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It carried mail. RMS sounds cooler and references the queen, therefore RMS Titanic.
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That might cost you more in energy than the creator receives in ad revenue. At that point being a member or a patreon would be more efficient and cost effective.
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Why S.S Titanic. Is RMS Titanic. Was the cartoonist also DEI
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I hope Joe Rogan falls down the stairs at parties.
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Serra paragon, sun titan, Teshar, Angel of glory's rise etc etc. There are dozens if not hundreds or white graveyard recursion effects with and without mana value restrictions. Black is not needed. Self mill is maybe more in black and green, but rummage and looting are primary in red.
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Buster will set base p/t to 7/7 as a nod to FF VII
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Let me know if you need to borrow anything
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Leaving sol ring off the list shows that individual card power level isn't the target and that the real target the deck strategy, win cons, and interaction options that the cards on the list lean you towards. Sol ring is in everything therefore it doesn't lean you in a "problematic" direction.
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Gavin might not want to admit it but precons are 1s. They are unfocused, include bad or dubious cards, have the potential for big moments but rarely and usually for high mana costs. There is a tier of space between precons that are designed to have obvious upgrade space, and optimized decks.
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It's not even midnight and I'm already a pumpkin
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Cardboard is irresistible
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I appreciate you assuming i wasn't being sarcastic because some people are that lost but yes I was joking.
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The plot describes the exact situation behind the relationship status "It's complicated"
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But if they're Nazis and Russia is after the Nazis in Ukraine, then surely Trump would be against the Russian invasion. Geopolitics is just so confusing
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Tempting wurm seems sus
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They deserve their spots on the ban list. Brackets aren't a real control when compared to the banlist, but even considering that they were banned for the sake of the entire format. Rest in pieces
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7 card hands are too big anyway. Where is sire of insanity that ignores no max hand size and fails to end games.
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Get that list crammed full of all the cards. Don't hold back. We get 3 of them in the seemingly average power level, and most decks have or need 0 of the listed cards to be powerful. Stuff the list and make people sacrifice power if they want to say their deck is a 3 or a 2.
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Mld needs a list lol. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger got a spot on the list but is also mld. The real question is why are lands safe from hate but artifact ramp is not. Stax/ 2 card lockouts are not covered at all.
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Except that the formal difference is that in 4 there are no rules and in 5 there are fair play expectations. 4 seems like a no go zone for pub stomp decks that aren't cEDH meta.
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It seems like we got an expanded banlist and the soft ban of MLD formalized. I don't agree with it because the deck building "restrictions" are too loose to actually separate the brackets and it relies entirely on vibes. All my decks are 1s in this system but are bad/budget 2s and 3s in spirit.
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About 6%
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1vs2 and 4vs5 seems like there are only 3 brackets. 1, 3, and all game changers.
I'm not sure what a 2 card infinite is. Does it have to win instantly, or does it count infinite draw, infinite tokens without hase, Infinite mana with no specific outlet... commander as a combo should be important.
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Thanks, now I can hold you 100% responsible for everything good or bad. /s
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Accepting pennies is fine. Rounding to the nearest 5c on the bill is basically invisible for anyone's budget since it averages out to nothing. If they are worth more as scrap, they are scrap.
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Unfortunately americans import steel and aluminum, then sell us products made with them. From cars to canned goods, the metals cross the border a lot. Even products made in Canada may canned in American cans
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I have no friends on Bluesky except for
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Wait, isn't that their whole deal.
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Mono artifacts tap to activate their effects. This is an equipment and has no tap ability.
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This might not be popular here but I like UB card designs, I just hate the frame treatment with the scarring effect that they have.
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GRRM is still kicking. We might get one more.
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Giving shark trample with Brallin seems relevant for the first time ever. Frantic search is free. Ox of agonas seems nice.
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They don't even have to be your goblins, and you can use 3 looters to get the trigger 3 times on a single attacker to draw 3.
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Just guessing that this wouldn't work for monstrous.
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set your deck to WUMBO
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I learned where those zones were, and I took advantage of them. I would get away with holds, travels, and all sorts of minor violations simply because I took the time to understand the officials' limitations.
- Kobe Bryant, national treasure
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Oh, we're doing ad hominems now are we milk man. You don't want people to announce what they're doing before they do it in a card game, and I'm the strange one. Do you have any 2s butter boy?
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You're 21 years old. You should know about concent.
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Not announcing or indicating your triggers would also be scummy though and leads to rewinding when you don't give your opponent the opportunity to respond. You shouldn't assume your effects resolve unimpeded in a game with interaction then create an irreversible game state that can't be rewound.
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Should you open your mouth? Or should you keep it sealed. Oh no... he should have kept it sealed.
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We're going to build the wall. It'll be HUGE! THE BEST WALL YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! it's going the keep all those good juices inside your cells. And outside. Outside too, can't forget outside. Some people forget oitside you know but it's important. More important than inside really.
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This one is on the judge. If the rules are being asked about and the wrong ruling is made, that's a judge mistake. Angle shooting is scummy but even physical sports like football are pro angle shooting at a pro level. It's part of the game. Of course they will only call it out when it matters.
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They banned a bunch of individually good cards, free counterspells, fast mana, alternate wincons, partners, common infinites, tutors, and stuff that prevents casting spells. It would be hard to show up and not have a banned card. Please don't do this LGSs of the world. We like good cards.
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This isn't a liberal echo chamber. For one, you're here spreading imperialist pro-Russian nonsense. Absolutely if both sides keep spending lives and money on the conflict it will never end. Assuming Russia should own and keep the Ukrainian land it's parked on is imperialist nonsense.
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Unpaid russian intern. Cry for this one. Lost in the propaganda machine.
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It's clearly on the graphic though. So good job not finding it. Not supporting Trump here, but they graphic clearly includes Canada's contribution.
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Hello Russian agent. Remember not to accept any strange gifts or stand too close to any windows.
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You were looking for Canada. 2a in the detail view shows the path from Canada.
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2a in the detail view lol
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I like the forced loot inclusion a lot more than wandering jace on the XLN basics.