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Global Head of Business Excellence w/ 10+ years in strategy, analytics, and transformation @ €10bn corp. I provide free advice & intervision on business, career, and work-related challenges. Navigate complex decisions, optimize processes, and unlock growth
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Entering a constructive dialogue with likeminded frustrated people can aid in improving the day-to-day challenges one faces. This, in turn, can lead to people getting a more tangible hold on their situation and thereby be able to influence their surroundings more and more, leading to actual change.
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So, structural changes in the daily life of the average person to lift them up and increase the influence within their economy-impacting circles? No? Just complaining on the internet? Aight then
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With the current uncertainty in SK, investing in another uncertain, possible bubble about to pop market is even worse than investing in the own market. At least the money would keep circulating, albeit lossmaking. Now it’ll be lossmaking in another country.
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Because the poor are in-fighting too much to open their eyes to the reality. That allows the rich to keep shitting on them and saying whatever they want. In the end there are just a few people here and there raising their voice towards the abyss
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Does this mean Russia has universal healthcare? Lots of ‘high’ ppl ‘falling’ out of windows there
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With the energy needs for something like this, I’m hoping it’s just one of the many lies these companies tell to secure investments
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Unfortunately with the enshittification of everything, even the more expensive stuff is made cheaper to maximize profit margins, yet with marketing and branding, they fool the masses into thinking they’re buying higher quality goods as it sometimes used to be.
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By pitting the working class against each other, the upper class takes the steam off of their backs and ensures that people remain poor and also do not rise up to try and change the oppression system. The more people realize this fact and learn the game, the more we will get closer to a real change.
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Everything is becoming increasingly gamified. People who have now gotten their attentionspans reduced and dopamine receptors fried will eat this shit up. It’s all about prospects of getting rich quick and entertainment in basically everything from daily life to big politics. What a time.
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Outlets like the NY times putting out content faster than I can scroll. Makes people not even bother reading the articles and just making up their minds purely on the misleading captions.
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People are (sub)conciously afraid that the beliefs they’ve held onto their entire life may be wrong and that there’s more to life than just black and white. It’ll shatter their identity as they’ve based it completely on what others have imposed on them. The comfort of ignorance cannot be understated
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Unfortunately it’s not just a problem of today. I remember ever since I’ve been aware of my own existence that it’s been this way. One of the positives of social media is that we have the opportunity to spread more awareness and start moving against this type of manipulation of society.
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To think that they went from a very offputting initial design, to listening to what the people actually wanted to see and pay for. Got them a trilogy (so far) vs a trainwreck of a single movie. In adaptations, sticking to the source material for key elements is crucial, others can learn from this.
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This is how Europe utterly failed in handling the pandemic whereas countries like South Korea were faring much better. Preparedness and speed. The article mentions cutting red tape and streamlining processes, which I fully support. A good way forward, but not enough. Observe and adapt quickly.
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Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel for everything, costing more money and time, try to learn from leading countries on subject matters. This is how countries in Asia became as strong as they are now. As Europe historically has been the trailblazer, this might feel like a new concept, but try.
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Europe in its current state is none of the above. With rampant discrimination and increasing racism across the board, it’s no wonder that Europe is falling behind on others in terms of economic prosperity and growth. The future looks grim financially, and won’t change with mere ‘motivational’ words.
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Instead, focus inwards and work towards increasing influence. Influence can be grown by gaining more knowledge. Knowledge can be acquired by sharing experiences with other individuals. This is the people in power got there (many ofc with more predatory tactics). Let’s do this right, ethically.
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Try not to focus or blame the government, upper class, and big corporations. They do what they do because they are influenced by eachother. Wasting your time worrying about that will only keep that in place. Protesting outside will at most make them change their methods to fool you.
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Let’s approach this professionally, patiently, and passionately to start changing things step by step. It all starts with you and moves upwards, but big changes can only come if you pull up others with you. Share the knowledge, if you can spare some money, invest in others. In the end we all win.
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I am not advocating for socialism or communism, just for a more fair system and treatment across the board. If that can be achieved, then people can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and put in the work to achieve success. A level playing field is a necessity.
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The government is not going to help you, nor are the people in the upper class. In this increasingly individualistic world, more people will suffer. But the thing is, there is more than enough to go around.
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Everything from tests being graded unfairly at school, to job applications being thrown out, to having to work harder than the locals to prove your ‘worthiness’, purely due to your demographics. I have fought my way out, and would like to support others to not experience the same growing pains.
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I am here to share my experiences, knowledge, and support to those struggling. I come from humble beginnings, as my immigrant family moved to a distinctly racist country and has struggled for years. I was blessed enough to make it out of the system, but not without the many challenges.
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My goal is to make life more comfortable for everyone who has been unfairly treated in their societes, be it due to corruption, discrimination, not having a headstart, not having the connections, not coming from a rich family, etc. As I cannot do this on my own, I hope to find likeminded individuals
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Building collective knowledge on how to act and grow more effectively, will enable more financial comfort and influence within the respective spheres. By extending the improved hand to less fortunate people, this pool can keep growing and start shifting influence from micro to macro environments.
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Influencing change comes from power. Power can be attained by accumulating a large group of people, in this case the middle class and below. Making sure that people in these classes start supporting eachother can lead to a paradigm shift in how things have been accepted as the status quo.
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Collected taxes from the middle class and below are being spent frivolously, whereas the upper class and large corporations have their methods to avoid paying taxes are actively getting support from the government. Yet without change to this system, complaining about it is futile.
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Without instilling and fostering a togetherness culture in the European countries, the gap between rich and poor will only increase Immigrants will remain isolated and not be able to contribute to the growth goals at their full potential, and braindrain from the continent will only increase.
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Seeing as how many people are still coughing out into the open in public shows that we as a species have not learned our lesson when it comes to dealing with airborne infectious diseases. It’s just a matter of when, not if. Those who fail to learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them.
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NY has anti-terrorism laws that incl crimes meant to intimidate private sectors like healthcare Charge - Premeditated - Healthcare industry intimidated & Public opinion influenced w/ Anti-healthcare manifesto Defense - Personal grievance - Terrorism laws often over-applied in individual grievances