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Very average player and painter 🤷‍♀️ of miniatures. Italian based in Thionville (France) and at the Tanelorn club 🦄
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++ THE IRON WALL ++ Anchored by the Taurus Mountains to the North and Zagros Mountains in the East, the two horns of the crescent moon, the Invincible Iron Wall of Dhu al-Qarnayn is both the symbol of the Sultanate and the very reason for its existence. - Art by Artem Demura #trenchcrusade

building 7/7: the construction site. Really cut some corners with this one but the campaign is upon us (one more daaaay, one more daaaay). A couple of bits to finish, documents to print, and everything will be ready. "The quest for the first metatarsal of Saint John the Visionary" awaits! #nerdlings

Building 6/7: another house. This one had a floor with wooden walls, so I just primed/basecoated (always the same thing with PVA and craft store acrylics) that part in dark brown, then drybrushed with lighter tones. All the same for the rest, as time does not allow for deviations 😅⌛ #nerdlings

Some trees. I have painted 12 in total (forgot to take pictures here and there) and have 5 pre painted ones, so they will do. Now onto the last couple of pieces. D-2 to the campaign ⌛ #nerdlings

Building 5/7: the manor house (not knowing the correct translation for "maison de maître") Only a couple of days left before the campaign but I am on schedule so I took a few minutes for a very basic OSL around the torches 🔥 #nerdlings

New week, new episode: here's the usual summary of my hobby week with Miniature Monday 📰 feat. painting more terrain for the #TrenchCrusade mini-campaign at my club and more work on the Starfall Valley project (i.e. Mordheim with Trench Crusade rules)

Finished writing 12 scenarios (my target) for the "Starfall Valley" project -i.e. Mordheim rewrite using the Trench Crusade game engine. A mix of symmetric (4), asymmetric (4), and whacky (4). Writing scenarios is fun! #nerdlings #Mordheim #TrenchCrusade

building 4/7: another ruined house. Really like the profile of this one. This one as well opens on three floors but forgot to take the picture of the three pieces separated. I also painted two trees, but didn't take pictures of those too😅 3 buildings and 6 trees to go #nerdlings

Building 3/7: a ruined house. Another quick paint job as the end of the month (i.e. the mini campaign for which I am painting this stuff) gets closer ⌛ #nerdlings

Writing scenarios for the "Starfall Valley" project. Don't forget to hydrate! 🚰 #nerdlings

New week, new episode, get your free copy of Miniature Monday here: 📰 feat. getting terrain, painting terrain, and rewriting Mordheim (?) #nerdlings

Building 2/7 painted: a house. Same quick technique as the church: base coat + priming with PVA glue and cheap acrylics, then drybrush, then diluted speedpaints to pick up wooden parts (Fire Drake) and roof (Caribbean Ocean) #nerdlings

First building painted of the 3d prints I received this week. I started with the church as it is a) the biggest, b) the most interesting for the upcoming Trench Crusade campaign. Very quick paint job as it befits a piece of terrain 😅 #nerdlings

Terrain! Just received a big box of 3d printed buildings/ruins. They all open and are accessible on multiple floors, something which I love for skirmish games. And of course the church will fit well with Trench Crusade 😅 let's see how many I can get painted by the end of the month! #nerdlings

New week, more hobby: fresh off the press here's another episode of Miniature Monday 📰 feat. hosting and winning a (small,local) #AoS team tournament, and painting terrain for my club

So we, like, won this one as well??!? 😅🎉 Between the two tournaments my team (Nicornes, from the Tanelorn club) went 6-0 winning the team league by a good margin. Don't know how this team of dad-hammerers did it, but we had a blast and it was great to share it all ❤️

Second step of the #AoS team league: 1-dayer team tournament and we host it: happy to welcome the teams from the neighbouring regions! Helped prepare the room yesterday so I must remember to sit down a bit during my games today 😅👴 bringing the same-ish no brain SCE list, let's go 🔥

Finished painting some terrain for my club -printed by the resident "clubmate with a filament printer". They'll be generously covered in varnish and delivered to the club this weekend. They're meant for #TrenchCrusade but of course will fit perfectly with other modern/futuristic systems

Eire Kern for "What do you mean the English aren't heretics" #trenchcrusade #art

another home-made wall section ready! Cardboard, kitchen paper, PVA glue and now also (used) coffee powder for the basing. #nerdlings

New week, more hobby. Here's another episode of Miniature Monday! 📰 feat. a terrain focused week #nerdlings

Full review of the Gloomspite Gitz battletome for Age of Sigmar 4 is here!! Please share it around so people can see it

