cheney.
After the election the entire party started calling to officially abandon all the demographics they had already told to fuck off during the campaign.(Leftists, LGBTQIA, immigrants, minorities, etc)
That is Patently untrue in MY experience. I’ve been campaigning for Dems for YEARS, including Biden & Kamala. I have not heard any Dem Reps suggest we throw anyone under the Bus…. I have a Great-Nephew that’s Trans, so trust, if I’d heard anything from Estab Dems, I’d speak up.
Next week, once we're all a little more numb to the hate, they'll start speaking out loud.
The silence around Nancy Mace's tweet is deafening. We're being eradicated and not 1 person seems to give a shit. That is what the trans community is hearing.
frankly: These 3 blamed trans people for the loss
Tom Suozzi
Seth Moulton
Bernie Sanders - mentioned "identity politics" in the same breath- Tech not a Dem
These 2 voted against us this term
Henry Cuellar
Vicente Gonzalez
The rest are complicit with silence, next week will speak out against us.
You aren't speaking to enough trans people then. Kamala and the Dems ignored the attacks on trans people to prevent aligning themselves with an "unpopular stance". Several dems have voted for or even introduced these anti-trans laws. Dems have been silent on our genocide.
Please enlighten me Which Laws & Which Dem Senators? Dem House Reps? Truly haven’t seen/heard. I wish my Trans Nephew was more aware. Begged him and his GF to register & vote, Nada… 18&20yrs….
Then you're not paying attention. Dems in multiple states have been distancing themselves from LGBTQIA for some time. Biden was happy to sign some anti-trans legislation before he left. Democrats have just fully adopted Republican immigration policy. Dems attack the left more than Rs.
In case you ever see this, know that I’m printing a screenshot of this reply and hanging it, framed, in my home. As a union nurse, I cannot tell you how deeply this resonates.
But do we need to see it with the NYTimes at this point? The headline alone. They have become their own parody. Tbh, I’m a little surprised there’s serious discussion going on here when it should probably just be derision and dismissal
Hillary and Obama's aesthetic identity politics got us here. They used it to deflect from economically populist platforms that their donors didn't want to pay for. That was a catastrophe. Sanders has always been right. U can't support marginalized communities without an economically populist message
Not all, but some DEI programs are often “reputation laundering” for corporations, similar to greenwashing or sportswashing. There’s a lot of “conversations” and “town halls,” which might be progress in and of itself, but the same corporate profit motive is the driver, nothing material changes.
This guy is an opportunist and sleeper cell MAGAt conspirator. There is no way he can stay friends with Elon Musk without working with his fellow Dems to stop him! He is a MAGA collaborator who needs to be ousted by term limits or the next election cycle for his position.
Completely agree -- do you happen to have a link to the source for this compilation of Project 2025 goal, the citation in the Mandate for Leadership document, and the Executive Order? It's incredibly useful and important. Thanks!
Thanks-I downloaded P2025 twice, once in 2023 and once in 2024. ;)
I was referring to the infographic you had posted. That's a great compilation of P2025 actions, their location in the Mandate for Leadership, and the corresponding Executive Orders that wholly or partially enable P2025 goals.
For years at my agency I advocated for no names and no pronouns on application and promotion packages. Just an applicant number with your education and experience.
Names usually denote sex and perceived ethnicity.
Numerals only without names and pronouns would have remove much bias.
Even more so with Trans Discrimination. We are less than 1% of the population but are continuously harassed and discriminated against. Cheeto Man wants to put us in camps.
I don't understand, do they not think people who aren't white males aren't also working class? I work in Manufacturing and I'd say at least 75% of the work force is women. My boss is a woman, her boss is also a woman. Latino and South East Asian predominantly. All working class.
They think that the working class and middle class are 95% white, which is FAR from reality. IDK, even when DEI presentations are a little cringey, I usually take away something that makes me feel more solidarity with those different from me (middle-aged white lady). Maybe I’m weird tho?
