Mitgründer Craftplaces | UX-Experte DATEV | #design #ux #musik #filme #radfahren #streetfood #autokorrektur #a11y #genealogie #alkoholfrei
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Man wird ja wohl noch träumen dürfen.
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Aber wo du recht hast: Es ist an der Zeit seinen Digitalen Footprin zu überdenken. Es gibt tolle Alternativen aus der EU & Kanada die helfen den eigen Stack zu Trum Proofen, wie etwa Joan hier beschreibt
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Ja. ->
Deshalb hatte ich es auch im Alt Text erwähnt ;-)
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There’s nothing more to say
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Because children like to lick out the dough and unfortunately there is nothing left for them after use.
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In Germany we call this ‘Kinderschreck’. No matter what shape a vessel has: you can always get everything out of it. #ux
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7 Stunden Podcast: Challenge accepted
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Two timers at the same time.
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Nürnberg hasst den Radverkehr. Versuche immer um die Stadt herum zu radeln.
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Respect. However, the following always applies: sport should be avoided while taking such medication. In the worst case, sport (even 10 push-ups) can lead to inflammation of the heart muscle.
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Dass die CDU das initiiert: keine Überraschung. Aber weshalb machen die Grünen dabei mit? Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust.
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Wir haben in der Hand, was sie dürfen.
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Thanks but: Who should read this wasteland of text? No doubt: good examples and an impressive collection. But without the corresponding visualization, I think the added value or learning effect is rather low.
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My favorite is egg:before
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A small correction suggestion: Simple, transparent privacy settings: Make it easy for ALL USERS to know what data they’re sharing.
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Kann ich dir nur zustimmen.
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Meine Erkenntnis: Wachsende Forderungen nach mehr Polizei/Grenzschutz löst das Problem nicht. Hatte vor Jahren mal ein Gespräch mit Mitarbeiter des BAMF. Am Fazit „Die Regelungen sind zu komplex“ fürchte ich, hat sich nichts geändert. Das kann Merz nicht alleine. Wir sind Europa. Das ist gut so.
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Share Twitter posts here on this platform: It doesn't get any funnier than this.
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Veitsbronn. Aber es wurde ja (soweit ich das verstanden habe) nie versprochen, dass es nicht teurer wird. Es wurde wohl kommuniziert, dass es in Summe auf alle Eigentümer nicht mehr kosten wird.
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Glückwunsch, bei uns 27% mehr.
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My opinion: the necessary adjustments are not as radical as you fear. Check the contrast ratios and adjust colors. I would start with everything that has to do with readability. I would point out these optimizations in the update information. Users are more likely to appreciate this than reject it.
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Aesthetics and accessibility are not contradictory. It takes a good understanding of colors and contrasts to create accessibility on the one hand and to develop appealing designs on the other.
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Since you want to get people to use the desktop version: Communicate this in the mobile version. Do some advertising there for the added value on the other device.
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Suitable words. Same here.
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I had tried mobile. I think the contrast ratios are essential. Perhaps you can find a solution to offer these on a mobile basis.
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Sorry for that.
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It's good that you are concerned with accessibility. In this regard, I recommend optimizing the colors of the illustrations. A light yellow and white do not work together. You could also check the contrast ratio of white lettering to light blue.
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Pleasure is not always the main criterion for evaluating software. I work for a company that develops tax consultant software. Efficiency is the satisfaction factor here. But perhaps in the end this also leads to joy ;-)
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Interesting tool. Have I overlooked the information on the contrast ratio? I think the information on WCAG AA and WCAG AAA is essential for normal and large text. #a11y