I’m an atheist that wants to help people that are deconverting from their faith, and answer questions from theists that help them understand where those outside the faiths are coming from.
Please see the pinned post if you would like to have a discussion.
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Please take these cats as a token of sympathy. 😭
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Thank you so much. We’re also planning to have our two kitties turned into gemstones when they pass. They’re everything to us.
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That’s the exact reason I follow Dr. Bart Ehrman’s work. He’s a fantastic NT scholar and professor.
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You have to admire just how loose biblical prophecies are in their applications, the majority clearly written after the events described had already happened.
Take the prophecies supposedly attached to the first coming of Jesus. It’s honestly almost cute how hard they try to graft him onto them.
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If Jesus was a completely separate entity and religion altogether then that would mostly accurate.
But being a monotheistic faith he comes with all of the same baggage of his father, and there’s also the asinine revenge fantasies in Revelations that show the furthest thing from love and peace.
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You know as well as I do that people like this man feel that the only way up is over the necks of those they see as below them.
Gay men did it with the lesbians, lesbians did it to lesbian poc, the transmedicalists over the non-binaries.
Now they wish to profit off of our labor and kick us down.
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I don’t deal with willful ignorance from religious people too well. Either educate yourself on the hard data or be silent. You are screaming into the void and it’s very embarrassing to good rational people that understand scientific research.
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Clearly they have, since the Christians have used the very myths they’ve made up about the Jews to slaughter them in droves, commit the holocaust, and then deny said holocaust based on those same myths.
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You’re not following the actual scientific research and it shows.
I can only believe that you’ve been fed some sort of cancerous religious propaganda/ideology, since that’s the place transphobia emerges from. If you’re happy with that then I will not feed your idiocy shall bid you a good evening.
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Sex is bimodal anyways, since the possibility of intersex conditions blows the traditional binary apart.
XX and XY are just the two ends of the spectrum and the most common genetically. The other expressions fit somewhere between the two ends.
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I’ve never seen a trans person alive that actually believes they can change their sex without us unlocking magic. I’m an XY and that’s okay.
Gender on the other hand is able to changed. It’s an entirely social construct we primates made up to help us put things in boxes. Completely arbitrary.
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I’ve seen what the conservative straight people say about the entire community. They will trash you the moment you help them get their way. They picture you burning in hell right next to me.
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Trans people have been part of the movement and history from the beginning. Why do you feel threatened by people like me?
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I think the only ones that have an actual stake in hating Jewish people are the other two Abrahamic flocks vying for their god’s attention. I’ve never understood the anti-Jewish Christian propaganda myself, because they’re both just objectively wrong from the outside.
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Calling NON-Jews beasts, from verses according to the text of both the Old and New Testaments… is antisemitism?
Alright you’ve lost me there, because I’m not seeing your train of logic.
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I never said they were acting like Jews. I said they were following the actions of Yahweh, the god that is the connecting thread between all 3 Abrahamic flocks. There’s a clear difference.
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Religions have always fought over who has best deity.
Can we not criticize the objectively cruel god shared by all 3 Abrahamic faiths? When did religion become something above criticism when its worship has done harm?
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I stated that Yahweh has always seen non-Jews as disgusting beasts fit for nothing except death and judgement. That’s true up until Paul’s “revelation” that manages to graft Jesus’s salvation onto non-Israelites. It’s right there in the Bible.
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I don’t even know what you’re talking about at this point. The money makers I didn’t even bring up, and if you see criticism of a religion to be a direct attack on its people then you have some issues.
Can we not criticize a religion that has an objectively awful deity at its head?
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If you undertake violence for a god then you’ve already gone too far.
Every idea is up for criticism, and not being able to criticize without it being viewed as an attack is no way to have a conversation. If you have problems with that then they’re just that. Your problems, not mine.
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Christianity and Judaism are so intertwined compared to Islam that criticism of one invariably has collateral damage. The OT is in the Christian Bible for a reason and it’s supposed to be studied too. If that is antisemitism to you, then I can’t help in that matter. Faith isn’t always people.
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The baggage of having three religions with the same god.