Faiz helped Bernie lose twice. Like Bernie, he considers issues like Civil Rights & reproductive rights to be distractions from his class based obsessions. Even though basic civil right protections, for jobs & housing, or women deciding when and if they want children are major economic issues
Btw we need to point out Sanders hot take on class based economics is rooted in a lazy understanding of how the economy actually works. Bernie was a deadbeat dad on the dole for a decade before he got into politics. Like Karl Marx, he doesn’t even know what working class means because neither worked
Leftists like to fetishize the working class while knowing next to nothing about what they actually want. That’s because they only understand the concept of “working class” in a purely conceptual form. “Class
warfare” is an academic exercise for them. The real working class resent Leftist blowhards
The truth is there are no class based solutions to race based issues. Or issues related to sexism, homophobia,
transphobia, or xenophobia. The bigot wants to keep the target of their bigotry “in their place”. That means they resent when Black Americans, PoC, LGBTQIA, women, and immigrants get power
This is why some of the biggest bigots are white working class who have trained to vote against their interests for billionaires and play upon white workers innate bigotry and misguided hate. Sanders always made excuses for white voters of Trump and even George Wallace because he’s a bigot, too
Just a friendly reminder that causing division and splitting groups into subsets to attack each other instead of our common enemy (🍊) have and continue to be their strongest weapons.
I agree. Democrats have to unite. We all must
understand we're all on the side of Democracy, and the Republicans are not. We cannot let them divide us..
Sure, follow false flag narratives and alienate your actual allies, if that's what makes you happy. 🤷♀️ you do you. Just remember the right loves to use false flags to divide. or do you really think the tolerance-preaching left is more oppressive than the nazis?
I hate to correct you there, but I don't think opportunist is the right word. Racist is the word you're looking for.
There are times to err on the side of charity, this really ain't one. It's not like anyone has any illusions about what word Trump would rather use than DEI.
NYT - Trumps plan of banning armed guards for banks in high crime areas is a controversial idea but one bank teller we spoke to supports the initiative.
Trump’s executive order to cease all plant growth and criminalize living within 100 miles of a tree is getting pushback, but one outspoken botanist in Death Valley thinks the idea has merit.
Not an opportunist… they are clever in keeping their vile sentiments that mirror the felon’s regime cloaked and is why real work is stifled or performative on this side
racism, while perhaps more heavily represented on the far left & the right, doesn't have a party affiliation
people don't like to hear it, but it's true; and "i'm a democrat" or "i'm a liberal" isn't absolution any more than "i have a black friend" or "i voted for obama, twice" are
I've been saying this for a long time and it hasn't been popular. I used #olufemitaiwo 's book #elitecapture in my last course. I am all for equity but we need to bring #class into the discussion--it is the most important, especially right now.
What about Mistal’s position, that DEI is a watered-down version of what real enforcement of the civil rights act would look like, and that it acts as a spoiler for real systemic change? I suppose that’s a different critique, but related to the diversification of workplaces.
Not the main thing, but yes. Between Musk's lackeys, Trump's appointees and these weird, prominent "leftists," it's deeply embarrassing that we have such an outsized role in pushing a fascist agenda.
Mega opportunist. Dr. King wrote about trying to organize the white working class in the civil rights efforts, under the theory that they would better understand oppression. Back then, he understood that the racism ingrained in many of them would not make this feasible. Screw these people.
Nice to see you are parroting talking points you've heard from others. It would be even better, perhaps, if you learned to think for yourself. Hive mind is not a cute look.
It might be helpful to take a look at Marx's early manuscripts, but I do not exist to educate you.
Fuck anyone and I fucking mean anyone who is against DEI, only because of what they stands for. But we all know that those who are in "classified" as DEI are a million times better at their job & more hard-working & more knowledgeable than the rest. Because they have to overcome the bullshit.
