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Euro; Netherlands
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1.99 for 10 eggs (and no we won't export to the US anymore)
Good luck with Trump.
Sad to see that he will not only screw up the US but also many other countries in his mad dash for more power.
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Awful indeed!
I think the rest of NATO should also stop sharing info/intelligence with the US. Cannot be trusted anymore (not to share info with Russia).
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Of lees de brief van Lech Walesa aan Trump nav het oval office fiasco:
"Materiële hulp - militaire en financiële - kan niet gelijkwaardig zijn aan het bloed dat vergoten wordt in naam van onafhankelijkheid en vrijheid van Oekraïne, Europa en de hele vrije wereld."
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yes, but it's a bit like climate change: most people agree on it but it's not high on their daily (nor elections) priority list.
We will see what happens. But I would not be surprised if most Americans accept a bad deal for Ukraine if it means better economic deal for US.
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because they don't really care about this issue...
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The amounts of CO2 stored are actually very low in 2 of the 3 scenarios. And compared to many assumptions about AI impact (surge) and efficiency/behavior improvements (Horizon) and long term storage (all) the challenges of scaling up CCS are a piece of cake I would say.
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AI 😉🤔?
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not a good war to go if they had a choice.
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Is this not merely a reflection of the lower required filling targets per 1 February? the later in the winter season the lower the required filling %.
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A CTBO would require fossil fuel producers & importers to permanently store a rising percentage of the CO2 emissions from their products. Read the report here:
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waarom niet naar Afrika kijken? grote groei van LNG export daar. Lange termijn contracten EU-Afrika met technology transfer en afspraken over methaan/CO2 emissies. Stuur liever geld naar Afrika dan naar Trump of Qatar. Die hebben al genoeg vediend aan fossiel.
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tsja, vandaar deze voorzet voor Sophie en Silvio...
Overigens denk ik dat een linkse regering ook niet helpt want die doet net of we in NL binnenkort geen fossiel meer gebruiken. En wil alles meteen *echt* duurzaam, ongeacht de kosten en vertragingen.
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je moet altijd doelen stellen, maar liefst doelen die weinig interventie behoeven bij veranderingen. Met een CTBO moeten producenten/importeurs zorgen dat er ook genoeg koolstof permanent wordt opgeslagen. 100% in 2050 kan weinig of veel zijn.
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And this probably won't help either.... should Canada replant trees if/when they burn down at high northern latitudes?
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as always, the whole story appears to be more nuanced:
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can you use blocklists also as 'starter follow lists'....🙃🤭🤔?
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check out this post and info for more scientific background info:
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thank you!
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hi, can you add me also?
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Link to first report (see chapter 2):
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what we proposed in our first report is to make this symetrical: creating ownership and accountability for geostocks monitoring (and getting fluxes in/out to net zero on time), accountability for biocarbon (LULUCF) STOCKS monitoring, and adding emission accounting for CO2 emissions from biomass. 4/x
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Emissions are reported when bio-stocks are harvested; not by the user/emitter.
For the geosphere we do the opposite at the moment: we don't track flows in/out and the emitter is responsible for and has to report emissions. 3/x
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The 'like for like' principle then mainly applies to carbon stocks accounting. With biosphere carbon storage credits being non-tradeable with geosphere storage credits. Interestingly, it already works like that for biosphere (LULUCF) and for sustainable forestry criteria. 2/x
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Now we're getting deep into carbon accounting basics...
Indeed, in our first Carbon Takeback Obligation report we proposed to split emission accounting (in/out atmosphere) from carbon stock accounting. And to split carbon stock accounting into 2 groups: geosphere and biosphere. 1/x
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The paper argues for separate accounting biosphere carbon and geosphere carbon. This means that it would be ok to offset emitted/lost soil carbon (eg because of a housing development) with soil carbon credits. Or a chopped down forest with forestry credits.
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If you allow use of avoided emission credits to offset actual fossil carbon emissions then we will never reach atmospheric net zero. And definitely not geological net zero.
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This is very much in-line with the paper that we published last week arguing that only durable removals are consistent with Paris agreement goals to stabilize global temperatures:
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indeed, I know him as very knowledgeable, open for discussions, but also not afraid to call out where he thinks errors are made or incorrect conclusions drawn. Hopefully Bluesky users are not afraid to be challenged on content.