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Tell me about it, I am working on abt 8 terabytes. if your resolution needs are not too high .mkv is a good format for saving space
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You would think all of the fats from the fast food he eats would congeal in his veins!
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Who owns England?
That's easy the original cast!
Or perhaps the Bell-Beaker people?
There are also those pesky Saxons to worry about.
Oh I don't know, didn't Willy burn all of the prior claims
right on the hearth at Old Sarum.
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Wow, Great!
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Screaming into the Darkness sounds like my morning routine!
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Oh sure, he is such a "winner".
Can we throw back the president we've caught?
He doesn't measure up!
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I hope there are some tunneling out with spoons too.
I used to think asylums were a good thing until a friend told me her ex had her committed for having postpartum depression, they even gave her electro-shock treatments, now I look askance at anyone who has a relative "put away".
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You had me going for a while there.
Now commandeering all of the machines at the Library might help too.
Oh well, I am hoping X collapses under it's own misbegotten weight.
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Congrats, now did you enjoy them? Hmmm?
Who am I to talk, I have a huge pile that somehow never gets smaller.
Oh yes, I remember now, the classics first, so where is my Greek lexicon!
I stand forth on a great promontory of tomes looking down my nose at...what? Is that the bill?
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Only if you drink their Kool-Aid!
Resist! Resist the temptation to wallow in recriminations, to follow the Orange one into his lair, to turn in your neighbor for being,, woke!?!
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Haha, make mine bread & butter. Oh, but wait, I can't part with some of my oldest friends can I?
Hmm, do they take old catalogues, scrap paper, junk mail?
Yes, I guess I really am addicted to having & keeping large piles of books. Yikes!
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Really, that is so cool. I am still, after many years, digging thru the Internet Archive, there are lots & lots & lots of things that a clever search can turn up. It would not surprise me if "sewing" or "embroidery" searches in the texts section turned up some goodies. Oh, & free to download too.
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Holy Cow! That's great.
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This is what the magas have been doing ever since before the tea party existed. Spreading their fake or misinformed outrage over every outlet and input they can find.
I say, drown them with our righteous wrath!
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Whoa, does that guy's avatar pic look like the Deepseek logo or what?
Oh good heavens, sell like there's no tomorrow, because there may not be.
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Yeah, I wish the Iago character would get caught stealing the silverware or the Queen or something like that to break up the destructive harmony they have got going.
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Also some of the fancier old children's books have great illustrations. I often look for them at book stores which carry older books. One of the best I've seen, The Arabian Nights wi Maxfield Parrish Illustrations. Classic!
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Also if you have an old game cartridge, or anything with exposed contacts, that doesn't seem to be talking to the mothership when plugged in, take an ink eraser and gently scrub the contacts, blow the crumbs off and often "Voila" it works again.
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Yeah nothing is worse than an actor trying to double speak their way thru a scientific explanation, somehow it's OK if they don't quite get Quantum mechanics, but when they really screw up simple things I'm like, meh, enough of that, switch channel.
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Hmm, I think I may have a copy of Netscape on one of my archive discs, it's funny I quit using Netscape when I could not get it for Linux.
My wife did user support for Macs (1990s) & her first response to someone saying the Mac wouldn't boot, would be reach around back and push-in the power cord.
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I am so busy re-writing sentences I have just written, I may never finish my first grand, epic novel in three (or maybe two) parts. Did I mention it is fabulous?
Spite helps me too (I'll show them!).
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So what are we gaining Tommy? It seems that the only gain is our pain for the Orange ones pleasure.
I fart in his general direction!
Spoken with a bad French accent.
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Wow, What a great likeness, including the caption.
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Oh Yeah, Elbows up Mark!
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Gee, isn't Canada still part of the Commonwealth?
And NATO too!
Hmmm, be very careful Mr tRump.
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Tell it Bro. I also stand with my Canadian brothers, Elbows up!
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He needs to keep his $%&## greedy hands off of our money, Lift the cap and stop all of this "Medicare is broken" shit.
After all the way the Stock Market has behaved lately would you trust your retirement to them??
I wouldn't.
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Woohoo! Mark Kelly, he is one of my heroes these days.
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Yeah, besides, she's just a cool person.
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Yup, it's Amerikkka 2.0.
You know as a college student hoping they didn't draw my number during Vietnam. I thought we were a long way from Amerikkka, but it kind of wormed it's way in didn't it.
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Good idea, But Donny-boy would choke on his Big Mac over this.
Hey now I've thought about it, let's just try it.
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Boy howdy, Me too!
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OOH! Scary....Haha, Right on Steven.
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That's about his speed, consider the company he keeps.
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I just thought it might help us vent our displeasure, and strike a blow to Donnie's fragile ego.
Mailing address -
The President,
The White House,
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500
(commas optional?)
Any ideas/comments out there?
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Here's my two cents,
YOU SUCK, please resign
I will never bow the knee to you
Where did you get that awful shade of bronzer?
Anyway, I think you get the picture. If enough of us do this I think the weight of the pennies alone may make an impression on the WH mail room.