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Mr trump is a beast a Antichrist a 666

Trump is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

He is a real hero!

Kamala Harris warned us.

I can’t say #FuckTrump enough after watching Trump with Vance and Zelensky talking about a ceasefire and acting like Zelensky isn’t grateful to USA! Give me some F Trumps and F Vance in comments. I plan to boost all I can soon. Like ❤️ Repost for more friends and follows 🔂 #BlueStormcomin1

If you support #Ukraine and #Zekensky I want to 🐾 you. My followers also want to 🐾 you. Comment #Ukraine Like the post Repost me please #BlueStormBoosts

Happy Thursday friends 👋 If you want to meet more resister friends drop a 💙 If you haven’t been boosted in 4 days comment boost. Please like ❤️ Please repost 🔂 #BlueStormBoosts #NoDemUnder5k

The front page of the New York Times, July 31, 1965, showing LBJ signing the Medicare and Medicaid Act of 1965 into law in the presence of Harry Truman.

1-As shown in the image, this signature is 666, referring to Donald Trump. The "Son of Perdition," also known as the "lawless one," is a fitting description of Trump, considering his infidelities and crimes. He operates according to Satan’s movement, performing various signs and wonders.


川普就是敌基督666,你和老灯等老民运之前支持川普,不少年轻有智慧的人都和你们互相拉黑从此彻底鄙视民运,对中国民主运动来说是分裂性的破坏和倒退。附上川普是敌基督的圣经解读,传播出去,这个重要的点可以唤醒不少基督徒。 如图,这个签名就是666,就是唐纳德.川普。“沉沦之子”,又叫“不法的人。也是对川普的一个很好的形容,比如他出轨,比如他犯罪。是照撒但的运动,行各样的异能神迹,川普躲过子弹,以及一到洛杉矶,就给洛杉矶山火带来降雨都是一些异能。但是更大的提示还是飞机坠毁,短短一个月,十次航空安全事故。象征着大灾的到来。


There is no doubt that Trump swore not according to the Bible. Trump's victory was in August 24, when the strange white horse appeared in the Olympic Games, corresponding to the first seal of the seven seals of the Apocalypse. The Antichrist was born in the Roman Empire (United States)

Can we block his presidency? Asking for a friend.


马应龙和MAGA在基本利益上是对立的。他们的共同点是白人至上主义。 但大多数MAGA是没有能力参与分赃的,他们注定是炮灰。

据悉,12月13日美国前众议院议长佩洛西在卢森堡受伤,髋部骨折。我们不要忘记女神对自由民主的帮助,那些得过她庇护的华川粉滚出来去看望她,首先做个人再谈什么反共还是反民主党。 Pray for Nancy Pelosi 🙏

①这次大选可能让许多人大吃一惊,似乎看清了美国真相,至少我就是失望透顶的那个。然而冷静下来回顾历史,美国本就是那么复杂,有多少好就有多少坏,只是过去还带着点古典风格,坏得没现在这么赤裸裸、明目张胆。今天再说个古,看看一位应召女郎的老板娘是如何撼动、或者试图撼动美国政坛的。 D. J. Palfrey是一家高档会所的老板,她本人生活在加州San Diego,却用电话遥控着华盛顿特区上百个容貌秀丽、清一色大学以上教育水平的高级应召女郎,客户涉及美国首都政、军、商界,90年代末至千年初,她手中的客户名单多达1.5万个。她为人低调谨慎,从不打听客户情况,也从不同女郎们在电话或者邮件中讨论生意。