Built two simple wall sections with cardboard, kitchen paper, and PVA glue (following the videos from Selrahc Games on YT). Easy, cheap, and effective -plus, more arts&crafts stuff to share with the little one #nerdlings

what if the Lord of the Ring but on a Greek island? 🤔 Part of my "push to get more terrain ready". This one is for the Trench Crusade mini-campaign which takes place on the island of Patmos

New week, new Miniature Monday: get your free copy here 📰 feat. painting 10 kitbashed Vigilors for my next #AoS team tournament, colouring in a piece of MDF terrain, and publishing my first mini-campaign (in French) for #TrenchCrusade

WIP of the "colouring in a piece of MDF terrain with alcohol based markers". 1) it works 2) it looks a bit cheap here and there but it's terrain 3) it's fast (also quick to start and put away) 4) it's great to just sit down side by side with my daughter and do our colouring in together ☺️

My mini-campaign for Trench Crusade ("La quête du premier métatarsien de Saint Jean le Visionnaire") is live! It's in French -but any online translator should give you a good idea of the scenarios if not of the little narrative parts

New week, new Miniature Monday! 📰 grab your free copy here: feat. kitbashing some Vigilors for #AoS , building MDF terrain and finishing the first draft for my #TrenchCrusade campaign!

Draft draft draft! 🫣 Printed my mini-campaign for Trench Crusade so that I can proofread in paper version. Happy to have managed to stay exactly 16 pages for booklet style printing

I need some Vigilors (5 or 10) for the next AoS team tournament. Keeping up with the vow of not buying new stuff until I recycled all the minis going to legends 😢, here's my Sacrosanct Vigilors! 🌩️ Having converted all (15-ish) my hammer&shield Sequitors, I have started using the Evocators as well ♻️

Finished writing the short narrative introduction for my Trench Crusade campaign. As always, it's in French and written by a non-native speaker, soz!

they are also great for playing hide&seek apparently

A study on rocks 🪨 I am particularly happy with the limestone and the pink granite (the two pairs on the left). Part of my 2025 push for getting more terrain ready

New week, new Miniature Monday, with a rare (these days) post-tournament edition! feat. winning a (very small, very local) AoS team tournament

Somehow we ended up winning this (small, local) thing 🫣 I went 3-0 with a pre-battlescroll Karazai/longstrikes/Palladors list (how original), but that's mostly thanks to my team always putting me in perfect matchups. Downside: now I need to actually read the battlescroll

One dayer team tournament. Even though I am definitely out of love for AoS right now, a day with my clubmates is always lovely 😍

First scenario of the Trench Crusade mini-campaign I am writing is ready! Switched to black&white/greyscale for the layout to make it more printer friendly, just in case #TrenchCrusade

As I am welcomed back after the break with a cold and an IT malfunction, it's good to remember this amazing highlight from the holidays: the first "battle ready" miniatures painted and based entirely by my daughter (who's 3.5yo). Incredibly happy to have shared this moment ❤️ #nerdlings #Oathmark

Miniature Monday 101 is out with the customary New Year's Resolutions (2025 edition) and happy new year everyone! #nerdlings #TrenchCrusade

I’ve had so much fun looking at a variety of games this year…..yet there’s still SO many I didn’t cover….check out this video, for a brief review on many more.

New week, new Miniature Monday, and for episode 100 you get my 2024 Hobby Retrospective! 🥳 36 games layed 130 miniatures painted (not counting terrain) across 7 game systems #AoS #40k #TheOldWorld #SAGA #Conquest #TrenchCrusade #SilverBayonet

Start the Winter break (if applicable) with a new episode of Miniature Monday 🗞️ Feat. Finishing my homemade Stormreach portal for #AoS and 3 more Palladors just in time for the nerfs 🤣 PSA: 2024 Retrospective next week, 2025 Resolutions the week afterwards

Just in time for them to catch a (likely deserved) +20 points, I have finished painting 3 Palladors -I'll be playing them in a team tournament which won't apply the new FAQ due to the cutoff date. I kitbashed the one in the middle to replace a lost one #AoS

Some trench ghost sketches from the legendary Mark Gibbons! Mark will be bringing his extraordinary talents to bear on the upcoming TC rulebook

Just smashed out a full Orruk Warclans battletome review video for Christmas!! Hope you like it Youtube: Share for Christmas

❄️MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM RASCALTOWN!❄️ We've JUST released our new Rascaltown scenery kit featuring rabbits sledding on a badger & a reindeer all tangled up in lights 🥹 I absolutely LOVE this set and I cant wait to paint it up myself! So grab your own now at! #rascaltown #christmas