Hillary and Obama's aesthetic identity politics got us here. They used it to deflect from economically populist platforms that their donors didn't want to pay for. That was a catastrophe. Sanders has always been right. U can't support marginalized communities without an economically populist message
No, a DNC unwilling to court progressives in favor of trying to capitulate to the right brought us here. That’s why the people the article is discussing are incumbent democrats fighting DEI. Are you willfully stupid? You blue MAGA crowd are certainly as blind and brainwashed as Trump’s people.
The DNC offered the most progressive presidential platform in history, and progressives rejected it because it didn't include "piss off all the moderates and Jews by forcing Israel to abandon the hostages"
Progressives are the most unreliable voting block in the U.S. and it makes me ashamed to be 1
This is objectively and demonstrably false. The DNC has shifted rightward for decades and the Overton window now sits further right than even Ronald (the Devil himself) Reagan was. And it wasn’t about releasing hostages, it was not providing material support and funding a fucking genocide.
Many forget how Unions discriminated against Black people. The "Leftists" who constantly bring up class as opposed to race are the ones who believe they are more entitled (as in white adjacent or wannabe) and should not be thrown in with those "Black" people. Racism is not limited to the GOP.
No, you don’t understand. You’re not living in that timeline, you’re living in the one where he convinced a gigantic chunk of idiots to not vote for Clinton and that led to all his acolytes becoming hardcore nativist wwc excusing fash enablers. The fettermans types. Try not to be a sucker
That's disgraceful -
The only DEI hire are those appointed, the loyalists that are all cozying up to him in the WH-
They are incompetent morons -
With not a lot of skills among the cult of Trump.
The two ends of the horseshoe are not so different. This authoritarian tactic is as old as time. Divide & conquer. If working class people (which includes ALL races) were united, the autocrats wouldn't stand a chance.
😤 working in an office REALLY fucks up peoples brains. Who in 2025, actually believes that diversity divides us when, we literally ALL NEED IT TO FKIN SURVIVE!!!! Yeah I’m yelling, I’m dead serious.
There's another peaceful protest this Saturday the 8th from 12 to 4 at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Be there and spread the word on Facebook, Tictoc, Blue Sky, and invite your like-minded friends & neighbors. Make signs anything you want. Please, please, please spread the word!!!! Resist, repost
I'm a child of the 90's and grew up believing in the promise of America. That we are a melting pot of different cultures and nationalities and that's what makes us great. It was drilled into my brain all through school. Now, we are just suddenly supposed to throw that all away cuz trump? Yeah..NO.
it just burns my butt when people call Sanders a dem. he's not a dem. but he is left and there are many on the left who hate diversity. and i am sure there are plenty of dems how hate diversity as well.
Whoever these people are, are saying, don’t fight for
your rights and opportunities because frail-ass white men don't want to have to compete with Blacks, brown people, women, or disabled people. These are the same people for who the “working class” means white people.
The hot topic che shirt. Upper mid class raised trust fund "working class"champion. That tells the cook at a restaurant they're a loser. And should have got an education. When they have a disagreement
When people bash "DEI" we need to start asking them what part they specified with? Diversity? Equity? Inclusion? Which part? The acronym gives too much cover.
The NYT is playing into a divide and conquer strategy. Yes we need to address income & generational wealth disparities, support organized labor, stop inequality in employment opportunities, raise progressive taxation, expand social programs, improve universal public ed. Yes all of it. Hang together.
I’ll be blunt as well! I am NOT a person of color and, as a Christian, believe that we are all equal under God! The issues you cite, though a bit exaggerated, are result of lack of education! Why do you think Dems oppose school choice/school vouchers…the less educated the more dependent upon them!!!