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That is what I was talking about yes, thank you for that, but I wasn’t trying to promote it. It’s just extremely interesting how different the early sects of Christianity were and how the faith developed into the various Christianities today. Lore is always fun to read about.
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And because Jesus is the opposite of what the promised messiah was supposed to be, you can see them pull in the OT prophecies and have Jesus doing certain actions that only really makes sense if they’re trying to explain that he IS the messiah they were expecting.
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My favorite thing is to read the gospels in written order vs biblical order, (Mar,Mat,L,J).
You have the secretive Jesus that was adopted by Yahweh to be his son in Mark, with minimal magic. The next three show the legends being built around him until you have the full bore Super Jesus in John.
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I’m a recovering catholic myself, throwing myself back in to understand how we got here. 😂
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I’ll be the first to admit that Christian lore is extremely fascinating when you’re not approaching it with the intent to believe it. The changes through time, differing ideas, and watching a theology getting hammered out in real time.
Like how Yahweh actually came to be “God” is fascinating.
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A true silver lining. I get a cosmic horror feeling when I try to imagine what our world was actually in line with any of the 3 Abrahamics in a biblically inerrant, everything is true method would actually look like. For the Christians that’s untold billions of innocents burning for eternity.
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I applaud them for making the best of a bad situation, of course. It’s a good first step. My problem is that some of that flock use the love stuff to deny the horrible aspects of that god. Or when they insist on omni-benevolence while not taking in the clear indications to the contrary.
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If they didn’t insist on them being the same thing and just had polytheism, they wouldn’t have this murky problem.
One early Christian group supposedly believed that Jesus’s God is actually a completely different god than that of the OT and that here’s here to save us from the OT one.
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You have to consider their trinity. Yahweh is supposedly the exact same entity as Jesus Christ, according to the Christians. He and his father are one, and it does shine through. It’s only Paul that really starts to say that this god is for the Gentiles and not just the Israelites.
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It perfectly follows the cycle of a abusive relationship. Starts with love bombing, the isolation, then gaslighting, then abusive etc.
There's also the thing with "Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender (DARVO)". It's disturbing to see how exactly it matches.
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To deny their Christianity only serves to help them avoid accountability when they do something distasteful to those outside of the faith. This is Christianity working perfectly on all cylinders.
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I’m going to have to respectfully disagree. They are really demonstrating the true nature of Yahweh when they’re brazenly hateful like this. Their god is violent, sees Gentiles as nothing more than beasts to be used, and is incredibly petty. Add to the mix that God is immutable, and it’s clear now.
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1 John 4:20: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen"
Jesus said, “But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.”
Reflect on this.
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Proverbs 18:2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.
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I’m genuinely curious what part shows that, because I must have left a comment I forgot about.
You’ve left me more confused than anything.
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I think he might be in the wrong thread, because I’m not understanding how he reads anger into our words. It’s quite baffling, honestly.
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I think you must be confusing me with someone else. I’m more amused than anything else, partaking of the lord’s lettuce for a good time.
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When you can demonstrate my being “triggered”, I’ll be here.
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I came in peace, but the only one that’s displayed any anger and projection is you. Why so angry and emotional over someone you deem a lost cause anyways?
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3 copies of this comment? Interesting…
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But just because the concept is scary doesn’t give us the right to make things difficult for other people… because they’re just trying to do their best as well.
Screaming into the void because they don’t believe exactly what you do just doesn’t help. Go and spread peace, not hatred and ignorance.
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Death is the scariest thing we can think of, and us humans will do anything to make ourselves feel more comfortable with the idea that one day we’ll just…stop. We worry for those left behind, and hope that they can find joy again after we’re gone.
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I know you’re only doing this because you’re struggling right now. I understand struggling, believe me, stranger. Life is both terrifying and wonderful and we’re just trying to do the best that we can with the time we have left.
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Calling me a liar will not help you with your own doubt.
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Romans 1:18 is the easiest part of Christianity to falsify, because the only thing in the world you can be certain about is the contents of your own mind. If nothing else exists, you know what’s in your head.
So you’re a liar for assuming your book knows my thoughts.
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Calling me a liar doesn’t help you understand the science any better.