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Curious soul, interested in how we might explore and design for other ways of living together, human and more-than-human alike. Play activist, PhD, Postdoc, at Lab for Play Design, Kolding School of Design.
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Det er netop sagen - vi er så forblændede af forestillingen om ubetinget individuel frihed og uafhængighed at vi fuldstændig overser solidaritet og det kollektive ansvar vi altid har for hinandens muligheder for at leve gode liv sammen. Før vi indser det kommer vi ingen vegne.

Fuck you Facebook. That was the first thought I had when I woke up this morning. Followed by: What ministry is Mark Zuckerberg volunteering to manage for the dictators of the world? Ah, yes. The Ministry of Empowerment. And here's a rager of a blog post on this:

Great thread 👇

As I'm slowly becoming friends with our horse (can you ever really own a horse, though?), it encourages me to think in new ways about humans & more-than-humans, troubling my assumptions in so many ways. What an exciting adventure we have embarked on together 🐴

We just bought a horse & it's a whole new world for me. Camilla grew up on horseback, I most certainly did not. Let's just say there's much I need to learn. That said, she's a beautiful, sweet animal, so big, but patient, gentle & playful ❤️🐴

"Det kræver en særlig vulgær økonomisme at kigge på de sidste 20 års udvikling i USA som en anvisning, snarere end en advarsel. Samlet set er det ikke europæerne, der lever i en taberregion." #dkpol […]

Such a beautiful record! And a moment of peace before the guests arrive...

Had been out & got a spontaneous urge to make a fire. It's a bit cold & windy, but the flames, hot chocolate & blackcurrant rum helps. What a year, huh?

Det lyder enormt spændende og Katrine er skidedygtig 💪❤️

På Uddannelsesdebatten deltog jeg i en samtale om uddannelse, demokrati, leg & skrammellegepladser. Der var en masse gode spørgsmål & det var en stor fornøjelse. Nu ligger samtalen som podcast via Pædagogisk Extrakt, bla her #skolechat #uddannelse

We did some tremendously refreshing (if a little cold) fieldwork in a project last week. I love it & am again reminded that more of my work should take place outdoors. It is always where I feel most alive.

I'm working on a paper, trying to "get to the point" & now I'm pondering that expression. Isn't it weird? If one would argue that process is everything, then getting to the point is not so important, is it? One point of convergence, that is rarely what I'm after.

Save the date to Play for the Planet! If you’ve got an interest in game design, education & research in the context of climate and ecological crises, why not join us in York on 25th April 2025 to connect and share experiences. Sign up to attend & contribute at

Reminds me of Hannah Arendt about loving the world & Jane Bennett who argued "to some small but irreducible extent, one must be enamored with existence and occasionally even enchanted in the face of it in order to be capable of donating some of one’s scarce mortal resources to the service of others"

I feel a bit rusty with this kind of social media space. When Twitter was best (which is some years ago), it was a space for thinking out loud, for sharing the unfinished, for encountering new ideas & ways of thinking, for passionate conversations & for exploring differences.

Det virker simpelthen ikke gennemtænkt, men måske er det netop dét? Måske er AI netop en løftestang for en ideologisk motiveret reduktion af det offentlige? Hvis man i forvejen ser alt ikke-privat som et onde, så kommer AI jo som sendt fra en neoliberal himmel.

Last week, we ran a writing workshop for some of our MA students at Kolding School of Design. We proposed "writing as design" to draw it closer to their practice as designers. If writing is prototyping & giving shape to a material, how might that change their relationship to writing?

I'm still finding my feet here, so do feel free to suggest connections - I'm interested in almost anything, especially life, love, play, design, democracy, writing & other important things 🤣

Haven't quite found myself or anyone else here, but it sure looks and feels familiar, huh? Makes me nostalgic & dream of the times when social media were fun, full of wonderful people & amazing conversations. Is that still possible?