THIS is why we need to stand AGAINST those in the democratic party claiming we need to be more "middle of the road" to get more voters. Screw that! If we wanted conservative policies we wouldn't be democrats. Those claiming we need to work w Republicans are REPUBLICANS! No matter what they claim
Not directed at this post -
Just want to spread this a bit. Social media is great for awareness but let's make sure our energy isn't spent posting in outrage in a vacuum. Let's take actions locally and directly in the world and using social media for information rather then energy wasting machines.
It’s not a brand. It’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The meaning of those words is what we champion. The fact that the oligarchs are trying to demolish those things needs to stay clear and unequivocal. Never forget we’re fighting fascists.
Everything is branding. DEI could be explained with other words. Just like unearned income became the death tax. They meant the same thing, but one got more mileage than the other. Changing the phrase destroys the argument against it.
Proceeds to quote "leftists" that very few have even heard of.
And then the author buries way down in the article the actual criticism of DEI from the left - unions are much better at achieving those goals than corporate "initiatives"
Since the media keeps trying to force the Democratic Party into being unelectable for the foreseeable future by catering to those Bernie nutbags we keep rejecting.
catering to those nutbags is what got biden elected in 2020. rejecting those nutbags is why trump just got elected. thanks bro. thanks for electing trump
Um, no. It wasn't. Rejecting you is how we got elected, which is why you nutcases shat on him for the next four years. You wanted him and her out so you could try another quixotic lefty campaign with an unelectable asshole who would tear down the party again if you didn't win. FUCK YOU.
It’s all about dividing people. The left must accept and help everyone who’s underpowered. And as Leeja Miller said, we have to fight, and if they fight dirty, we need to learn to fight dirty.
What’s more important, our conscience or people’s lives and well being?
This. The denial of institutionalized racism, discrimination and an inherit bias that comes with hiring is exactly what people who oppose DEI initiatives are missing. They want to cry wolf meanwhile they are the wolf.
Not sure they’re powerless. Narrative- including collective narrative voices have tremendous power in shaping perceptions. Been thinking about this a lot. Here, it provides cover for and tolerance of abhorrent stances, moving the Overton window ever further. We’ve seen other versions of this show!
Anyone who thinks that calling out bigotry is more divisive than bigotry is not on a different side of the same coin, they are either the bigots who were called out and feeling defensive or they are useful idiots.
Interesting you twisted my words.
I never said one was MORE divisive.
I said they both cause division and if you've been paying attention for the past 10 years the evidence is clear.
Actual racism is on life support, Dude. Or it was until Obama/Biden resurrected it.
I've taught school for thirty years. In the 90s and early 2000s my students, who were in inner-city Miami, didn't worry about racism quashing their hopes and dreams because they didn't think it had any power.
You guys phucked that up when you breathed new life into it by branding every white person a racist by virtue of being born in a white body. The students suddenly had to overcome systemic racism, which was impossible (according to you) and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Diversity programs only divide the working class because half the working class is being told they are evil by the news networks and politicians they listen to. When you sit down and actually explain what the programs do in reality, none but the actual racists and misogynists are against it.
its also a mechanism of whenever anyone who is not a white dude makes a mistake, its immediately a diversity issue, as if white dudes didnt ever make a mistake in history. forcing a fake standard of competence based on racism and mysoginy. absurd really
They divide us by our color,
They divide us by our tongue,
They divide us men and women,
They divide us old and young,
But they'll tremble at our voices,
When they hear these verses sung,
For the Union makes us strong!
I'd say they are more racist than opportunist. There are racists on the left, they just hide it behind "class war" verbage. They conveniently forget about the Marxist concept that it's in the interest of Capital to turn workers against each other with race baiting, because they fall for it too.
If you live entirely inside your little white middle-class suburban enclave, it's easy to vilify "the other." DEI is one way to put individuals from diverse groups in contact with each other. As travel broadens the mind, diversity teaches we're all one.
Thank you. I entered my union as one of the less than 2% of women members at the time. It has been a struggle to get DEI efforts sustained in our union which does not have a high right wing population.
