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Stop buying this junk! It’s ugly anyway! 🤮
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When you throw 10k people into unemployment no money, no jobs genius it will hurt the economy! Didn’t really think that one through did you?
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Both pages taken down
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Would think they have something better to do! They act like bullies on the playground can dish it out but can’t take it! He just picking on him because he thinks Garcia is scared he is warning everyone that he gonna come after them! Wow! How the fuck did we get here!
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It was never a question NEVER! these people we always gonna get confirmed it was just for show! So do they think he won’t come after them! Just wait it’s a matter of time!!! Or did he already threaten them! Either way I am done with trying to reach across the isle!
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Maybe the people of Kentucky will choose someone who can lift them up and not sell them out! I really hope they can see past all the BS but I don’t know! Time will tell!
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Don’t hold your breath for that measly 5k. They supposedly saved billions why couldn’t get 20k or more? What the fuck is 5k?
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True dat! I’m with her I’m chilling getting my rest! I voted to save the “many” and I feel
Like I have been beaten down! They want what they are getting so move bitch get out the alway and let them have at it!
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He acts like an in the closet person! Just saying. It’s probably where the internal hatred comes from!
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Wrong color they better stay out the sun they will start turning brown! 😂
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Hate is a form of flattery you know I bet he secretly likes her and is mad about it. She is pretty and smart and sassy !!
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Yep no American would destroy their own country or their own people! He is not an American! Gonna read this book before it’s banned!
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Keep it going!
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Ah come on don’t give mediocrity a bad name! These MOFOs are well below that!!!
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No matter what you do you will still be the minority! You can deport us all, starve us, fire us, steal our money no matter what you do! But keep fucking with people you will find out their power! I say boycott Missouri nothing there anyway! Send their tourism to the toilet!
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Keep it up
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The Stupidity is just plain astounding!
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You know she been kinda quiet other than trying to get jacked by Crockett!
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Of course it is a creepy man! Yuck
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This is what we pay their salary for to track someone’s period and pregnancies! Wow! This is absolutely ludicrous!
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We have to at some point stop fighting with each other and shut this treasonous shit down!
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The worst Postmaster General ever!!!!
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If the math was correct this would imply people weren’t doing their jobs! And if so go after those people and the ones who are cashing the checks weed them out! You don’t just cut of everyone just stupid and lazy!
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How you gonna make decisions about what another whole country gonna do! This is not up to either of them! Europe needs to do something before these two fuckwads destroy the world! WTF
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Or don’t even give you any boots! You have to figure out how to make them yourselves!
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If I was a woman I would be afraid to work with these people! Too many rapist and sexual predators in one place!
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They are all so gross!🤢 sexual predators, drug addicts, thieves, rapists, fraudsters and somebody is the drug dealer! Yuckety Yuck Yuck!!!
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The damage is done the 1st hack was 3 weeks ago! Our information is on the dark web! They have already stolen what they want! So logically and magically none of these jokers are in charge!
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Liar liar pants on fire!
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I care been saying this since that friday when it was 1st done. You are right but I think it’s less than half. Not sure if they understand the magnitude of what Elon has done.
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Classic! Now people want a few people in congress to do what 30% I mean millions of people did not give a damn to even vote. And the other bored for this shit show!
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Show them our power!!!
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Then they will go out of business and be bought up by billionaires.
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They will just blame Biden. Stupid fuckers
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They have Mitch McConnell they are gonna be alright! They don’t want help from liberals! Stupid fuckers.
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No they are why we are here with a wanna be king!
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Why is this even a story he doesn’t give a fuck about nobody but himself! I am not shocked or surprised!
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I never in a million years thought they was on OUR side. I saw though his BS when he tried to execute those innocent black men! I wish more people did too now we all suffer!
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I’m sorry he is just like the rest of them! I don’t trust him!
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So the world has to suffer cause these people who the people put in place decide to sell us all out to the detriment of our health! Every death every tragedy is on them and the people who voted for them!
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Too many falling out the sky for me sorry it’s gonna be a no!
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$5 I’m on my way!!!
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And we are here again trying to destroy us and anyone that doesn’t look like them! It never ends OMG it’s fucking exhausting!
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What is this #6?
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Bet if we stop eating them or buying them for a week they will go down!