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Author ‘Up Dinc-Bottom’ (Amazon). Humanist. Composer of orchestral and electronic music. Graphic Designer. Virgo. UK. Proud father of Loren & Soph.
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Now that’s a State visit

Great idea. They do t do this already? 😂🦋💙🦋

I start every day by checking the news to see what has happened in the world and every day I find that Trump has made it worse - never better. So sad and so very depressing.

Forever 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

The ugly ugly truth 🦋💙🦋



Remember Jan 6th? There’s a saying - “what goes around, comes around. I look forward to the day people march en-masse to remove Trump and his cronies and his words about not breaking the law if you are saving the country will come back to haunt him.

It has taken less than a month in office for Trump to make a mess of the world. It’s only going to get worse unless a large number of your republican representatives grow a spine and work to stop him.

Europe can’t rely on the strength of the transatlantic relationship to help contain Russia’s threat – it must lead from the front and be the true force of support that Ukraine needs. Not just for Ukraine’s sake, but for a free and sovereign Europe.

We're just too nice. Too civil. Too accepting. We need to stop.

DISEASES ERADICATED OR DECIMATED BY SCIENCE: 1. Chickenpox 2. Diphtheria 3. Measles 4. Pertussis 5. Pneumococcal Infection 6. Polio 7. Tetanus 8. Typhoid 9. Yellow Fever 10. Smallpox DISEASES ERADICATED OR DECIMATED BY RFK JR. OR PRAYER: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

This is all a bad dream. Don’t expect it to end in four years time. The chances of there being free and fair elections are very remote now. Pretty soon, they will go after the judges who rule against them.

At some point, even the Republican politicians must say enough is enough? I can’t believe what he’s doing to the FBI, DoJ and CIA resonates with their alleged ‘law & order’ doctrine. None of The West’s security services will go near America with their intelligence right now. Too risky.

After Netanyahu tried to bomb them out of existence, Palestinians now have Trump wanting to turn their land into a holiday resort. It is obscene and unbelievably crass.

I am right in thinking everyone wants to Rejoin the EU aren't I? Like if you do RT if you really do

It’s always puzzled me that evolution didn’t give us telescopic arms. 🤔😳

Sickening to read in the news how Trump is using a tragic air accident and loss of life to promote his lies. Hard to think of a more vile individual.

The UK has been arguing about building a third runway at Heathrow for more than 2 decades- I checked. Utterly ridiculous dithering.

To Mars, maybe? With Leon?

Seeing talk (Rep Andy Ogles R-TN) of amending the US constitution to allow Trump to run for a 3rd term. Entirely predictable. Why stop at 3? In fact, why bother to have an election? Why not be honest and just say you want an end to democracy?


So many of the news articles in the UK discuss Trump and his actions as if there was some deep philosophy behind them or an understanding of world affairs. There are neither of those things, just any empty, ignorant vessel driven by a malignant narcissistic ego.

This is amazing: we are a collection of atoms in a (possibly) infinite universe THAT KNOWS it is a collection of atoms in a (possibly) infinite universe. 🤔😳

I’m generally a very calm, quiet, compassionate, empathetic and forgiving person. So it surprises me just how much I loathe Trump - to the point of hatred. I cannot even bear hearing him speak and I know I’m not alone in this. How can one individual provoke such a profound response in others?

78 1/2 years old, unfamiliar with our history. A rambling empty head.

Only a few days now until American democracy gets its legs broken. One wonders how long it will be until Trumps much desired military parades start and if he will have a special CinC uniform made for the occasion? Swear allegiance to the President rather than the constitution and so on. Trumpolini 🤔

Call me Ebenezer if you must but I am getting slightly sick of being told to jingle my bells and deck my halls every time I turn on the radio or TV. They’re urging us to book our summer holidays as well! WTF?

Has anyone actually seen a real, live, red nose reindeer? I’ve watched all of David Attenborough’s stuff and he never said anything about them. 😳

I just heard someone on the news talking about the ‘man who cannot be named’. I like that. It would look impressive on my CV and passport 🙃

This is a Melanistic Fox one of the most beautiful and most rarest in the world.

"The new arrangement represents one more step toward cooperation between political and economic development." -- NY Times 11/21/1938.

Pretty damn spot-on, don’t you think?

Could two followers please copy & re-post this tweet to show that someone is always there? 👇🏽 National Suicide Prevention Hotline 👇🏽 Call: 0800 689 5652 (UK) 1-800-273-8255 (USA) 1.833.456.4566 (Canada) 🙌🏽 Copy... Not retweet.

Satan, come get your spawn, we're deporting them.

People ask me why, as someone from the UK, I follow so many US accounts? It’s because the mess Trump will make of US democracy, economy & environment will have repercussions around the planet. People in the UK need to wake up to this.