Frankly, most of the people complaining about a DEI seminar or terms of acknowledging different people or equality or any such spend more time doing the complaining than it would take to sit through said seminar, but the point is subjugation and silencing those not-privileged, cause this isn't that
...freaking hard. Corporate media has gone nuts if one of these efforts somewhere came out slightly cringe, but has been reticent to say what the intent to divide on the Right's part really is. Those claiming to be *Left* saying 'Class only is the issue' see this and blame the attempts, though.
which is why I get tired of headlines saying "Trump Kills DEI" instead of "Trump Kills Civil Rights Reforms"
George was right.
See: "woke," "CRT," etc etc etc
intersectionality is framed as explicitly or inherentlx non-Marxist, when it’s a form of CRT, an offshoot of Western Marxist Critical Theory whose creators were a group of Communist women.
I can't wait until whites are a minority in this country.
Lilla Watson
But in the US race has always been more important than class
[And >no,< this is not the same as “all lives matter”…]
This statement is one of those. Jamelle has more than his share.
The greatest weapon wielded has been ensuring everyone is stuck in their own pain about it.
What year was it when it suddenly went viral to tell all your friends not to bother you with their lives anymore?
“By 2013, the median newly arrived Harvard kid was like: “…We’re burning the system down. You are all evil. White people are evil. All men are evil. Capitalism is evil. Tech is evil.”
that's these guys
there's no way to be like "maybe there's something to this transparent campaign of misdirection after all" other than to fall for it
But he was white and male and waltzed into the Steamfitters.
His sister, despite scoring higher on the welding tests, never got a call back.
Until oligarchy is addressed, combating racism is extremely difficult because the oligarchs use racial conflict as a power pointer light for the public to chase.
non-class identities have been powerful catalysts for working-class mobilization.
This works really well in conjunction with blind initial screenings, although that does require things like 2/x
Mostly, I find that candidates who can walk the walk do not care about DEI measures, because they are confident their merit is sufficient. 3/3
"workers will be happier in a diverse and inclusive workplace, so they'll be complacent and not overthrow their bosses! the only solution is for jobs to treat their workers like shit so they riot."
inevitably coming from someone who doesn't work one of those jobs.
He said this at a public meeting to the only WOC politician in town.
They're all hate filled, well educated opportunists.
I love it here so much 😂
If you don't show up to vote, you don't get what you want; not voting gets you ignored, not catered to.
And "racism/sexism" isn't a good enough answer for me regarding why we need to spell it out, and it certainly doesn't address the center/left obsession with binary possibilities.
Question for Dems saying this is, "Absent DEI policy how do you plan to promote diversity?"
Real policy is mgmt finding solutions specific to their industry and tracking
Construction has many skilled Latino workers, but hires green college grads for mgmt? Missed opportunity to promote diversity within
"Some folks need to learn and accept their place so that the people who need to assert their ethnic superiority won't throw gov't destroying violent tantrums."
Anyone pushing that line of thinking is nothing but a fascist collaborator...like NYT is.
In fact, there is more overt racism and discrimination towards whites in 2025 then any other group.
It is not that freaking hard
Your oppression is their profession
That's why the majority left X to get away from people like you 😔
"Don't be a Woke DEI C*NT
Join the New German Labour Front."
It’s just not acceptable for those that are quietly accepting this out loud, are simply waiting until next week to be vocally complicit, after we’ve all been made even more numb to the hate.
Today’s Dems = Reagan Republican.
After the election the entire party started calling to officially abandon all the demographics they had already told to fuck off during the campaign.(Leftists, LGBTQIA, immigrants, minorities, etc)
The silence around Nancy Mace's tweet is deafening. We're being eradicated and not 1 person seems to give a shit. That is what the trans community is hearing.
Thank you for playing.
Tom Suozzi
Seth Moulton
Bernie Sanders - mentioned "identity politics" in the same breath- Tech not a Dem
These 2 voted against us this term
Henry Cuellar
Vicente Gonzalez
The rest are complicit with silence, next week will speak out against us.
