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Republican-appointed SCOTUS judge hints that he may be willing to rule against Trump/Musk in a future case concerning accountability for their actions.
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Sumuje srednia 28% Nawrockiego i srednia 16% Mentzena i wychodzi mi 44% zakladajac pelen przeplyw elektoratu mieszy pierwsza i druga tura
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Wow - widac zabory!
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It is bewildering to hear this nonsensical word salad and then in follow up see people - even on this platform- trying in good faith to address and rectify various incidental bits and pieces as if it made any difference.
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I honestly think no AI can make you sound like a proverbial "Harvard grad" in an email if you have little idea about the topic you are supposed to write about.
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Sprawdzilem srednia poparcia dla Trumpa na 538 (zagregowane wyniki najwazniejszych sondazowni) i wynosi ona na dzis +1.3 punkta (przewaga approve nad disapprove) z utrzymujaca sie mocna tendencja spadkowa.
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I was on together with a future presidential candidate Spike Cohen and a host of neocon, pro-W, EuropeOn bashing miscreants. That was my troll academia back in the day.
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Hey, it literally reads the new criteria are supposed to prioritize "communities with high marriage and birth rates", and not communicites which need transportation funds the most. That's like level one logical inference lesson.
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"Brazen". More like "off the deep end batshit stupid".
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Breaking news. 100 guys sent on a special purpose flight costing hundreds of thousand USD. On the same day, several thousand people arrived in the US from India on regular flights. But the Trump show must go on and news organizations are tapped into it lock stock and barrell
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Przeciez zadne poza Chinami nie weszly w zycie. Kanadyjczycy i Meksykanie nie poszli nawet specjalnie na jakiekolwiek ustepstwa. To jest show dla idiotow.
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Nomenklatura apartheidu nienawidzi RPA w obecnej formie.
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Lancuch dostaw wyglada tak, ze czesci przekraczaja granice wielkokrotnie miedzy trzema dotknietymi krajami. Cala produkcja samochodow w Ameryce Polnocnej stoi pod znakiem zapytania.
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Can you at least add "allegedly" between "Tueaday" and "to address"? Otherwise it looks as if you expect your readers to take this outright batshit lunacy seriously.
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Wouldn't you be surprised to learn the thinking goes that those seeking asylum should be deported because they must have escaped asylum in their home countries.
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100%. And Easter Bunny brings presents for good Christians.
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Another friend of Epstein?
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Mysle, ze to calkiem trafna obserwacja - i to w odniesieniu do jakiegokolwiek krola
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That's why i quit Twitter in 2022, came back for 3 weeks in 2024 and quit again. It literally drains your life energy in real time.
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It's South Sea Bubble over and over again
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I have seen a couple of those in comments across platforms, however either without any links or linking obscure news sites. Looks like a MAGA coordinated spin in follow up of Orangeman's message.
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Best everyone can do is not recognise the annexation and wait out until the next administration sees sense.
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If everything is for sale, ask him to offer some red states in exchange. All of them lag behind Denmark in key indicators of human development, so would be beneficial for these territories too.
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Niestety mamy podstawy sadzic, ze wierzy. Czolowi przedstawiciele tego obozu czerpia wiedze nt USA z Breitbarta.
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Na razie mamy glosy "rozsadnych" politykow z wiadomo jakiego obozu drwiacych z dunskiej zwierzchnosci na Grenlandia.
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Moga, ale legalnie zmienic Konstytucji nie moga. Moba probowac reinterpretowac, liczac na przychylnosc Sadu Najwyzszego jako ostatniej instancji, gdzie maja wiekszosc (choc sprawa jest nieco bardziej zawila bo sedziowie wykazuja czasem nieco niezaleznosci)
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Minimalnie powyzej 50% w kazdej z Izb.
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Nie bedzie zadnych nadzwyczajnych deportacji Polakow. "Masowe deportacje" to spektakl dla bazy Trumpa.
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Ogladajac to szambo mozna zrozumiec jak sie robi wode z mozgu trumpoidom.
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Trump odkryl jeden prosty trik zeby pobudzic polskiego incela... sprawdz jak!!!one
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They will blame woke, Biden and immigrants and move on. Sounds like a joke but it's the actual reality.
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2/3 w obydwu Izbach trzeba miec zeby to przeprowadzic - niewykonalne obecnie.
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There was something akin to a special relation between post-1967 Israel and pre-1991 South Africa
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Poczulem ze jest caly nurt dziennikarstwa przypisujacy geostrategiczne racje i wyrafinowane strategie bredniom starego dziada.
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Only this time it's another way round.
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Suffice to say he left our table scoffing. 😅
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I met Yousha in person at a conference afterparty in Poland. I asked him about the podcast. He was unimpressed. 😂
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Nie odczuwamy? Stracilismy sniezne zimy...
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Should have driven along La Ballona
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"Dotarlo"? Przeciez zarowno on - jak i reszta decydentow MAGA - zawsze doskonale zdawali sobie z tego sprawe.
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They can even have artificial snow in the Grove so hillside fog doesn't really do it justice