Modern/progressive Democrats = Reagan Republicans
I also think that the NYT exists at this point to split the left.
Here is the link to Read it.
There's no Executive Order??? Trump is denying it as his platform. Yet Musk is moving it forward at lightening speed.
Hello! It's all illegal.
I was referring to the infographic you had posted. That's a great compilation of P2025 actions, their location in the Mandate for Leadership, and the corresponding Executive Orders that wholly or partially enable P2025 goals.
Names usually denote sex and perceived ethnicity.
Numerals only without names and pronouns would have remove much bias.
warfare” is an academic exercise for them. The real working class resent Leftist blowhards
transphobia, or xenophobia. The bigot wants to keep the target of their bigotry “in their place”. That means they resent when Black Americans, PoC, LGBTQIA, women, and immigrants get power
understand we're all on the side of Democracy, and the Republicans are not. We cannot let them divide us..
There are times to err on the side of charity, this really ain't one. It's not like anyone has any illusions about what word Trump would rather use than DEI.
Division comes from… racism, sexism and homophobia - full stop.
people don't like to hear it, but it's true; and "i'm a democrat" or "i'm a liberal" isn't absolution any more than "i have a black friend" or "i voted for obama, twice" are
It might be helpful to take a look at Marx's early manuscripts, but I do not exist to educate you.
Progressives are the most unreliable voting block in the U.S. and it makes me ashamed to be 1
The only DEI hire are those appointed, the loyalists that are all cozying up to him in the WH-
They are incompetent morons -
With not a lot of skills among the cult of Trump.
- Other, more centrist right wingers
- Far leftists
- Reactionaries
so i have no idea what this is saying or who they are talking about.
if you have names, i'd look into it. if all you have is the NYT, it will forever remain a mystery for me.
read the name and the affiliation and then closed the article.
Sanders hates diversity and hates that the Dem party is so diverse... as for the faziz or whatever his name is... it tracks.
i also do not do nyt, but i have a corp sub thru my job, so i use it to give free links so they don't get more money p
if you ever want a free link, just tag me lol
this feed has a lot of free links from paywalled sources too
it just burns my butt when people call Sanders a dem. he's not a dem. but he is left and there are many on the left who hate diversity. and i am sure there are plenty of dems how hate diversity as well.
being a bigot is one hell of a drug.
your rights and opportunities because frail-ass white men don't want to have to compete with Blacks, brown people, women, or disabled people. These are the same people for who the “working class” means white people.
But that's not what this is about
Trump and Co. are just using DEI as an excuse to get rid of women, minorities and anybody else they don't like
That's nothing for anyone who calls themselves a leftist to applaud
Just want to spread this a bit. Social media is great for awareness but let's make sure our energy isn't spent posting in outrage in a vacuum. Let's take actions locally and directly in the world and using social media for information rather then energy wasting machines.
And if each follows that curved line for long enough, it forms a circle where they will meet.
Proceeds to quote "leftists" that very few have even heard of.
And then the author buries way down in the article the actual criticism of DEI from the left - unions are much better at achieving those goals than corporate "initiatives"
What’s more important, our conscience or people’s lives and well being?
I never said one was MORE divisive.
I said they both cause division and if you've been paying attention for the past 10 years the evidence is clear.
I've taught school for thirty years. In the 90s and early 2000s my students, who were in inner-city Miami, didn't worry about racism quashing their hopes and dreams because they didn't think it had any power.
Geez Louise you race obsessionistas are tediously sickening.
White guys: determined to make everything mediocre while criticizing everyone else
They divide us by our tongue,
They divide us men and women,
They divide us old and young,
But they'll tremble at our voices,
When they hear these verses sung,
For the Union makes us strong!
You can’t pull a single thread to fix a textile flawed in its very design.